1. Do you have any favorite songs or congregational hymns you would like included in your service? (If they need to look at a church hymnal, call the church and ask to borrow one for a couple days. Make sure to return it before Sunday.)
Most people do not have a clue what music their parents would prefer and often regret not knowing when the time comes to plan a memorial service. Once you know the answer to this question you can find recordings online, or even better, ask if they have a particular soloist they would like to perform any of the pieces.
2. Do you have any favorite Bible verses or verses from your religious books, you would like included in your service?
If their eyesight is getting poor, you may want to read through any underlined passages in their Bible or spiritual documents and let them choose which to include in their service.
3. Do you have a favorite poem or reading you would like included in the service?
If they know they like a particular author, or particular book, buy it online or check it out from the library so they can take their time and decide what would be most meaningful.
4a. What are some of your favorite memories from your life time?
Incorporate several of the stories into the eulogy. It's very difficult with fresh grief and the exhaustion that accompanies it, to write a eulogy, but the majority of a eulogy can be written well in advance of death, because it is a history of the person's life (most of which has happened already!)
4b. Can you think of any funny memories with family or friends?
Adding a little humor to a memorial service or celebration of life offers a much-needed break from the heaviness of the day. (Think of the memories you have that would make the congregation smile!)
5. Who do you want us to make sure to contact with memorial service information?
Keep this information in a folder entitled, "Memorial Service".
6. What would you tell your family and friends if you could leave them with an encouraging word?
One of the most meaningful and touching things I have ever seen done, was, before her death, a woman video-taped herself talking to everyone who would be at her funeral. No loved one was to view it until the funeral. Her message was incredibly precious to everyone in attendance and it was a piece of herself that her children and grandchildren will treasure forever.
7. Which are your favorite pictures of friends and family?
Have your parents put these into two piles: 1. friends 2. family
Now you are ready to put together a video for the memorial service or picture memorial boards (or both). I took my parents favorite photos, scanned them onto their computer, and made a slide presentation that plays every time they open the computer. They keep the computer on constantly because they love seeing the old pictures of their parents and siblings, as well as pictures of their friends and their homes through out the years.
Ask these seven questions of your parents before their health deteriorates. It will make the inevitable process of putting a memorial service, funeral, or celebration of life service together, infinitely easier when that difficult day arrives.
Key Low Pass Filter
Spam has not only affected email users but as well as online businesses, big and small alike. Spamming caused mail administrators and ISP to adopt blacklists for the purpose of providing a good service to their subscribers. Unfortunately, Real Time Blacklists (blacklists that can be obtained through the internet) contain innocent domains. Due to imperfect filtering of spam busters, some legitimate emails were included in the blacklists. Furthermore, disgruntled users are also a major source of spam reports.
Once a domain or an IP address landed in any blacklists, it would not only be hard to send a message from that domain or IP, it would be impossible. Because of this dilemma, online marketers have to go through the delisting process once caught in the blacklist.
If you are running an online business and you’ve got many bounced emails, your domain might be blacklisted, you need to perform delisting. Now what is delisting from a blacklist, and the things which entail it? Delisting is just a term referring to the process of removing your domain or IP in the lists of known spammers.
Blacklists have different ways of removing blacklisted addresses. The first thing you need to do is visit their website, know the type or kind of blacklist your are in, then understand the purpose of that blacklist. Know their basis of flagging a message as spam. By doing this you may understand somehow why you were blacklisted.
The next thing, know the delisting process. In some cases automatic delisting is used, but other blacklists might require you to send an email or a phone call, to substantiate your intention for delisting. Have in mind that delisting can be expedited through a third party, especially one with a good reputation.
After the delisting process, know the necessary changes you need to adopt to prevent you from getting blacklisted in the future. This may include email server setting or email format.
Opt-in, Double Opt-in, Opt-out features can also be adopted in your newsletters in the future so that you will not land again in the blacklist. Encourage as well your clients to place you in their whitelist. For further explanations about delisting, blacklist problem, email format, etc., you can visit www.emailreach.com.
Both Karin Gunderson & Roderick Suganob are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Karin Gunderson has sinced written about articles on various topics from Keyboard Synthesizer, The Ocean Beach and Health. Karin Gunderson's voice and harp have brought peace to thousands of hospice patients. If you, or someone you know, fears death or is grieving a loved one with a terminal illness or grieving a loved one who has died, consider visiting. Karin Gunderson's top article generates over 18100 views. Bookmark Karin Gunderson to your Favourites.
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