You already know you have a quality product, but now you need to make sure others know how good it is too. This stage is vital and it is a good idea to research the venues that would suit your product, make a list of the best and make every effort to familiarise yourself with each venue. This includes looking at the layout and transport links to and from the venue, as you want your prospective clients to be able to find the venue easily and without hassle. If possible contact the venue organiser for a meeting, as they will be able to answer any questions you may have. Next look at the different styles of exhibition and how many people are used to man them and if the team is giving a good impression of the product. This is crucial to getting it right, learn from others and choose the right venue for your product.
Choose your exhibition team
This choice of team can make or break your exhibition stand, it can be a good idea to take members from within the office who really have a firm grasp and belief in the product, but don't get the chance to show this enthusiasm to potential clients. Create a team to plan your exhibition and train them accordingly, decide on how many staff from your newly acquired knowledge of stand sizes and how many staff required. Make sure that you're on floor team are working to their strengths, and that a buzz is being created from them, to keep this going rotate staff to keep momentum up.
Attract the right demographic
With the knowledge gained from visiting the venue, an idea of the kind of demographic that the exhibition was attracting and which stands were being visited by the desired demographic is key to making your choice of exhibition hall and stand.
The exhibition stand
Your product is about to take centre stage and people need to see this and become excited about it. IF you are launching a product an unveiling can be done and your stand can create extra coverage and hype from the media and attendees. Remember to stick to a budget; this will have been stuck to by your exhibition team. Come up with a theme and make sure it is in keeping with your product and will be remembered by your potential clients. Make sure your stand is not only engaging, but product information and marketing material are displayed clearly to your potential clients, including website and contact information.
Once your ideas and planning have been put together into an impressive exhibition stand above all make sure it has worked for you in terms of leads, sales or media coverage.
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