Anime is one of the most beautiful art forms in this world. For this reason, anime has attracted millions of fans all over the world. Previously, Anime fans have only been able to get access to top quality Anime through the television network. But there is very little they can do in front of a television.
Today, watching Anime can be a totally different experience. Besides the television, Anime fans can now gain access to a revolutionary technology we know as the Internet. On the world wide web, we can get access to any kind of content we desire - from text articles, to audio files and streaming video. As hardware and software cost continue to plunge as the Internet evolves at break neck speed, bandwidth becomes amazing cheap. As a result, many service providers have been able to offer high speed Internet connections while still keeping the prices affordable. That effectively enables millions of households world wide to have broad band Internet access at home and at work.
Broadband Internet access can be used for many purposes - for work or for play. Online users check emails, surf their favorite news portals, listen to MP3 music, and even watch videos online. Compared to the television box, they can do so much more. No wonder more and more people are spending less time in front of the television and more time online. There is just so much to do. And usually, with a few simple clicks, the Internet can serve up whatever content we want.
Naturally, web visitors want to get access to their favorite content. And with the immense popularity of Anime, many fans are finding it hard to resist visiting Anime video sites. Mind you, these sites are very different from a television box. They are, in many ways, smarter. For instance, watching streaming Anime videos is not all that you can on these sites. You can join forums, leave comments, participate in active forum threads, read Anime reviews, rate videos, and more.
Anime community sites offer abundant opportunities for fans to interact with one another. They can discuss about what they like about a certain episode, what they don't like, and where they think the story is heading. Often, many Anime fans have their own favorite characters. Some prefer the good guys, while others prefer the bad guys. So the community sites allow them to find one another and bond together. Never before has any other technology been able to achieve this.
So now that you know of these irresistable Anime sites, let's go over some of the things you need to connect to these sites. In actual fact, all you need is a modern web browser, a high speed Internet connection, and a lot of time for watching the hundreds of free episodes.
But here is a word of caution. Anime video sites often offer hundreds of episodes as we just mentioned. So it's very tempting to spend hours watching all the episodes - one followed by the other. This is unconstructive and unnecessary, as too much leisure can be harmful. So bookmark these sites and use them appropriately. They are there for your enjoyment.
Mp3 To Wave Online
Video and video casting as an integral part of a company's online marketing and Internet advertizing efforts is growing in importance. There is a surge of interest and interactive participation surrounding videocasting and videostreaming, focusing particularly around the meteoric rise and importance of YouTube as an online platform. Meanwhile, the amount of time consumers - particularly the tech-savvy consumers that are a prime target for online marketers - spend in front of traditional media like TV and film is declining.
Leading pollster, Ipsos-MediaCT, reports that the percentage of time active Internet users ? i.e., those who have ever downloaded a video from the internet - spent watching video on TV continued to decline, dropping from 75% in February 2007 to 70% in February 2008. This is a small, yet highly significant drop, when one considers that ?about half of all Internet users aged 12 and up have streamed a video file online in the past 30 days,? according to Ipsos? research.
According to Ipsos MediaCT's Director Adam Wright, ?The growing sophistication of home PCs, as well as the ubiquity of high-speed Internet connections in the home and outside, really facilitated the experimentation process with the digital video medium, and subsequently caused many to adopt the PC as a channel they rely on for video entertainment.?
It seems that what may have initially been seen as a trickle will yet turn into a flood, as on the videostreaming front Google recently moved to allow longer videocasts on YouTube, one of the search engine giant's crown jewels. Industry analyst and tracker, the Silicon Industry Insider, reports that Google recently invited its ?content partners? (primarily independent filmmakers) to upload videos of up to 1 gigabyte in length to YouTube, blowing the doors off the site's esrstwhile restrictions on video size, which hovered at 10 minutes. (A gigabyte of video is about the length of a standard feature film at normal resolution.)
Google CEO, Eric Schmidt made it clear, earlier this year, that one of Google's top priorities for 2008 was to monetize YouTube, an asset Google paid $1.65 billion to acquire in 2005. More and more it looks like one tact that Google is exploring to do this is to allow uploading of longer videos (i.e., videos that look more like traditional media). The thinking seems to be that longer video clips will allow sponsors to attach more or greater lengths of advertising, than the 5 to 10 second ad clips that are featured on some of YouTube's shorter videos right now.
What is clear, given the Ipsos MediaCT numbers is that there is a groundswell of demand for video content amongst consumers. And that groudswell is rising. The online marketing and advertising industry has already made note of this. Turn to Google's search results page and the growing predominance of videoclips and YouTube pages in the search results is self-evident.
This is not to disparage Google or to suggest that as the owner of YouTube there is a bias towards YouTube in Google's search results. Quite the contrary, the rising importance of videocasts across all the search engines mirrors what consumers are demanding. The ?Don't Be Evil? folks at Google were simply prescient in 2005, and were confidently aware that videocasting and videostreaming would be the next Internet wave. It seems that they have finally caught that wave in 2008 and are beginning to enjoy the ride. Forbes magazine is estimating that YouTube will bring in revenue of $200 million for Google in 2008, and $350 million.
Those engaged in online marketing and Internet marketing who have not yet fully embraced the potentials and opportunities of videocasting, are like surfers who have paddled out and are waiting in the surf line. We can see that the waves are breaking and we can also see that they can and are being surfed. So now is the time to catch that wave and begin to explore how online videocasting can be used successfully as an online marketing tool.
Both Gen Wright & Bruce Lennox are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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