Embroidery, all around the globe is considered as a piece of heritage. This heritage has been with us for many centuries. Embroidery as an art form is so aged that none of us could pin point the accuracy of its ancientness. Since the time of our mothers, grandmothers and their ancestors have followed this art, despite the world being poles apart.
Where we reside doesn't make a difference we all have been introduced to embroidery as cross stitch embroidery. That's because it's so easy to learn. It requires the most common of obtainable supplies. Therefore how much ever I go gaga over celtic cross stitch it will be little because I love its patterns.
Cross stitch is not without its impressions of varied civilizations and regions and tribes. Patterns of cross stitch are a great mixture of some primitive, ethnic, modern as well as contemporary variations. While some regional patterns are evident other too have their impressions. Like Victorian cross stitch is revered for its classic designs, African stitch is applauded for their ethnicity and Celtic for their intricacy.
Celtic embroidery is an ancient form of embroidery. Its archetypal patterns are well known, also the diversity of its patterns are something that we can take pride in. Since Celts were predominantly nomads therefore the impressions of their art knew no boundaries. These patterns could be seen on probably every possession of theirs.
On their possessions the motifs and design work had minute details that some work could well be a masterpiece in our contemporary life. Cross stitch patterns used by Celts had impressions of their daily lifestyles. Patterns like geometrical shapes, mythological creatures, flowers, alphabets and more. They didn't just stop with creating patterns with embroideries, actually they were so found of these patterns that even their swords, utensils walls and bodies would engraved with such patterns.
All of you would by now be asking on the ways to get these gorgeous and unique patterns. 25 odd years ago I wouldn't have been in a position to answer any of this. But today I am fortunate enough to have enough knowledge about this art to be able to share it with you.
Simply visit your nearest store or art and craft vendor to get yourself that really nice Celtic cross stitch design kit. If you fail in your effort to locate a crafts store nearby, then you might find one at a bookshop. And just incase you do not want to do away with the comfort of your house for this purpose I can help you here too.
You can easily place an online order requesting your kit. While if you wouldn't like to spend a dime on the pattern, try locating free patterns on the Internet. There are plenty of sites that offer these patterns for free. Make your selections depending upon your skill level. I sincerely hope that I have left no stone unturned that you do not take up Celtic cross stitch embroidery. I hope I do not have to push you further.
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