Joan recently chose Dr. Lesslie to be her doctor because of his willingness to listen, his kindness and compassion.
These attributes also shine through in his new book.
Heroes in the medical field are many, but often the sheer pace of health care delivery and the inability for health care workers to pause and process whatever tragedy they just witnessed, can cause flat out burn-out.
Robert Lesslie does a beautiful job capturing the fast pace of the ER and in his stories, you know that he has fine tuned his perception and intuition over many years of service and experience.
We all know that it takes a very special person to blend Science and the Art of Medicine, which is exactly what Dr. Lesslie does, and does very well.
The nurses and doctors and everyone else who work with Dr. Lesslie must be so happy to have his influence in their lives.
I worked with a now retired physician whom we called and still call "The Pediatric Guru."
In fact, we plan to have dinner with him tonight!
Pediatric Guru was my mentor, now friend, who believed in serving his patients and the community.
He brought physical and sexual child abuse out of the closet in the York Pennsylvania community and single-handedly made lawyers and judges aware of this unfortunate reality in our cities, townships and boros.
I will always remember the effect he had on our patients. He drew them out. He patiently sat with each family and listened to their story.
They invariably told him the truth of their lives.
And he remembers to this day the saga of every one of these patients.
He played Santa Clause every year in our clinic and because the children were his patients, he called everyone of them by name.
This had to have a profound effect on the psyche of these children, many now grown.
Imagine, Santa knowing your name and you carry this aura of specialness with you through out your life.
In these times, it's a rare doctor who takes the time to know his patients. I mean to Really know them. The Guru knew them all including the homeless and those alienated from their social networks.
Dr Lesslie and The pediatric Guru come from the school where medicine is a calling and a service and is the key to--angelic intervention? to other worldly synchronicity? to the beauty of nature? to the blue birds who visit and remind Dr. Lesslie that his father still communicates his love for his son, even though he no longer inhabits the physical body.
Dr. Lesslie works the night shift throughout his book. This is my shift, as well, the shift where angels dare to tread.
More and more I work in the Triage area of my hospital as a staff RN, which is an Emergency room, of sorts, mostly for pregnant patients.
This is where the action is in our hospital.
Some nurses hate working there. Others thrive on it.
My many years working as a Nurse Practitioner in a fast paced clinic setting, has made me feel comfortable working in this busy environment, where you never know what will walk through the door.
Dr Lesslie sites the difficult, dangerous and sometimes drug seeking patients and discusses the necessity of not lecturing these patients about how to live, or speaking to them with any sense of moral authority regarding the plights these people find themselves in: walk a mile in your patient's moccasins, in other words.
He speaks of how his experiences as an ER doc have helped him grow as a human being. I dare say, his experiences have also helped him grow spiritually, as well.
Patience, love and compassion all flow from the pages of this book.
The Pediatric Guru would love this book.
Dr. Lesslie and the Guru are cut from the same cloth.
We never know how the many patient encounters will effect not only us but our patients.
Recently, one of my former patients sought me out and "found me," she said, after googling my name.
She then emailed me and told me how much I meant to her. She cited examples of the time we spent together, working through multiple pregnancies, and problems at home.
She told me her mother had a severe motor vehicle accident in 2000, and her memory is almost gone.
But she still remembers me.
This is indeed a gift and taught me, especially while reading Dr Lesslie's book: never under estimate the power of these encounters where we selflessly serve and give of ourselves.
These moments are larger than life.
They serve to heal the world.
Ava Angels And Airwaves
Seeing angels is a perfect way to prove that there is more to life than physical matter as experienced in the third dimension. It is common to associate them with healing and rescue missions. I have gratefully discovered through the years that they appear on the scene to help in material life. The invisible ones can easily manipulate inanimate objects.The invisible field of creativity is plastic and receptive. Mind creates for us whatever we believe. Spirit energy is fully capable of transforming anything. The following story is a good example of humor from a celestial point of view.
The dining room ceiling fixture in our home needed a new pull chain. A neighbor offered to fix it, assuring me that it would be a simple task. The neighbor took the fixture apart without marking the wires for future reconnection. Realizing he had made a serious mistake, he said he would return the next day with a friend who claimed to have more expertise in this area. As soon as the friend began to work with the fixture, sparks began to fly and there was an explosion. The electricity went out. The two men decided to dismantle the circuit breaker box. They then went to a hardware store to purchase new parts. When they returned and placed the new part in the electrical box, it failed to work.
In the meantime, it was becoming cold and the available light diminishing. I could hear the two frustrated men whispering. It was obvious that they were embarrassed and at a loss as to what the next step should be. Originally, all that was required was a chain replacement. Instead, our home was now without light or heat and the fixture was still not repaired. The men decided to contact an electrician friend. Since the electrician could not come for at least an hour, the two stymied men decided to go out and get something to eat.
Physically alone in the darkened livingroom and feeling the cold, I walked over to the fuse box and talked to it. There is a higher law that comes into action when we understand and use it. Beliefs are energy. Energy moves when mind directs it. The "word" is the activity of our soul speaking. The One Mind is a higher aspect of our mind and it has creative power. When we believe, mind creates or provides whatever is given to it. In speaking to the electrical unit, I was in essence talking to a higher intelligence, an angel with technical expertise and calling for celestial assistance. I deliberately called for help. Mind cannot act unless intelligence sets it in motion. The last thing desired was to spend a night in a cold house without electricity. It is important to be confident in our request. Within minutes the furnance and the lights came on.
Fifteen minutes later, the men arrived at the door walking into a warm and brightly lit home. What happened next was worth all the nonsense and delay experienced. They were stunned beyond belief and said it was impossible. Still shaking their heads in fear, the electrician friend arrived at my door. The electrician also said that it was impossible for the lights and furnace to be working. The three men kept repeating, "You must have ghosts in your house." They were obviously shaken.
The neighbors cleaned up the mess and the electrian replaced the broken chain. Man breaks things; Angels fix things. It is a delight to experience the practical side of a subtle energy that is based on love. Was it my determination not to be sorely inconvenienced, faith in a higher power or angelic help correcting a situation that three men emphatically stated was impossible?
What I do know is that love acts and we do have help when we call for it. Although we may not be able to penetrate or understand a mystery, it happened.
Both Kate Loving Shenk & Shirlee Hall are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Kate Loving Shenk has sinced written about articles on various topics from Fitness, self improvement and motivation and Pixel Advertising. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to order the e-book:. Kate Loving Shenk's top article generates over 90500 views. Bookmark Kate Loving Shenk to your Favourites.
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