I'm sure like most of us we have tried to save money from time to time without having a goal and not doing the nesecary planning at the beginning. Nine times out of Ten your bound to fail because its easy to just stop when your not breaking any plans. Basketball is no deifferent and your fitness and strength is just as important to your game as saving is to your future.
Set your goals, tailor your workouts to meet these goals and track your results. If your workouts are not moving you towards your goals then re-assess your work-ethic and workouts and adjust them accordingly. Never underestimate the power of tracking your progress. It improves the chances of reaching your goals 10 fold.
By setting a goal you can see the gains as they happen which will continue to help your motivation which will always results in being the best you can be.
So where do I start? Start by sitting down and draw two columns in one write strengths in the other write oppotunities. Remember these arent weaknesses because with a focused goal your going to be putting that part of your game in the strengths colum in no time.
Now that you have your your two lists choose an item from the left column and set a 4 week plan with dates to work on this area of your game. Having space to tick off your workouts stops you from cheating and reminds you what you need to do to suceed.
A select few sites now offer full tracking and performance graph monitoring. Have a look out there your always bound to find someone else has already put a plan together for you. So stop thinking about it and get out there and start setting some goals.
The only thing you have to lose are those pounds.
Basketball Weight Training Program
There is a way to common problem now-a-days where people just are wasting there time in the gym, by incorrect eduction or just flat out they have not been given any information before starting a bodybuilding program or weight training workout.
Lets get right into things here... my first tip is... Take one week off from training every 8 - 10 weeks.
I mean it does not seem like the common sense thing to do at first, but if you look back after and see the results for yourself it will click in as the common sense thing to do. It is a fact that a majority of people training have a psychological barrier from taking a week off from training. People think they will become weaker, but this is not the case.
The truth of the matter is if you eat just as you would if you where training and don't do any physically straining activities you will actually come back stronger and bigger.
2.Train every muscle group every 5 - 7 days.
This is called your [GRP] or growth recovery period. This is actually the time frame where your muscles actually grow. Of course the best way to do this is to work out 5 days on then 2 days off, but making sure you never do the same muscle group every 5 - 7 days.
I mean it may be hard for you to actually setup your weight training routine like this but once you do you will be seeing amazing results. If you fail to do this there is a very good chance you will see negative results, decrease in energy levels, and even see your appetite fail as well.
3. You must have maximum intensity on every single rep.
Now having proper intensity is very important to achieving the best body you want in minimal time. It is the secret to getting the most out of every single rep. It is a staggering percentage but around 95% of people training today don't train with proper intensity.
You are wasting a lot of time in the gym by not training with their maximum intensity... you could get a lot more done in around half the time. Intensity is a bit more complex and is the 3rd pillar to R.I.P.P.E.D. training and we are talking about something entirely different today.
Intensity is also what separates the men from the boys. Your muscle is not going to grow unless you force it to. It may be hard at first but once you master your intensity and cage it inside of you your weight training workouts will be like nothing else.
4. Each workout should last around 30 - 45 minutes.
Now, when you don't train with the best intensity and take your time in the gym, you are usually there for a while. But when you start actually your weight training routine right with your maximum intensity and start knowing how many sets you should do for your current state and also your rest time between sets it should all fall around 30 - 45 minutes. This is a must for an efficient weight training program.
Now when you start doing this all right 30 - 45 minutes out of your day is nothing and 5 days a week is doable. And also don't forget you be getting better results than you would be if you where taking your time, by a landslide.
5. And finally, train a maximum of 1 - 2 muscle groups per session.
Once you have your sessions set up real nice you will be able to see that everything is set up perfect you will see you will never train over 1 - 2 muscle groups per day per session. This again will improve the efficiency of your weight training workout.
This is great because if you remember our last steps it allows you to follow all the other rules also including the one where your sessions are only 30 - 45 minutes.
You will see you are getting stronger and more ripped while doing LESS.
When I started implementing these techniques I could never believe how fast I was building muscle... I was astonished. I never knew the human body was capable of such efficiency and peak performance. I guess it was the peak performance caged in me. And guess what research proven, you can do it too. I recommend picking up a copy of R.I.P.P.E.D. Weight Training Program, this is just what I learned in the first few pages.
Well now how are you going to benefit unless you put it to action? You won't simply. An amazing 90% of readers who see this will not value from this info, due yourself a favor and join the 10%.
Both Robert D. Thomson & Steven Gwillim are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Robert D. Thomson has sinced written about articles on various topics from Dog Care, Real Estate and Dental Practice. Rod Degenhardt is a qualified personal trainer with 28 years basketball experience. Rod is also an owner and creator of the Triple Double Edge - . Robert D. Thomson's top article generates over 2240000 views. Bookmark Robert D. Thomson to your Favourites.
Steven Gwillim has sinced written about articles on various topics from Credit Cards, Wellness and Adware. Steve Gwillim's R.I.P.P.E.D. Weight Training: http://www.rippedweighttraining.com/"An Ultimate Body Building Weight Training Program That Get's You Absolutely R. Steven Gwillim's top article generates over 60500 views. Bookmark Steven Gwillim to your Favourites.
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