"For many small- to medium-sized businesses, the key differentiator between their enterprises and those of large companies is their ability to deliver exceptional customer service," says Michael Emaus, CEO of eEnterprise (www.eEnterprise.com), a division of NetSuite global reseller Skyytek Worldwide. "Yet as those businesses grow, they often find it difficult to maintain the internal communication necessary to successfully serve their customer bases. When the capability for effective customer service management erodes, so does the profitability of the enterprise."
According to Emaus, growing companies can maintain their customer service advantage by implementing an integrated solution like NetSuite, the world's leading on-demand, Web-based business management software. "NetSuite integrates back-office operations with front-office activities, while providing employees with varying levels of access necessary for their job functions," he says. "The information is made available on customer 'dashboards' that can reveal customizable information, such as key performance indicators and report snapshots, which allow managers to gauge the health of any given customer relationship."
Best of all, NetSuite can track all points of contact between a company's sales force and its customers. "This snapshot enables anyone to quickly review the events, tasks, and calls that have taken place and that are scheduled to close a deal," says Emaus. "And, when a sale requires a team effort, the activities of each team member are available to more efficiently and effectively make the sale."
Further, because NetSuite integrates customer transactions native to a company's CRM product, customer service representatives are aided by historic transaction and upsell opportunities. "This functionality encourages the opportunity to support and grow sales through enhanced customer service capabilities," notes Emaus.
While it's inevitable that customer complaints will arise, with an integrated CRM system, those complaints won't fall through the cracks. "NetSuite has a closed-loop process that ensures that problems will be effectively tracked and resolved," says Emaus. "This is light years ahead of manual tracking, and moreover, NetSuite even allows customers to follow the resolution process through a self-service portal."
For many companies, customer service begins with the prospecting phase of sales. NetSuite recognizes this, and has integrated several functions to more quickly turn website visitors into customers. By giving businesses the capability to customize their website's search function and to receive reports on frequent searches and results returned, company owners can keep their fingers on the pulse of their customers and potential customers.
Moreover, with companies increasingly relying on paid search keyword campaigns to market their products and services, it's important for businesses to know which keyword campaigns are generating both leads and revenue. "NetSuite recognizes that more traffic doesn't necessarily mean more sales, and that tracking the effectiveness of keyword campaigns is crucial to the bottom line," says Emaus.
Emaus concludes, "Regardless of the size of an enterprise, fully integrated customer service management is critical to both growth and profitability. NetSuite ensures that CRM is both streamlined and effective."
Web Based Customer Management
Internet has made the world smaller. Through internet, people are not only able to send our message across the customers but customers can solve their problems. Via internet, customers can interact with their clients. The process is less expensive and any section of people can solve their queries regarding any unknown matter. Interacting through internet is very cost effective and very much feasible. Web based solution helps us to reach to our customer effectively. Not only urban section but rural area is also finding it very useful. Through this service a good relationship has been establish between the customer and the client. It successfully removes customer’s tension. Any online companies are installing it to reach to their customers.
Web based solution is capable of solving customers problem. A person owning a website work hard to popularize his site. He wants his site to get recognized by one and all and he also wishes that his website successfully answers all the questions of his visitor. With the advent of web based solution, owner’s headache to reach out to their customer has totally solved. It is very easy to implement this service on any website. A server is generally installed on a single server to activate it. The software is readily available in the market at an affordable price. The cost of the software is very low. It can be easily implemented and it is easily accessible. The service is capable of solving any problems of the users.
Marketing becomes very easy with this web solution. Now, the small companies need not have to struggle hard to reach out to their customer. The web based solution comes as a blessing for the customers. Ordering items, automatic replenishment systems, one-click ordering and market basket analysis is now within the reach of the customers. Any new ideas, services or products can easily reach out to buyers. By installing this software, advertising becomes very easy. The major advantage of this service is that customers need not have to wait long to satisfy any of their queries. The response is instant. As the companies get instant feedback from their users, they can rectify their flaws.
Your website would become successful when everyone uses your website and when the traffic is innumerable. Most web based solutions offer a fixed monthly fee that covers maintenance charge, technology upgrades, training and user support. The technology is very strong and it is done with a minimal involvement of staffs. Advertisers would not take your service if your site is not popular among the internet buffs. So, install this software to increase the traffic and to invite advertisers. Web based accounting is another major offering of the service. Sitting anywhere a person can keep a note of the finance of his company. Not only our personal life but our professional life has also become much simpler with the upcoming of internet. Web based accounting need not require investing money With the upcoming of this new concept, people get acquainted with any new product or services and they can order the product according to their convenience.
Both Itmgeditor & Amit Bhalla are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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