You may not know it, but you already own the most important tool in your marketing arsenal. It is the business card. The “3.5”x 2” Miracle” that tells a person who you are, what you do, and how you can be contacted. The business card is a powerful ally in your fight to get a bigger market share. The key is to knowing how to use the business card.
In many businesses, the business card is rationed off like gasoline during World War Two. You have your 1000 cards and you are sent out to do business. What questions would be raised if you came back a month later asking for more? What if it was only two weeks?
The Zen of the Card. To understand the philosophy behind the business card, you must accept that business cards are almost free advertising. Yes, they do have an associated cost, but typically, if you get only one or two sells per thousand cards, you have paid off your expenses. Most importantly, you can judge your ROI (Return on Investment) by those that contact you through your business card. Can you precisely calculate the ROI on a trade magazine or the Yellow Pages?
What makes the business card even more formidable is that half of the people who have called you from your business card have a face to put with the number (and hopefully a few moments outlining what you can do for them). Only half? Read on…
The Anatomy of the Card. After you learn the Zen of the card, you must master the anatomy of the card. There are several schools of thought on this aspect. The most widely used format is the one you should run away from. You know this card. You have dozens of them. It is a white card. There is a logo in the upper left corner in one color. There is contact information in the center in black type. Maybe, you can find a slogan on the card.
This card is boring. Remember, this is your foot in the door, your first impression in some cases and you are telling your prospective customer that you are just like every other company vying for their business. Make the card stand out. Make sure they know the most important details. If you grab their attention, they will want to find out more.
You want the following information to grab the card holder:
- Company Name/Logo for recognition.
- Phone number and web site.
- What you do.
Other ways of grabbing the attention of your potential customer is to put color on the back of the card with your information or logo again. The more impressions you give a potential customer will bring them one step closer to making them one of your customers.
Hitting the Pavement. You have your cards. Now it is time to give them all away. You want to give them all away. What good are they on your desk or in your wallet? They are better on someone else's desk or wallet. The following rules should be used in your broadcasting of business card communication:
1. Never give anyone just one business card. They are “free” remember? Give them out with gusto! People won't understand why you just gave them a half-dozen business cards, but tell them to feel free to give them to someone else. Maybe they will throw them away, maybe they will overhear someone who needs your services. You never know…
2. Everyone is a potential customer. They might be a waitress, a gas station attendant, a janitor or a store clerk, but every person is a potential customer. If they don't use your service, they may know someone who does need you and they will exclaim, “Hey, this person was just in here the other day and gave me a handful of cards. Here you go!” Everyone you meet should walk away with your business cards. Don't let an opportunity pass.
3. Everywhere you go, you see bulletin boards and fishbowls of business cards. Carry a pack of thumb tacks with you and put them up everywhere you can. Clubs, restaurants, colleges, telephone poles, lunch rooms, and offices are all great places to post your business cards. There is nothing wrong with putting a stack of business cards on tray holder at your favorite fast food joint or on every restroom sink. Use your imagination and put them wherever people stop and may take notice.
4. Put business cards in every letter or package you mail. This way, when a person receives your post, they will know exactly how to reach you, even if they threw the packaging away months earlier.
I hope all of these ideas will make you take notice of your business cards as a vital part of your advertising. The business card is compact, informational, and insightful. It is a reflection of how you want the world to see you. It is a “3.5”x2” Miracle” for your business.
3 5 Day Cruises
Cathay School is an innovative and successful CCIE Service Provider Training provider in China. We are a pioneer in establishing itself as the Global Hub for IT Training.
Only One-On-One CCIE Certification Training including CCIE Service Provider Bootcamp Training
and CCIE SP written training
Experience our service provider mock labs which highly reflect the most current actual labs
Solidify your existing knowledge, expose weaknesses
Recommended for CCIE candidates who have attempted the actual CCIE Training Exam without passing
CathaySchool's CCIE Service Provider Mock Lab Workshops are five-day 1-one-1 Instructor-led classes provided in Guangzhou, China. They are designed for students to solidify their existing knowledge, expose weaknesses, and to fully prepare candidates as they lead up to their CCIE SP Lab Exam date. Please note that NO introductory material is covered during the lab experience.
There are no scheduled lectures over the six days, candidates will solidify their existing knowledge by taking numerous mock lab exams during Day 1 and Day 4, which are designed to meet the requirement of the most recent actual labs. However, the instructor is available to discuss 1-on-1 and clarify tasks you may be stuck on. At the end of each day, the labs are then reviewed step-by-step by the instructor and a detailed explanation is provided about the technologies covered, interpretations of the questions, and common mistakes that were made by students with relation to each topic.
Day 5 is a conclusion lecture of the week in review. In addition to this the instructors will review the students' performance for the last 4 day and give recommendations on readiness to take and pass the CCIE Service Provider Bootcamp Exam, along with suggestions of what topics to focus on during further preparation.
Before you finish this course, you will be provided a full set of our full-scale lab materials (which mirrors the most current lab exam). The materials contain CCIE SP questions, requirements and solutions, which can be comfortably studied and practiced during the period between your course finishing date and the lab exam date. Along with this, we will update your study materials free of charge and provide email support (?48 hour response guarantee?) for 1 month after the class.
Intended Audience:
These Mock Lab Workshops are intended for CCIE Service Provider Training candidates who are within three months of their actual lab exam. Introductory material will not be covered, and thus, students are expected to have a CCNP-level of knowledge with extensive CCIE-level preparation. The lab scenarios covered during these workshops are designed to be highly close to the real CCIE lab.
Schedule of events
Student instruction is conducted privately with one-on-one tuition, so you have the freedom to begin from almost any date of the year.
Both James Fowler, Jr. & Jet Chow are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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