For some, even maintaining cholesterol at the right levels and being fit and thin will still not prevent the development of high levels of bad cholesterol. Due to heart risk factors besides diet, some people require a very aggressive approach which includes cholesterol lowing medication.
Lifestyle issues and high cholesterol:
&bullWhen we opt for convenience in eating over nutrition, we are setting ourselves up for problems. Eating fast foods and convenience foods results in eating too many fats and salts, which can raise our bad cholesterol levels. In addition, a more sedentary lifestyle also contributes to unhealthy levels of cholesterol. If you want to see a graphic representation of this, consider renting the documentary movie "Supersize Me." This documentary details the attempts of one man to live on fast foods and little exercise alone. The results on his cholesterol and body health in just 30 days are truly frightening.
&bullA visit to a nutritionist or dietician can help us all better understand eating for the right reasons and for optimal health. It is never too late to start on this path.
&bullRegular exercise will effectively lower cholesterol and will maintain your body strength to function best. Just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, including walking, each day will lower cholesterol. Exercise does not have to be a large time or money commitment. Simple activities that get you moving and that you enjoy enough to repeat are almost always adequate.
&bullAn important consideration in eating is choosing lower fat.
&bullBuy cooking oils that are unsaturated. Use low fat cooking sprays to replace heavy oils whenever possible. Reduce your overall use of oils even further by using cooking techniques that require little or no oil.
Age and Gender:
&bullCholesterol levels increase with age. Women generally have a lower level than men from age 50 to 55. Once a woman starts menopause, the cholesterol level starts to increase.
&bull While there is not much that you can do about your age, you can make sure that age does not threaten your heart health by sticking to a healthy lifestyle and diet and by getting your cholesterol levels monitored.
&bullGenetics play a key role in a person's health and this includes the amount of cholesterol you might have.
&bullFind out if your family battles with high levels of cholesterol and then bring this to your doctor's attention right away. If you have a family history of heart disease and high cholesterol levels, work harder and start earlier in adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating plan.
Recipes For High Cholesterol
High cholesterol, if left untreated, can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, stroke and even death. New studies are being conducted to determine the affects of high cholesterol.
Fortunately, there is a prescription medication available that can control high cholesterol that dietary changes alone cannot lower.
Zetia starts to work in the digestive track and is an absorption blocking medication. This means that Zetia does not allow the body to absorb cholesterol from the food it has consumed. There are two forms of Zetia, one with statins and one without. Only your doctor can prescribe the right one for you.
Zetia was created to assist people in reducing their cholesterol levels when dietary changes do not reduce it enough. Zetia can be taken by those who are required to take other medications as it won't interfere with them. It is important to remember that Zetia is not a weight loss product. Studies have indicated that the only proven side affects to Zetia are stomachaches and fatigue.
Studies have shown that by taking Zetia for one month, bad cholesterol was lowered by as much as thirty-six points.
Pregnant and breast feeding women should not take Zetia. Your physician will go over your medical history to rule out any allergies to anything on the list of ingredients that are in Zetia.
Zetia is a once a day medication and it is important that you remember to take it. Many have found that when they take it at the same time everyday, it is easier to incorporate into their lifestyle. It can be obtained by prescription only and your physician will give you a complete physical before giving you Zetia.
Taking Zetia, along with making the necessary lifestyle changes such as incorporating a diet and exercise routine into your life, will assist in lowering your cholesterol to a safe level. By doing this, you are reducing your risk for heart related illnesses in the future.
It is important to keep in mind that new information regarding Zetia is being released everyday. It is important that you read the product information every time you refill your prescription to get the maximum benefits of Zetia. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist for as much information as they have regarding Zetia. This helps to insure that you understand everything about the medication before you take it. Ask your doctor any questions you may have, no matter how insignificant you may think it is.
Disclaimer: The information above should not be interpreted as medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional for more information about Zetia.
Both james ellison & Heather Colman are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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