Spyware, Mac Users Are Targets Too!
by Buzz Scott.One of the many things a Mac user boasts about is their ability to remain safer online that PC users. Mac users traditionally found a selling point of buying a Mac that it was less vulnerable to attacks than a Windows based PC.Spyware and Adware are ...
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Pipeline Security Systems
by Shlomit G.PipeGuard provides a solution for securing buried assets, gas and oil pipelines and infrastructure of buried communication lines such as fiber optic cables. PipeGuard utilizes an innovative and unique technology to guard buried pipelines, regardless ...
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Bluetooth Security
by Mark Allen.These days, all communication technology faces the issue of privacy and identity theft, with Bluetooth being no exception. Almost everyone knows that email services and networks require security. What users of Bluetooth need to realize is that Blue...
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Fiber Optics Security Systems
by T J Madigan.The world is becoming one global community where it is possible contact with one another through the use computer and the Internet. Keeping in touch with a loved one who is in a far away place or in the other side of the planet, right at the comfort ...
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Adt Security Services Leads the Industry
by Julia Hall.Home security situations and needs differ with the physical size of the home, number of residents, ages and interests of those residents, and value of the contents of the house. Do you live alone or with several other people? Are you or other members...
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Why Spyware Can Hurt You
by Buzz Scott.Spyware can cause major problems for home and for business computer users. Steps need to be taken to prevent your computer from being infected by these programs that can steal information from you and use it for their own benefit and to your own det...
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Children and Spyware
by Douglas Reach.A recent case of a Connecticut teacher exposing her class to pornographic pop-ups should be a wakeup call to all of us. The teacher was recently convicted and faces up to forty years in prison even though the defense claims that her computer was infe...
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Computer Software, Computer Security
by Vgevge.Most of us consider computer to be one of our most important investment. In fact, most of the jobs these days are dependent on computers. Therefore, it becomes essential to give utmost care to the maintenance of your computer system. For this, the mo...
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Anti Virus Diagnostics Software
by Ergo_items.Anti virus software is a diagnostic tool that is generally included with many operating system software packages. The licenses for the anti virus software might be for one user or assigned to as many as 40 or more users at one time. When computers ar...
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Keylogging Software Against Spywares
by Nawaz Shahzad.Internet Security is one of the relatively new additions to the dangers of using a computer for the internet. Similarly like viruses, certain spyware programmes can be do a lot more harm than one can imagine, not just to your computer but to you life...
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