In Mexico in April this year, a never-before heard strain of swine flu emerge, turning ill more than a thousand Mexicans and causing the death of 68. Swine flu has spread to other parts of the world such as the US and New Zealand when affected individuals (Mexicans or tourists to Mexico), traveled to those places. Swine flu has spread so far and wide that the World Health Organization fears it will bring about the next pandemic.
This is not the first time the world is threatened by swine flu. Swine flu, which is also referred to as pigfluenza, hog flu, pig flu, or swine influenza, typically affects pigs only. In 1918, an H1N1 virus caused flu pandemic in humans. Scientists speculated that H1N1 was created either when human influenza virus crossed specie boundary and affected pigs, or the other way around.
In 1930, a study confirmed that influenza virus caused the illnesses of pigs; the viral strain was identified as H1N1. Other past outbreaks in humans include the 1976 US outbreak (number of deaths: 5) and the 1988 Wisconsin outbreak (number of deaths: 1).
2009 Swine Flu Outbreak
The strain that caused the swine outbreak in 2009, on the other hand, is different from other types of swine flu viruses before. It infects humans only. Pigs show no sign of infection. As such, scientists are having a difficult time establishing the origins of this new disease. The 2009 swine flu outbreak is caused by a strain that combines a single strain of human flu virus, a single strain of avian or bird flu virus, and two strains of swine flu virus.
Swine flu virus in pig is transmitted when uninfected animals touch the nose or dried mucus of the infected pig.
Transmission of swine flu from pigs to humans occurs when a person touches an infected pig such as during animal transport or cleaning of pig pens. Swine flu is not acquired by eating pork.
Transmission of swine flu from human to human occurs when airborne viruses (brought about by sneezing and coughing) are inhaled by another person. Touching of contaminated surfaces and bringing one's hand to one's nose or mouth.
Symptoms of swine flu in humans are non-specific. They are quite similar to other types of influenza such as common flu and bird flu. People infected with swine flu often the following:
? fever
? chills
? coughing and sneezing
? sore throat
? muscle pain
? discomfort
? fatigue
? vomiting
? diarrhea
In pigs, swine influenza virus cause:
? fever
? lethargy
? decrease in appetite
? abortion
? sneezing
? coughing
? weight loss
? poor growth
? difficulty breathing.
Because swine flu symptoms are non-specific, a laboratory taste of nose or throat swab is needed to confirm viral presence.
How to Prevent Spread of Swine Flu
Among swine: owners should implement facility management and management. Vaccinating the pigs may also help reduce the chances of spreading of the flu.
To prevent transmission of swine flu from pigs to humans, farmers, veterinarians, and other people who come in close contact with live pigs should wear masks and gloves when working with infected pigs.
To prevent spread of swine flu among humans, the following steps are recommended or used in some countries:
? Persons with flu should be quarantined immediately
? Sick people should sneeze on tissue paper, dispose the use properly, and wash their hands.
? People who traveled to Mexico and who are family members of infected persons should be vaccinated with zanamivir or oseltamivir.
? Avoiding contact with sick people and with live pigs
? Many countries including Russia and France issued advise against traveling to Mexico.
? Always wash hands properly.
At the moment, only Tamiflu and Relenza seem to work against swine flu. Many countries have a supply of these vaccines, though not enough to curb a pandemic if the current swine flu reaches that level.
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