You can do it yourself, or you can get someone to do it for you, just make sure it's done right. We're talking about website web page design here, something that you need to think of right from the start when establishing or reconfiguring your web presence. Your website's attractiveness and usability depends on excellent website web page design. Web page design done right means a better chance that visitors to your site will stay there. Creative website web page design works wonders for e-commerce because it make a page easy to navigate and read.
What do you need to consider when it comes to web page design? The following are some of the major things to consider in making your pages visually pleasing and user-friendly.
* Contrast: Contrast adds visual interest to a web page. Contrast occurs when two web page elements are visually different. This makes them stand out. This makes each one get noticed. If things look a little different, it's not striking enough. You want them looking the same for visual harmony or totally different for obvious contrast. Add contrast to your web pages to spark visitors' interest in the contrasting elements.
* Proximity: When designing your web page, items relating to one another should be grouped close together. Related items grouped together become one visual chunk or unit. This means your visitors do not have to look everywhere for related information. With proximity of related information, your page is organized and less confusing to a reader. It gives a general impression of clarity and structure.
* Alignment: You should not place anything on your web page haphazardly. You do not want your web page to resemble an avant-garde artist's splashing, unless you're an avant-garde artist promoting your work. Every element on your web page needs to have some connection to another element on your web page. This gives your page cohesiveness and a clean, organized look that allows for comfortable eye travel from one element to the next.
* Repetition: The repeated use of visual elements is very important in website web page design. This could be color, shapes, graphics, photos, shapes, background textures and spatial relationships. It could also be fonts, sizes and thickness of lines and borders. Repetition promotes an organized, pleasing appearance and gives unity to a website.
Consider the four basic web page design elements above and then consider some of these additional points to make your website web page design appealing:
* Make sure your navigation links are readily available at the top or sides of your page. Don't make your web page visitors have to scroll down the page searching for the navigation tabs.
* Try not to make your visitor scroll sideways. That's annoying too. Have everything viewable within the frame, so there is no side-to-side scrolling movement to find text and graphics.
* Don't use a gaudy fluorescent background color for your web page, especially with text of similar luminosity. Those elements are eye-killers. You want your readers to have a comfortable reading experience. They do not want to feel they're witnessing an online fireworks display as they read.
* Don't use "default blue" for your link colors or even your main text. Show some ingenuity: use text and link colors appropriate to your web page theme. The "default blue" is a sign of laziness in website web page design and shows a lack of creativity and sophistication for the web design process.
* Don't overdo the bold words on your web page. Bold words with extreme care because you lessen the effect of this design element when there are as many bold words as plain type words on a web page.
Finally, clean and simple is something to give great thought to when designing a web page. Most people do not enjoy clutter in their home. Consequently, they certainly will not enjoy clutter on your web pages. Clutter on web pages gives the impression you're not very organized. It also conveys the message that you're not very professional.
Remember, website web page design is a tool for presenting you and your website properly to your visitors. Your web pages are ambassadors for your business. You want them organized and structured, while still full of creativity and your unique business personality. Website web page design means doing the homework necessary to get it right. Let well-planned, creative design work wonders for your business.
Web Page Design Background
I wonder if you knew that visitors to your website form an instant opinion? And they form it about you and your offer. They can't help themselves. Their instant opinion is formed in their subconscious mind. It happens automatically. Your site visitors can't help themselves. It has absolutely nothing to do with the text on your website. In fact, their instant opinion is formed before the visitor will have read a single word of your copy.
The quality of the images on your web page won't make any difference. Their quality doesn't affect in this instant opinion. You might think if you make an unrepeatable offer, that your visitor is bound to be swayed by that! I'm sorry, the instant opinion clicks in, and your brilliant offer lies unseen. This is because the second your page is displayed your subconscious mind goes to work, and the instant opinion begins to form. By now, you are probably wondering just what it is that has this power. Exactly what can have an immediate reaction in your site visitors. This may surprise you, but the answer is colors. Your visitor's instant opinion of your website is primarily due to the color scheme which you have used.
The spooky thing about this is that as a web page viewer we can do nothing about this. Colors evoke an intuitive reaction which we have no control over.' There isn't anything we can do about this. Colors has an affect on each of us. As you will know, millions are spent by big companies in deciding the correct colors of new products and in their marketing campaigns. What they fully understand is the psychological power of colors. And they use this to the maximum in their promotions. The right colors can be the critical factor in the success of big company products. What this leads us on to that colors have a key element to play in the design of web pages. Colors on a computer screen also invoke this subconscious reaction in us all.
By the psychological power you could encourage your website visitors to leave your page the instant they see it. No matter what your website is about, it may simply be unsuccessful due to the colors you're using. Forget the text, it might never be read! But all is not lost. In the same way that colors can be a turn off, it is possible to create a positive feeling through the use of colors. This color psychology is nothing new. This has been with us for generations. It doesn't make any difference whether you know about color power, your subconscious mind is affected.
For example, a particular color scheme could convey a good feeling in each of us. However, a different color scheme might convey not so good feelings. If you do this, then you will be conveying a trust, sense of belonging and warmth. If you get your colors wrong, you could be conveying negative feelings like distrust, rejection and coolness. The following list gives an idea of the emotions associated with their respective colors:
Strength, danger, leadership, love, excitement, sense of power, energy etc
In summary, the color scheme you use on your web pages need to be reflected by the product or offering you make. What happens is that the subconscious mind of your visitor will attempt to reconcile the colors with the message. If it can't, it will lose interest. And you may never see them again. It is important therefore that your website uses the right color scheme. If you can achieve this, you will produce better results from your website. In summary, the difference between the right and wrong color scheme on your website can be the difference between profit and loss.
Both Chris Coleman & Brian Mcgregor are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Brian Mcgregor has sinced written about articles on various topics from Bird Flu, Web Development and How to Sell on Ebay. Brian McGregor is an internet entrepreneur and business consultant, and author of the ebook CASH COLORS. If the topic of good web page designs is of interest to you, CASH. Brian Mcgregor's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Brian Mcgregor to your Favourites.
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