Follow these few tips and you should start to see your golf shot greatly improve.
So, your golf swing needs improvement and you know it? Here are some tips in making better golf swings.
Tip no. 1. A great golf swing does not mean you have to swing with arms.
Behind your back, put your golf club while you turn your back to your target. It is like taking your club back as you hinge your arm at your shoulder. You could also practice the drill known as no arm.
Tip no. 2. You should not forget cocking wrists.
Do not forget cocking your wrists. This might be difficult at first, but it will be natural to you with enough practice. Uncocking your wrists in your follow through.
Tip no. 3. You should let the left arm rotate clockwise slightly when you start the back swing.
It is not really something that you actually should remember. It naturally happens if you would just allow it. This just means that you should not resist this movement that is just natural. You might not notice it, but you might have been resisting this movement because this causes the head of your golf club to go open slightly when you swing it. Just allow it to happen.
Tip no. 4. Plant your feet firmly on the ground.
You might have copied this from baseball. That is, letting your foot heel in front to come above the ground when you swing your golf club back. Some people think that by doing this so, their back swing feels more huge.
It is something of note that lifting the front heel can easily make the body coil and for tension that much harder to build. Letting the foot roll freely to the inside is fine. However, one should keep that foot on the ground to make golf back swing well-anchored.
Tip no. 5. From the bottom golf down swing.
Assuming that you accomplish all the drills correctly ?from the golf stance, the golf grip you have, and your golf back swing. But you can still ruin everything if you begin the golf swing that you have with the shoulders. You might want to use a swing trigger to begin the golf down swing that you have with the lower part of your body.
Tip no. 6. And again, on your golf down swing. You should turn the belt buckle to your target.
Try turning your hips as powerful and fast as possible in your golf down swing, it works.
There is a way to lower your golf score, and the most efficient and quick way to do so is by putting. Although there are those golfers who put the blame on the putter thus the reason for their bad putt, it also helps if the grip of the putter is on a surface that is flat.
Vijay Singh Golf Swing
Every golfer lands in the rough sooner or later—even the best of us. If the lie is near the green, the shot becomes critical. It can mean the difference between making a bogey or double bogey and a par. To score low, you have to improve your golf swing. In turn, this will make it possible to knock it close from the really deep stuff. Knocking it close from there, chops one or two strokes from your score and often saves par.
Here are five keys to hitting it close from the deep rough:
*Add more club and choke down
*Position your hands in front of the ball
*Play the ball slightly forward
*Retain the right angle
*Use a steeply descending blow
Some golfers like to use short irons from the deep rough. But that’s hard. It requires a strong grip, a steeply descending blow, and strength. Plus, you can’t release the club too early. Otherwise, you’ll end up hitting a lot of grass and no ball.
Instead, try using a longer iron and choking down and this should improve your golf swing. But don’t change anything else: Take your normal stance from the rough. Position your hands in front of the ball. And play the ball slightly forward in your stance. The longer shaft adds leverage to your swing.
Also, retain the right angle formed by the club and your left arm (right for lefties) at the top of your swing as long as possible.
Holding this angle generates the additional club head speed you need to escape deep rough. It also encourages a steeply descending blow and prevents your hands from releasing too early. The ball flies lower coming out of the rough, but that beats a flubbed shot or a complete miss.
Find some thick stuff at an open field or the range and practice hitting from there. You’ll be glad you did. Remember, practice is the key to improve your golf swing.
Both Dan Farrell & Aaron M are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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