Every year, millions of people enter the network marketing arena searching for a way to work from the comfort of home and possibly a way out of a routine job. Unfortunately, quite a few of these same people fail to realize that this is a real business and it takes dedication, marketing, and genuine effort to make it happen.
One of the biggest challenges for first year networkers, outside of money challenges, is not having a clear step by step system of how to conduct their businesses. Keep in mind that most of your new business partners have never been in business. So, telling them to write a list of 100 names and sending them on their way is a tough way to start.
McDonald's is known around the world for being a very successful fast food business. And one of the primary reasons for that success is the fact that they utilize a proven, easily duplicated, step by step system.
Their system is so effective that the day to day operations are literally ran by high school aged students. So, how does a 15 year old person run a multi-million dollar business?
It's simple and revolves around two basic reasons:
1. The Proven Step by Step System That the Franchise Uses.
2. The Training Program That Teaches Its Employees What to Do.
If you truly want to be successful in your new Network Marketing business, you need to take a lesson from McDonald's and implement these same two strategies.
Making a list of 100-200 people is not really a system. It could be part of an overall system, but it is not a system in itself. It is basically the equivalent of a McDonald's employee taking your order at the register and then everyone standing around asking "Now What?"
An effective network marketing system has several things in place.
1. It has a beginning, middle and an end.
2. It can be used by people at the top of the company or the bottom.
3. It can be implemented globally and changes very little despite location.
Unfortunately, there are many companies and teams today that utilize open-ended systems. They may be great at showing you how or where to find leads, but poor at showing you how to present to them. Or, they may be excellent in providing actual presentations, but lacking when it comes time to teach you how to find legitimate and targeted prospects.
Therefore, if you truly want to be successful in network marketing, you need to either create or locate a system that does three basic things.
Firstly, it teaches and shows you how to attract targeted prospects for your business or your products. Secondly, it demonstrates an effective way to present what you have to those targeted prospects. And finally, it has a mechanism in place for follow up and making timely sales.
If you are struggling to generate cash flow in your business, ask yourself if you truly have a workable system in place.
If not, create or find one immediately, and you will be amazed at your new results.
E Kinton has sinced written about articles on various topics from SEO Search Engine Optimization, AutoResponders and Network Marketing. E. Kinton, Jr. is a former U.S. Marine and the owner of NationalNetworkers.com which provides free network marketing training, tips, and resources. Learn more cold calling tips by visiting. E Kinton's top article generates over 1900 views. Bookmark E Kinton to your Favourites.
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