It's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Before the break up, you and your ex spent weeks or even months tiring of one another. You became snappier or moodier or generally less appreciative of each other ' and, when one of you finally made the decision to end it, they were convinced it would come as a relief.
But now that you've separated, you're having second thoughts.
Your girlfriend wasn't that bad.
In fact, now you come to think of it, she was pretty great.
So how are you going to go about getting her back? Below are five of the most effective options.
1. Say You're Sorry
With most break ups, both parties are to blame for whatever went wrong. Men become sullen when women nag; women nag when men become sullen ' and so you both get stuck in a vicious cycle of bad behavior.
Take responsibility for your attitude and actions. Apologize for anything you may have done wrong and assure her you didn't mean whatever nasty remarks she insists you made.
Bear in mind that women hate to admit their mistakes. There's a good chance she won't ask forgiveness for her own misdeeds, but if you really want her back, don't push the issue. Shoulder as much of the blame as you can handle and vow to make things better.
2. Leave Her Alone
Girls like strong, confident men, so give the clingy, needy act a miss.
If you've been phoning her five times a night, sending unsolicited emails and hanging around her favorite haunts on the off chance you'll get to talk to her you are doing yourself no favors. Rather than winning her affections back, all you're likely to get is a restraining order.
Show a bit of dignity. Tell her once that you would like to try again, and then leave her alone while she makes her decision.
3. Date Other Women
You may believe she's the only girl for you, but you don't have to act like it. Girls are jealous creatures ' if your ex knows you're seeing other people, she's going to start thinking about what she's missing out on. It won't be long before envy gets the better of her and she comes looking for your attention.
4. Change
Mend your ways. Whatever part you played in eroding your relationship, it probably didn't seem like that big a deal while you were doing it ' but if it led one woman to leave you, it's likely to lead any future dates to do the same.
The only way you can make things work with your ex (or any other girl you may date) is to give her a bit of what she wants. And what most girls want is a nicely scented man who listens to her problems, pulls his weight with the housework and makes her feel gorgeous getting her clothes off. Think about how you can become that guy, and then ask for another chance.
5. Befriend Her
It's not easy to be friends with someone who recently broke your heart. But if the separation was amicable or happened several months ago, call her up and invite her to the theater. Suggest a drink sometime. Hang out playing video games. Do whatever fun things you two used to do back in the early days ' just, without the sex.
Sex is the main difference between friendship and a relationship. Remind her of what a great time you have when you're together and she's soon going to realize what else it is she's been missing.
How To Get A Ex Girlfriend Back
There are plenty of pointers online on how to get your ex girlfriend back, but most of them expect her to at least be amenable to pick up the phone when you call her. What are you supposed to do if she won't even talk to you? Here are a few ideas:
Let her acknowledge you are available
You've likely heard the advice that if you want to know how to get your ex girlfriend back, the readiest way is to make her envious by having her guess you're going out with other girls. Well, the problem is this can easily backlash on you.
Even if she was starting to miss you, if she finds out you've commenced dating, she'll assume you no longer have feelings for her. So, be sure your mutual friends know you're still single.
Better yourself
Of course, being available doesn't mean staying put at home ready and waiting by the phone all day. Alternatively to expending your vigour looking for a fresh girlfriend, invest it in self-improvement. Especially if you were in a long-term relationship, you'll be better off having some time to yourself to do something that can better your self-assurance as individual, whether it's learning a new skill or just spending more time executing what you love. Your ex will see you can live without her and respect you all the more for it.
Compose a love letter
Not a telephone call, not an email, not an Instant Message -an actual handwritten letter. It may represent an old fashioned method for how to get your ex girlfriend back, but it works because there are very few women who will not read a handwritten note. That means you will at least find a chance to explain what you're feeling.
While it's best to put it all in your own language, if you genuinely feel like you don't know what to say, get a female acquaintance to assist you or sneak a few ideas (ideas, not whole sentences) from samples online. Recollect, the look of the letter is almost as crucial as the words. Pen your letter on fancy stationary, deposit it in a corresponding envelope, seal it with real sealing wax and send it off.
Keep it light
When you do have a chance to talk to her again, keep the mood upbeat. Don't start apologizing for everything you ever did incorrectly, begging her to meet with you, or arguing over what stimulated the breakup. After all, would you look forwards to meeting someone who's evidently an emotional wreck?
Instead, hand her an indication that seeing you again will be entertaining and won't demand any bickering or fawning. If at all possible, make her laugh. You'll get her to permit her guard down and take out the "bad taste" left after the breakup.
If you truly want to know how to get your ex girlfriend back even when she won't return your telephone calls, stay assured that it can be accomplished. Make use of mutual friends to let her know you are available but not wasting away from heartache, then mail her a missive to get contact . Beyond that, be heedful where get advice on how to get your girlfriend back because some of the suggestions can really backfire on you.
Both Scott Patterson & Cheryl Pierce are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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