The long-tail theory for article marketing is quite simple really. With the current massive growth of article marketing to drive traffic to websites, establish credibility, and to create backlinks for search engine optimization purposes, there are constant queries and/or discussions related to duplicate content. There's no question about the benefits of the small business marketing article and how it can help to position someone as an expert, not to mention help to increase search engine exposure and traffic.
Another way that these types of articles help develop a steady stream of new clients is that when submitted to article directories they help to increase your exposure in the search engines and in turn will deliver even more targeted traffic to your business website. But by themselves they don't put money in your pocket - there are a myriad of factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity to increase your income, not just the number of visitors to your site. Conclusion So in order to get the most out of your article marketing efforts, remember that you're writing for people first and search engines second.
A third benefit to article marketing is that it helps your visibility in the search engines. I have to wonder how many small article directories hell-bent on the bragging rights that come with search engine prominence, are now throwing in the article marketing towel altogether. When done right, article marketing combines the benefits of public relations, positioning, search engine visibility and branding.
There are several benefits to writing and submitting small business marketing articles to article directories on the internet. Imagine the power of article submission marketing when your mass quantities of articles are submitted to the many article directories. Most importantly, article marketing is still one of the best ways to drive web traffic to your sites in the viral manner as more and more publishers publish your articles on their sites.
One of the best and most powerful ways to drive targeted traffic to your website and to make sales is through Article Marketing. In conclusion, this article highlights four reasons why Article Marketing is a good way to consider especially if you are on a tight budget and its ability to send your website continuous targeted website traffic is something that you should consider carefully if you want to use this method of online promotion. Each article you have published is excellent advertising for your website as at the end of your article you will have printed an 'about the author' section (also called bylines), this advertises you and your website and builds free traffic to your site and credibility for you if your articles are of good quality.
Writing your own articles and publishing them can be free as compared to paying for Pay Per Click Advertising and the more articles you write the more well known you will be and the more targeted website traffic you will get. There are a few little changes you can make that will make your links and articles more topically relevant than 90% of other articles, merely because other authors don't think to balance the search engine benefits of article promotion with its value as content, rather than favoring one or the other. If you write articles that stay on the topic of your site, the page where your article appears is more effective as a page that links back because it is more relevant.
Google's ability to deem a site as an "authority site" is what keeps the content on the web legitimate, and why sites that merely throw up a bunch of links to poorly written articles will never have the page rank that a site such as EzineArticles. Search engine crawlers love anchored text links that are keyword-optimized, which is why websites that serve as a "content hub" rank higher than specialized sites and why lesser sites choose add their links to this site for optimal positioning and a win-win situation. Based on my experience both as an author and a creator of niche focused content sites, think very carefully before leaping on the bandwagon of the newest trend in article publishing.
Those are just two of the main benefits of the small business marketing article. These are some of the major advantages of the small business marketing article. So those are just some of the primary benefits of article marketing.
Now that you know why article marketing is king, start writing. Kenneth Doyle Is A Writer And Internet Marketing Consultant, *Find Out About His [Keyword Optimized] Article Writing And Submission Service Gets Thousands Of Prospects To Read YOUR Web Site Offers, Here. Now you know how article marketing can help promote your business, it's up to you.
The bottom line of small business web site article marketing is to increase your sales and build your customer base.
The Long Tail Book
Long tail keywords are a type of keyword phrase that has at leas three, and some times as many as five words in the phrase. Long tail keywords are used when the website wants to refine search terms to the web page, as well as when the searcher is looking for something rather specific. Like normal keywords, long tail keywords are used to define what is on the web page and what the publisher wants to be found under in search engines and on search engine results pages. These keywords are highly specific, and draw less traffic for the website, but tend to draw more quality traffic, which leads in more conversions than normal keywords. Long tail keywords can also be used by publishers and visitors in different ways.
