Serious gamblers are always in search of reliable blackjack tips because blackjack is one of the friendliest casino games available when it come to odds that are not stacked against the player. In fact, for expert or professional players the odds at blackjack can effectively be turned to the players? advantage.
1. Never gamble with ?dear? money. The number one rule for gambling, and the most important of all blackjack tips, is to never gamble with ?dear? money; only gamble with ?excess? money. In other words, never gamble with money that you will need now, or may need in the near future, to pay for your financial commitments and everyday living expenses.
2. Pick the Casino with the Best Rules. Before you worry about winning blackjack tips make sure you're playing at the best casino. Many blackjack rules are standard but some can vary from casino to casino. Find a casino with certain rules that are critical to your odds of winning. Play only at casinos where you can: split any two cards, double down on any two cards, double down after splitting and collect at least 1.5 to 1 on a blackjack.
3. Play within Your Ability. Blackjack offers one of the lowest house advantages in a casino ? typically around .60%. With time, patience and hard work many players perfect the technique of card counting to become an expert player. Until you reach that point use a simpler strategy to guide your play.
4. Stick with a Basic Strategy. Regardless of your level of play, the best of all blackjack tips is to establish a specific and detailed playing strategy and stick to it. And unless you have mastered card counting you should stick to the guidelines of Basic Strategy in all of your blackjack decisions.
5. Know the Rules for Soft Hands. A soft hand is any hand containing an ace where the ace can be counted as an 11 without putting the total over 21. In general, stand on a hard 18 or higher and hit a soft 17 or lower. With the dealer showing a 4, 5 or 6 you should double down on a soft 18 or lower.
6. Know When to Split. Most blackjack tips encourage you to get more money on the table when you have an advantage over the dealer. Splitting a pair is one of the best methods of putting more money in play at the right time. Regardless of the dealer's card always split Aces and 8s. If the dealer is showing a 4, 5 or 6 split any pair except 5's and 10s or face cards.
7. Know When Not to Split. Legitimate blackjack tips also tell you to avoid putting more money at risk when the odds are against you. To minimize your potential loss on a hand, never split 10s, 5s or face cards. Double down on a pair of 5s and stand on a pair of 10s or face cards.
8. Know when to Double Down. If your hand totals 11 always double down unless the dealer is showing an ace in which case you should just hit. If your hand totals 10, double down if the dealer is showing a 9 or lower. If the dealer is showing a 10 or a face card, just take a hit.
9. Don't be Afraid to Bust. If the dealer is showing a 7 or higher always hit a hard 16 or lower. This is one of the most basic of all blackjack tips and yet one that many beginning players are reluctant to follow.
10. Life after a Split. After you split a pair, continue to play each new hand with the same rules regarding whether to hit, stand, split again or double down.
Can't Win With You
A quick but important question: What is the #1 thing that determines how much money you will make online?
(A) How much traffic your website gets
(B) How eye-popping your website looks
(C) The product you have decided to promote
(D) The niche market you're in.
If you said "product", congratulations!
Yes, you need a good website and you need the traffic, but it is the product that is the #1 decider of how well you'll do online.
Let me explain why.
You could be promoting a product with a low PROFIT MARGIN per sale but even if you sold a whole pile of them, you'd still wouldn't make very much money. And that's not what you want.
Or you could be promoting a product with a low VOLUME of sales. With this, you'd still be floundering unless you had a stupendous profit margin on every sale. So this option is not what you want either.
But what if you were promoting a product with a high sales volume AND a high profit-per-sale? You'd be grinning from ear to ear.
That's why getting the right product to promote is the #1 factor in determining how much money you will make on the internet.
Let me put that another way. The "secret" of making an exciting internet marketing income is this...
Find a hot profitable market where the products you promote sell well and pay well. That could be in a large market or a smaller submarket (often called a niche, thus "niche marketing") because there is profit in BOTH big markets and tiny niches.
Talking about niches, you could even be the dominant player in a niche that hardly any other marketer has identified, but again if there is no product that you can profitably promote, what's the point? (That's why answer (D) above wasn't the right one.)
So the great big question now becomes...
How do you go about finding these hot profitable products? What's the best method to ferret them out?
Luckily for you, there is a site that explains all about how to find hot markets. Cleverly it's called...
Both Cary Clark & Gary Harvey are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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