Many want to know if there is more abuse of children today than years ago or are we just more aware of the problem. Child abuse has been around since the beginning of time. People are more aware of the problem and more willing to talk about it than ever before. Additionally, more active prosecution and media attention makes it seem like there has been an explosion of child abuse. While, it is very widespread, our awareness is more heightened than ever before. Now that we are more aware of the problem as a society, we need to take steps to protect children from further abuse.
1. TEACHING CHILDREN SKILLS. Reporting the inappropriate actions of an adult is not as easy for a child as it might seem. We raise children to do what adults tell them to do. We also tell them to do it without questioning why. Sometimes what we tell them to do is painful, such as getting a medical procedure. We still expect them to obey. How is a child to distinguish between a painful medical procedure with which a trusted adult tells them to comply and painful sexual abuse with which a trusted adult tells them to comply. Young children cannot do it at all. As children mature, we teach them "good touch, bad touch." This is helpful for some, butnot all. Which adult to obey is still very confusing for many children. It is up to the aduls in a child's life to teach and monitor where a child is, what he is doing, and who he is with.
2. STRANGER DANGER AND TRUSTED ADULT DANGER. It is not only the stangers that pose a risk to our children, it can be someone that is known to and trusted by the family. We can teach our children to not go with a stranger, but what happens when the predator is a relative, preacher, teacher, scout leader, or coach? This is very confusing to parents and children. How do you teach this concept without scaring them? Explain things based on the developmental level of the child and try not to frighten her. It is still your job to be the primary protector. Build an excellent relationship with your children. Talk every day about their activites. Make sure communication is open for ANY topic.
3. PROVIDE THERAPY FOR THE VICTIMS OF ABUSE AND PREDATORS. Child abuse is out of the relm of normal experience. It can be confusing and damaging to children and their parents. The child (or parent) may become depressed, anxious, or hyperactive. She may sleep or eat too little or too much. Her grades may drop and her behavior deteriorate. These may be signs that the abuse was traumatic and caused injury that needs therapy. Have your child evaluated by a professional to determine the need for therapy.
4. IF YOUR CHILD HAS BEEN ABUSED, WHAT CAN YOU DO? There are two main agencies that handle child abuse reports, the police and the Department of Social Services. Either agency can launch an investigation and pull in the other agency if needed, so you can call either agency. They will advise you what to do next. Once that is done, you need to get supportive counseling for your child. He needs to know that abuse is not his fault and that he will heal in time.
5. LOCK THEM UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY IS NOT ENOUGH. While we would like to throw them under the jail because their crime is so reprehensible, it is more important that they never hurt another child when they are released from incarceration. Most will be released from jail back into the community. Treatment while in jail and when released should be mandatory. It can reduce the risk of someone else's child being hurt.
6. LET'S STOP THE CYCLE OF ABUSE. Some child abusers were also abused as children. To stop the cycle, we have to stop child abuse in all forms. Over 3,000,000 children are abused and neglected every year. Some percentage of them grow up to be child abusers. We must support resources to care for and protect abused and neglected children. What can your faith or civic organization do to help stop child abuse? How can they help desparate parents who are overwhelmed with raising their children? The problem is very large and will take much effort to solve.
7. RESEARCH. We must continue to research prevention, assessment, and effective treatment of violence and sexual offending against youth. Those treating violent offenders must be appropriately trained in the most up to date methods. In that way will there be "NO MORE VICTIMS." Legislatively support violent and sex offender research in your area by calling your legislators.
8. PREVENTING TERRORISM GLOBALLY. There are millions, perhaps billions of abandoned "street children" in all parts of the world. They must fend for themselves and are often recruited into criminal gangs and terrorist organizations that will feed, house, and abuse them. There are also international organizations that help care for these abandoned children. Supporting these organizations can helpm dry up the sources of recruits for criminal gangs, child sex rings, and terrorist organizations. If these children are taken care of, we will all be safer.
9. PARENTS, EDUCATE YOURSELVES. It is important for parents to educate themselves on the characteristics of violent offenders. Know who is prone to violence in your community and don't let them supervise your children, whether they are youth leaders, sports coaches, the people that run the amusement rides, or others. Know the red flags to look for. Some very dangerous, violent offenders can be very slick, smooth talking, and very good at fooling people into thinking they are trustworthy, but there is always some little thing that is just a little odd.
10. PARENTS, DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE AND WHO THEY ARE WITH? Help to chaperone school, community, and church activities for youth. There should always be more than one adult with any group of children. Adults should confront any suspicious activity of another adult. Don't just let it slide. It's difficult, but these things need to be discussed openly. Secrecy and difficulty talking about these topics are a child abuser's best friends.
These 10 tips are just a beginning. You can find more information on the internet. In fact, internet safety is a whole new area that you need to be informed about. Collect your information, be aware, be involved, but mostly, talk to your child every day and build a positive relationship with him. Hopefully, whether something seems odd or great, he will tell you.
Protect Children From Abuse
A January 2002 Family PC Magazine surveyed 750 of their readers and found that 78% of parents are concerned about children's access to pornography.
What can you do to protect your children from online filth?
?Become more computer literate and Internet savvy.
?Keep the computer in a "public" area in your house. Monitor your child's computer use. Talk with your children about their online activities and their online friends.
?Check out parental controls available on your online service. Block adult chat rooms. Block Instant/Personal Messages from people you don't know. Install filtering/blocking software, or use a "clean Internet provider" that filters at the server level.
?Do not let your children have online profiles, so they will not be listed in directories and are less likely to be approached in children's chat rooms, where pedophiles often search for prey.
?Tell your children to never "go private" into a private chat room.
?Tell your children to never give out personal information, including name, address, school they attend or teachers' names, parents' names, etc.
?Tell your children to never, never, never tell anyone where they will be or what they will be doing, and they may never meet someone from online without you.
?Tell your children to never respond to rude or offensive e-mail, messages, or postings.
?Do not allow your children to post, send or receive pictures online. Picture files generally end with GIF, JPG, or JPEG.
?Monitor the amount of time your child spends on the Internet, and at what times of day. Excessive time online, especially at night, may indicate a problem. Time on the Internet is time taken from other healthy activities.
?Tell your children to let you know if anything seems strange to them, if they are asked personal ("what are you wearing" type) questions, or if their online friend invites them someplace.
?Changes in your child's behavior (mention of adults you don't know, secretiveness, inappropriate sexual knowledge, sleeping problems, etc.) may indicate a problem.
?Letting children use the Internet unattended, particularly talking in chat rooms, is the equivalent of dropping them off in Central Park and saying, "Go make some new friends." Obono John
Both Dr. Kathryn Seifert & Bonzy are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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