It is said by some people that article marketing doesn't work any longer. This could be true if the articles you write aren't worth reading but you expect them to be read anyway. Article marketing can be a very powerful strategy for promoting your site if you do it the right way. There are three mistakes in article marketing that a very common and they are discussed below.
1. Confusing the reason for writing articles with the reason for promoting your business with articles.
Even though there are many reasons to use articles to promote your business, writing the articles have only one reason.
The promotion of your business using article is the first thing to discuss. Traffic will be driven to your site through these articles. Regardless of the topic, you will be seen as an expert in that field. This is a good and wonderful thing; however, this is not whole point in your article writing. So what is the reason for writing articles?
Good value is what you should be giving readers with your article writing. Readers will know right away if you have any other agenda for your writing and they won't like it one bit. If you are writing articles this way, you are spinning your wheels.
Your readers will only trust you if you give them good value. You can advise them that you have more information on your site in the resource box.
2. Not using the full potential of each article
what is next after writing an article? Making the resource box attractive enough to entice people to click the link to your site is the next step. You may write wonderful articles that do nothing for you if readers stop short of clicking your links. Make readers want to click those links.
The technique of making keywords into hyperlink text is a very effective way of using your resource box to increase the impact of your article. Getting help with you search engine rank is an indirect benefit you will see as well as increased traffic to your site when visitors click those links.
Then you submit you're article to article to article directories. And then you're done, right? WRONG.
This is where most people get it wrong. Then you must submit your article to individual web publishers. Most of the people visiting article directories are just people submitting their own articles. Individual web publishers will post your article on their websites or submit it to their lists were actual people will read your article.
3. Writing articles that are of little help to readers
if your articles are of little use to readers, one of two things will happen. And your online business won't be helped by either of them.
The first thing is that no one is going to trust you after reading your article. And that's assuming that they finished reading your article. Which they probably won't. More than likely they'll just leave.
The second problem is that you will have trouble finding anyone willing to post your article on their website. Their reputations are important to them so they will not risk it by posting your article. They know putting a bad article on their site will lose them the trust of their visitors. They won't give you many links for your article and that would be a waste of your time
Dead is not a good description of article marketing. It just takes a little more time and effort to do it right. But doing it right will mean great benefits for your business, so it is worth the effort.
To Submit Article To
If you want to go the route of internet marketing, internet promotion, traffic building for your website, etc then one of its core requirements is to submit article to various websites, article directories etc. So how is this submission going to work for you? Read on to get a fair idea in this regard.
Boosting Your Credibility at a Personal and Business Level
When you submit article on a particular website, what you are actually doing is publishing this article on that site. Now, when readers will come to the site and would like to read an article on a particular topic, they might just select your articles to read. If it's good, it will boost your credibility and you will start building a relationship of trust with your readers. What's more, over time more and more people will begin to appreciate your views and thus a foundation of credibility and trust will be laid.
Once people start trusting your articles, they will definitely come and see your website. That is the purpose of article submission in the first place. Therefore, along with personal credibility even your business credibility will get a boost.
Increasing Web Traffic
This advantage takes up from where we left the earlier benefit. When you submit article what you are trying to do, is sowing the seeds for increasing the traffic to your website. Most of the websites and article directories that you will submit your articles to are visited by hundreds of thousands of readers who are looking for good articles. These readers are your potential customers. People will read these articles and more often than not click on the link to your website given therein. It is a sure shot method to increase the amount of traffic to your website. Very soon, you might be a witness to an increase in the number of sales of your products and services.
Cheaper and More Effective Than Regular Advertising
It's no secret that an internet marketing campaign is cheaper than a regular marketing campaign. More importantly, internet advertising is also cheap. When you submit articles, you are actually, using a tool of internet advertising for indirectly advertising your website or online business.
This tool is more effective than many of the traditional tools of advertising and what's more you are promoting your website on the brunt of your own online credibility that you have earned through your articles.
Reaching Customers
When you submit article, you are actually casting a wide, far reaching net for potential customers. This is not possible in any other mode of advertising, promotion, or marketing. You will be able to find customers that you might never have hoped to find or reach before. This will make a big difference to your income generation. I hope the benefits listed above have taken care of the various doubts in your mind about the efficacy of article submission and its final result. If you do it well, then there will be no end to the benefits and the income generated from your website.
Both Amitt Sharmaa & Alan Lim are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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