Most importantly, accept your child for who they are, and help them do the same. Teach your child that nobody is perfect, and that everyone makes mistakes. Show them how to learn and grow from their mistakes, and let them know that you also make mistakes. Children with high self esteem are able to take lessons from mistakes and apply them down the road. A child with low self esteem become frustrated and resort to self-depreciating behavior, such as calling themselves 'stupid' and vowing to 'never try that again.'
Help your child discover their abilities and talents, and encourage outlets for them to build on and improve them. Praise a child not only for improvements in abilities and skills, but also for the traits they naturally possess.
Encourage your child to make positive choices. Open an honest dialog with your child and discuss the possibilities with them. Children who learn skills for making positive choices when they are younger are well-prepared for the tougher choices they have to make when they are older.
Ensure that you spend lots of quality time with your child, at least once a week. Whether you are shooting baskets or going out to grab a hamburger, take time to talk and keep in touch. If you find it difficult to squeeze in quality time during a hectic week, take the time to talk about things during the drive to school or while they are helping you put the groceries away.
Building Self Esteem For Children
Helping your partner improve his or her self-esteem is one of the best ways for you to express your love for him or her. Your are not only doing him a favor when you boost his or her self-esteem, you are also contributing to the longevity of your relationship. For a relationship to work out, both partners must be emotionally and psychologically mature. A healthy self-image or self-esteem is one of the indications of maturity.
Below are some ways that you can do to help your mate improve his or her self-esteem.
Acknowledge that nobody is perfect.
Keep in mind that nobody is perfect. So do not expect yourself or your partner to be one. Instead, believe that any body has the capacity to change. So whatever is the current state of your partner right now, know that he or she can still improve on his or her situation.
It is also important that you accept your partner for what he or she is. Never, ever tell your partner that you wish he or she is someone different. This could have a very damaging effect on his or her self-esteem. An effect that would take a lot of time and effort to fix. If you really love your partner you will accept him or her for what he or she is. This includes her flaws and shortcomings.
Do not be stingy on praises and compliments
If your partner has done or accomplished something that is praiseworthy then go ahead and praise or compliment him or her for it. To be most effective, you must give your partner a compliment at least once everyday. Even small compliments would mean a lot. For example, you can tell your partner how good he or she looks in her office attire before he or she goes to work or how you love the smell of his or her new cologne.
Giving compliments would not just do wonders for your partner's self-esteem; it could also bring magic to your relationship. Avoid harsh criticisms
Paying compliments does not mean that you have to lie. It does not help for your mate's self-esteem, to be brutally frankly either. If you do not really like what he or she is wearing, then tell him or her that you like the one he or she wore last week better instead of telling him or her that that what he or she is wearing sucks.
Listen! Listen! Listen!
Good constant communication is one of the secrets of a lasting relationship. And in communication it is as equally important to listen as it is to talk. Be your mate's most attentive audience. Whenever he or she is saying something, give him or her your full attention. Knowing that you are listening attentively to him would boost his or her confidence and would increase his or her self-esteem.
By doing the things above, you can help your mate increase his or her self-esteem. After helping your partner build a strong self-esteem, you will also notice that your relationship will also improve. So take time out to these things right now.
Both Jerald Shapiro & John Samson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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