- Banana oatmeal: Oatmeal made with water and topped with natural yogurt, banana, and raisins and sweetened with honey.
- Fresh fruit smoothie: Fruit smoothie made from fresh fruit, natural yogurt and honey to sweeten if needed.
- Fruit salad with yogurt and oats: Fresh fruit salad with natural yogurt and oats.
- Fresh fruit and yogurt: Fresh fruit and a cup of natural yogurt sweetened with honey
- Muesli and yogurt: Homemade muesli made from oats, seeds, nuts and dried fruit served with natural yogurt.
Detox Plan Lunch Ideas
- Soup: Large bowl of vegetable or lentil soup
- Tuna with corn and salad: Tuna (canned in water) mixed with corn and natural yogurt and served with salad.
- Mediterranean salad with rice cakes: Rice cakes served with avocado, tomatoes, fresh basil and black pepper. Plus a handful of unsalted nuts.
- Guacamole with crudites: Homemade guacamole made from avocado, lemon juice, fresh chili, tomatoes and garlic served with vegetable crudites.
- Avocado and prawn salad: Fresh avocado served with prawns, salad, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice.
- Baked potato with grilled cod: Grilled cod fillet served with baked potatoes and lightly steamed vegetables.
Detox Plan Dinner Ideas
- Chinese vegetable stir fry: Stir fry vegetables such as bok choi, spring onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and bean sprouts in a little olive oil with garlic and ginger. Serve with brown rice.
- Baked salmon with baked potato: Bake a salmon fillet and serve with a baked potato and steamed vegetables.
- Tuna and prawns with noodles: Gently fry a selection of vegetables such as onions, mushrooms, peppers, and leek in a little olive oil. When lightly browned, add a handful of prawns. Cook for a few minutes, then add canned tomatoes, tomato puree, black pepper and tuna canned in water. Bring to a boil and simmer until the sauce thickens. Serve with rice noodles.
- Sweet and sour stir fry with rice: Gently fry chopped vegetables such as onions, peppers, baby corn and mushrooms. Add canned pineapple (in fruit juice), canned tomatoes, tomato purÚe, white wine vinegar and honey. Bring to the boil and simmer until the sauce has thickened. Serve with brown rice.
- Potato and bean casserole: Gently fry casserole vegetables such as onions and carrots in a little olive oil with garlic. When browned, add diced potato and fry for a few minutes. Add fresh vegetable stock, black pepper and your favorite beans. Bring to a boil and simmer until the casserole thickens.
Detox Plan Snack Ideas
- Fresh fruit or fresh fruit salad
- Natural yogurt mixed with honey
- Plain popcorn
- Handful of unsalted nuts or seeds
It's important to remember that you should stay on this plan for only one week. You should feel better and have a lot more energy when you're done. Good luck!
7 Day Weight Loss Diet
If discrimination does not work to make a fat person do something about their condition, the person often becomes a sociopath. It is either that or the person grows into a recluse of a human being- unable to face or accept society as is. You must be careful which side you fall in. That's why losing weight should be of very utmost importance to you, if you are overweight.
How to lose weight is not so difficult: exercise and eat right and you are there. If you cannot keep that up, you are merely wasting your time with other methods you try.
Fat is something no one really likes, but it is not something everyone can easily do something definitive about. Some people have a lot more energy, while others have to think and plan real hard to get involved in any activity. This is why some find it easy to lose weight and others don't.
Weight loss is greatly influenced by the foods you consume. Carbohydrates, though good, should be taken minimally because they comprise the unused energy that was converted to the fat in your body. Fruits and vegetables contain the appropriate vitamin supplements for your body to aid in your weight loss process. You should take them more.
Fluid loss in the body will certainly result in loss of weight. This can occur if you do not drink enough water when you eat, or if you are so ill that you do not feel up to doing something about it. You must find your way to a doctor, anyway. It is the smartest thing to do.
Exercise has got to be backed up with good fluid intake. This is one way that you get to stay healthy even as you lose weight. Coupled with the fluid, you must eat some good foods that replenish your energy and keep you healthy. Once you have mastered this, you are indeed ready to shed the pounds.
Some methods used in weight loss are crash dieting, drug supplements, surgery and exercise. By far the most effective is the surgery, because it is most times irreversible. But following closely behind it, and with a lot more integrity, is exercise, which requires and instills discipline in you that will guide you through life.
Both Joan Yankowitz & Matvijaypnp are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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