Aftershave is a great product for men and women, but what exactly is aftershave and why do people use aftershave?
Aftershave is actually just what is implies that it is – a product for men that is applied to the face after shaving. There are some aftershave products for women as well, but aftershave is mostly used by men. Aftershave has many benefits for men and women. Most men do use aftershave, but some choose not to if they have super sensitive skin.
Benefits Of Using Aftershave –
•Smells Great
•Keeps Skin Smooth
•Maintains Skin’s Complexion
•Keeps Skin Silky
•Closes Pores
Many men love to use their aftershave and some do have their own favorite brand of it. Their girlfriend or spouse most likely compliments them on the smoothness of their skin and the smell of the aftershave, which keeps them motivated to continue using it.
Today, men can also create their own aftershave for a unique smell and formula just for them. This can make a great gift for those spouses and partners seeking a thoughtful and personal gift for an occasion. Women use astringent to keep their skin from getting too oily. Men use aftershave for this same purpose, because the aftershave actually acts like an astringent on their skin. This is what will help men keep their skin smooth. When men shave their face the pores on their skin open up from the warmth of the water. The astringent acting ingredients in the aftershave helps close them back up and keep them closed.
Aftershave also helps with a common problem men have when shaving –
getting nicks and small cuts. Those can hurt and not look so great. The aftershave that is put on will sting a bit if there are any nicks or cuts after shaving, but it will help disinfect to prevent any possible infections. Many aftershaves now have moisturizers in them to keep the face smooth and silky. This is vital when you are always shaving the same area over and over again.
The disinfectant part of the aftershave actually comes from the alcohol that is included in nearly all aftershaves. There are aftershaves with no alcohol, but they will usually substitute witch hazel for the alcohol. It will most likely contain aloe as well to help with moisturizing the skin. Most of the alcohol free aftershaves come in different forms than the others such as in gel or lotion forms instead of liquid.
Men should always apply their aftershave with cotton pads instead of their hands and fingers, because the oils in their hands can have an adverse reaction with the aftershave’s ingredients.
Here Are Some Aftershave Mixtures You Can Try Yourself –
If you want to try your hand at making your own aftershave and try it, you are pretty brave. However, if you would rather know what all of the ingredients in your aftershave are this is the best way to do it. If you are thinking of giving a unique and personal gift to your man and he loves aftershave you can try making one for him!
Very Simple Alcohol Free Aftershave:
Ingredients – 2 cups of witch hazel, 2 ounces of moisturizer, 2 ounces of rose water, 2 ounces of Aloe Vera gel, half an ounce of vegetable glycerin. Grab some of your favorite essential oils for scent.
How To Make It – All you have to do is mix the ingredients together and you can use it right away.
Basic Bay Aftershave:
Ingredients – bay leaves, rum, spices
How To Make It – Place the bay leaves in a container (about two to four cups of them should be enough) and cover them with rum. Let them soak. Now you can add some spices to make the smell. You can use orange peel for a citrus scent. You can also use and experiment with other spices like ginger, cloves, or rosemary. Allow it to sit in a cool place for about one month. When it has been about a month take it out and strain it. It should be ready to use.
Have fun with it to create your own unique smell for your aftershave!
Author Bio: Ursula McLean is a IA and ITEC qualified beauty therapist working with Feel Confident an online retailer of Eyesential, Aftershave, Bags & Cases, Bath & Body Care, Candles, Condoms, Cosmetics, Digital Cameras, Hair Care, Hair Removal, Hands & Feet, Lingerie, Lip Balm, Lubricants, MP3 Players, Oral Care, Perfume, SkinCare, Slimming, Tanning, Tools & Accessories, Drinking Games, Gifts, Hen Night Novelties, Personalised Gifts.
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Since affiliate marketing is an affiliation between you and a certain company, their product or service must be known to the public through online advertisement or promotion. Let's say you have at least 5,000 visits a day in your website ? that will have a corresponding equivalent to your affiliate marketing capability.
That being said, it is obvious that you should have at least a website online. for more details go to more traffic you have on that website ? the better. Since affiliate marketing is an affiliation between you and a certain company, their product or service must be known to the public through online advertisement or promotion. Having this said, so what do you need in order to plunge in to the world of affiliate marketing?
To tell you frankly, you might be surprised to know that it really doesn't require much. Aside from a decent computer, you would just need an internet connection and of course a bit of your time to this chosen online business. Companies will gladly pay certain individuals that could actually showcase their goods online through blogs, articles or in any manner that their products will be exposed. That being said, it is obvious that you should have at least a website online.
Both Ursula Mclean & Manbeer Singh are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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