Long tail keywords are 3 to 5 keyword phrases that are much more specific to the product or service that you are selling. These search phrases are used by people who are further along the decision making process and therefore much more likely to convert. E-commerce sites (online stores) need traffic to generate revenues. These stores can get this traffic via paid search (search engine marketing), but at the same time they should be putting effort in to organic SEO. Free traffic, even if untargeted is good traffic if it can lead to revenues or back links. Long tail keywords can often lead to traffic if spread across enough different phrases.
The basic definition of a long tail keyword (key phrase, search) is a keyword phrase that is extremely targeted to a specific niche so that it gets a small amount of extremely targeted traffic. The theory is that you can possibly get more overall traffic to your site by using a large amount of long tail keywords (all of the small traffic for each one being added together) than you can using a small amount of general keyword terms. Basically, long tail would be the dozens and dozens of keywords and keyword phrases that a website is found for, but are not considered a large focus of your marketing efforts.
There are many free keyword tools out there. Both Google and Yahoo offer these tools too. They will show you the most relevant long tail keywords according to the search volumes that match your single keyword.
Analytical SEO tools can help in selecting the best, most profitable and lucrative long tail keywords.
Writing quality content targeting such phrases can prove very lucrative and the increase in web site traffic generated collectively by choosing the right long tail keywords can meet or exceed the traffic generated by more competitive keywords. This is especially true when applied to new web sites and domains which have few quality links.
For an example of long tail keywords, let's consider the SEO sector - "SEO consultant" is one example of a highly competitive search phrase, whilst "SEO consultant London" is an example of a less popular long tail keyword term
Long Tail Keywords are less popular, less searched for terms which when targeted collectively by a website can result in significant levels of traffic, leading to improved sales. The principle behind long tail keyword theory is to identify moderately popular search terms (with reasonably high search volumes) that people often need to go onto page 2, 3 or even 4 of the search results panels to find relevant results to their query. This implies that existing websites have poor quality content or little relevance to the search term.
Obviously creating content to match the possible long tail searches is probably the best way to go to accomplish long-term organic results. This is done by creating new web pages, using the long tail search term as the topic of the page, the page title, but then considerable content needs to be placed on that page to support the phrase or concept to rank well. It can be challenging, especially when you are a small business person and have so many other responsibilities to juggle.
Brainstorm a list of long tail keywords and use them! This may seem like obvious advice, but sometimes the simplest solution is overlooked. Try to come up with a list of keywords and phrases that really describe the content of your site, and start creating new content that includes the phrases. Especially with something like a blog that is just starting out, you need to keep adding new content frequently. Create new posts make sure that you are using your keywords and phrases in the titles, tags, and inside the post as well. The key here is to add this new content frequently, and add a lot of it. This will help you to start to increase your visibility on search engines, and start to attract new visitors to your site.
Whether you can achieve high rankings for competitive keywords or not, long tail keywords could be highly beneficial for you. If you have a website selling Armani Suits' but can't pull any search engine traffic, rather than targeting the keyword Armani' or Armani Suits' try targeting more specific keywords such as Armani Mens Suits'. Hopefully you will see an increase in conversions and sales.
Whether or not you plan to use keyword advertising, tools such as Google Ad Words Keyword Tool tell you the advertiser competition and search volume of keywords you enter (if they have data for them). When you enter a few keywords, it suggests additional keywords to consider. You can also search for keywords related to your site content by entering the URL of your site.
Both Qtetra & Gav Shannon are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Qtetra has sinced written about articles on various topics from Article Writing, Advertising Guide and Internet Marketing. For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website :- Qtetra's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Qtetra to your Favourites.
Gav Shannon has sinced written about articles on various topics from Modelling, Humour and Article Writing. Gav Shannon is a Network Marketing Professional who writes about different topics that he feels may be of an interest.If You want to know more about him go to http://www.gavsh. Gav Shannon's top article generates over 8100 views. Bookmark Gav Shannon to your Favourites.
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