Usually people will itch and scratch at their rash hoping it will just go away on its own. The only problem with that is most rashes are only intensified and spread by itching them. Therefore itching an allergic rash only makes it worse.
How Do I Fight An Allergic Rash?
The first thing to do is find out what are you allergic to and remove the trigger from your environment. This may or may not be easy.
In case you are unable to find out what causes the rash, you could treat it symptomatically by taking extra precautions around anything your skin is coming in contact with.
Possible causes of your allergic rash could be:
* Your detergent
* Chemicals
* Hand cream
* Face cream
* Powder
* Insect bites
* Stings
* Soap
* Clothing
A Doctor Might Know The Cause
You could consult a doctor who would in turn put you through a set of skin tests which would point towards if not determine what exactly causes your problem. As soon as you would find out what causes your allergic rash you should remove the allergen from your surrounding as this would ensure that the allergic rash would disappear.
What Can Ease The Itching?
In case you cannot identify what causes your allergy you could follow a few general rules that would alleviate your suffering. Keep your skin well moisturized, in case you cannot use cosmetics for fear of reaction, you could install a humidifier in your home which would prevent your skin from drying. Use only soap free cleansers for washing and wear protective gloves when doing housework especially when you wash clothes or dishes.
Until you find out what causes your allergic rash stay away from all types of:
* Cosmetics
* Deodorants
* Sprays
* New clothes
Wash all your bedding in hot water and what cannot be washed should be well aired in the sun. You also need to keep away from wool, silver jewelry (and sometimes even gold), real or synthetic fur, and so on.
The treatment of the allergic rash can vary from person to person; however, the use of hydrocortisone cream has been found beneficial in the majority of skin allergies, which fortunately can be bought over the counter. You will find that this cream can control itchiness to a very large extent, which would give you time to heal and identify your possible allergen. A natural aloe plant can also be very effective in easing the constant itching.
There are other natural products you could use, but the best option would be to consult your dermatologist if you find that the skin problem stays for more than four weeks in spite of all your best efforts to control it. Good luck on your journey towards health and wellness!
Brue Baker has sinced written about articles on various topics from Food And Drink, Nutrition and Alternative Medicine. Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying to find unbiased health information let Brue take you by the. Brue Baker's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark Brue Baker to your Favourites.
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