Hironori Ohtsuka (1892 - 1982) was the founder of the Wado Ryu system of Karate. He commenced training in shindo yoshin ryu jujitsu at the age of 6, and at the age of 30, he began training under the supervision of Gichin Funakoshi (the founder of Karate-do) before founding the Wado Ryu system in 1939. Wado Ryu is one of the 4 main Japanese styles of Karate that are taught around the world. In 1939, Ohtsuka organised the All Japan Karate Do Federation Wado Ki and the Worldwide Headquarters for the Wado Ryu System. In 1967, he was the first katateka to be awarded the 5th order of merit of the sacred treasure of the Emperor of Japan as an acknowledgement of his achievements. Following his death in 1982, Hironori Ohtsuka's son, Jiro, became the chief instructor of the Wado Ryu system. Today, there are a number of senior, well-respected representatives of Wado Ryu in Japan, who are also leaders of their own federations or associations.
Characteristics of Wado Ryu:
To practitioners of Wado Ryu, the main philosophy is to better their attitude both within and outside the art. This is one of the main aims of the martial art which emphasises the development of respect, discipline and understanding in a mental as well as physical capacity. This aim affects our attitude towards ourselves and others in our home life, work and social activities. To show aggression outwardly, even during training sessions, is greatly discouraged. The name Wado Ryu, approximately translated, means "the peaceful way".
Another characteristic of Wado Ryu is that unnecessarily large movements are kept to a minimum. Importance is placed on the speed and efficiency of movements with which each technique is performed, rather than the strength or physical effort outwardly shown. Exponents of Wado Ryu place great emphasis on the coordination of body movement with each particular technique. This principle is found in many other martial arts, such as ju-jitsu, aikido and kendo. This coordination is stressed at all stages of learning, from the execution of basic techniques to the application of advanced, free-fighting combinations.
Wado Ryu Karate Do
The Way of Peace School of The Empty Hand
We should seek unity, harmony, and peace within ourselves and the world around us. Do not look to one way of doing things or one technique. Instead, internalize all you have learned, to become water that takes the shape of the situation, and the path of least resistance. Do not meet force with force, but avoid attacks with body movements, footwork, and deflection. Blend naturally with opposing energy to find an advantage or solution.
"Remaining mind" / Awareness.
Breathing art/"Belly art"/Body Focus. Breathe, relax, and settle your body, naturally.
"Mind-without-thinking"/Mental Focus. Empty your mind and be fully aware of all angles. Do not concentrate on one technique, but let your principles guide you according to the situation.
"Life force harmony"/Spirit Focus. Exert your spirit in a powerful yet natural way. Be flexible, intimidating, and untouchable.
Tai Sabaki
Body management/body shifting/"optimum utilization". Wado-Ryu movements are performed with economy of motion.
The 3 body shifting methods - San mi Ittai
These are the 3 body shifting methods that typify Wado-Ryu.
*****Ten-i - Move away from the attack.
*****Ten-tai - Turn and realign the body to dodge the attack or reduce the area on your body that is vulnerable to attack.
*****Ten-gi - Perform techniques while the attack passes through. Consider using his/her momentum to your advantage.
Timings for counter attack
Consider uses for the body shifting methods.
*****Go no Sen - Defensive attack. Counter once the attack is completed, but before the opponent is able to attack again.
*****Sen - Simultaneously attack with the attacker. You will complete your counter first, and/or displace the attacker's movement.
*****Sensen no Sen - Preempt the attack with your own, by perceiving your opponent's intent. This will catch him/her off guard, breaking his/her mental balance.
Defensive movements
Heavily influenced by Shindo Yoshin-ryu jujutsu, these movements are used to control the opponent's energy. These movements apply maai and body shifting. Consider uses of the timings for counter attack.
*****Nagasu - Flowing / Fluidity. Move evasively off the line of attack but closely enough that the attacker's force can be used to add to your own. Often combined with penetrating into an opponent's side (irimi).
*****Irimi - Move to enter the opponent's attack.
*****Inasu - Move under, inside, or around the attack.
*****Noru - Control the opponent's movement.
"Connection". This deals with finding the opponent's center of gravity. Imagine touching fine silk - use no energy. In this way you must become undecipherable. Focusing on skill in application rather than force guarantees proper use of principle, and that the opponent will be less likely to be able to use their own strength against you. Relax and develop sensitivity! Once you find this, you will find the same principles in all waza. Remember to push with the hands and pull with the feet.
The state of mind and spirit of the combatants, and the distance between them. Keep enough space to attack and defend. At a high level, you control the spirit and energy of a conflict. Draw a reaction from the opponent that will give you a tactical advantage. Practice the above principles to understand maai, and practice maai to apply the following. Never stop studying tactics so you may better see from this broad view.
Ki Ken Tai no Ichi
"Mind and Body as One". Coordination of mind and body in movement. Thought and action must become one; there is no time to concentrate on thought in battle.
Hei Jo Shin
"Calm mind and body". When the opponent feints or draws a weapon, you should not flinch, but be prepared. Harness the adrenal state so that you do not panic, but fight reflexively.
Both Thanaseelan & Owen Johnston are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Owen Johnston has sinced written about articles on various topics from Martial Arts, Travel and Leisure and Home. The author lives in Lake City, South Carolina, where he also teaches at his Wado ryu Karate school. For more information about Karate and the martial ar. Owen Johnston's top article generates over 74000 views. Bookmark Owen Johnston to your Favourites.
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