Unlike the conventional engravers, today some engravers use an intense beam of light for laser engraving instead of a rotating or vibrating tool; this beam can either vaporize a small area of the surface (laser engraving) or cause a change in the color of the surface of the material (laser marking). It's controlled by a computer at high speeds and accuracy to produce quality at a decent price. Almost all materials can be engraved or marked with this method. It didn't take very long for the engraving industry to discover lasers and soon they were used for many different industrial applications including welding, heat-treating, etching and engraving. When permanency or aesthetics are needed marking is the favored method. Compare it as a light source similar to a light bulb in that a light bulb will emit energy out all around it. There are quite a few advantages to using it rather than other methods of engraving. Because the tool is a beam of light, there is no contact with the product, which means there is less chance of damaging the product or deformation. Laser etching is really just another name for laser engraving. It provides a permanent message on an in-process or a finished component. It can be done on many different types of materials including slate, granite, stainless steel, leather, arborite, glass, mirrors, and premium hardwoods. Laser cutting works well for cutting acrylic (Plexiglas), PETG, thin polycarbonates (Mylar), styrene expanded PVC (Sintra), wood, paper and fabric. It adds high precision, reduced contamination or warping, and a nice quality finish to industrial cutting applications. It also offers superior cut-edge quality with parallel sides and no evidence of burrs. Laser marking is a process in which material is indelibly marked at very fast speeds. Marking of glass by CO2 lasers on the fly or while moving can be a good addition for many industrial environments and applications. Because no inks are used in the process it means the marking services are permanent and the process is environmentally friendly. And when they are used to mark or etch glass and quartz they replace the traditional methods such as sand blasting, ink pad printing and etching. You can mark easily in batches of 1 to 10,000. Drawings can be converted into the right format or directly in a variety of formats including JPEG, Adobe- Illustrator, Corel Draw and AutoCAD. Of the many items being engraved today, iPods and laptops rank right up there in the retail marketplace. Many companies make laser engraving machines, marking systems and etching equipment. These machines and systems are used in a variety of applications and industries including the medical device industry, the aerospace industry, the manufacturing industry, the automotive industry, pharmaceutical, and electronic industries. There are no consumables so operating costs are very minimal, and the system, if properly exhausted, runs clean, so costly cleanup or by product disposal is not necessary. Laser engraving can be used for most of the jobs that are now being done by conventional industrial engravers.
3d Laser Engraving Machine
The Resurgence of the Home Businesses
This history of this country is one of entrepreneurial spirit. From pioneers starting farms on the frontier to small companies blossoming overnight by cashing in on newfangled "railroad" technology, the independent contractor has been a backbone of the economy.
As things became more settled it became harder to find independent employment. Generations of workers had to be satisfied with working for someone else, nothing more than a meaningless cog in a corporate machine.
Internet and ecommerce has made the home business a practical reality again. Home workers support their families on businesses run out of their bedrooms, their only "store front" a well-designed web page.
Although the home business renaissance has been a great boon to the entrepreneur, to someone new to the scene it may seem the market is saturated. Although you have a global pool of customers you also have a global pool of competitors. The best way to get noticed is to find a service that few others have discovered.
Laser Engravers Create New Opportunities
Laser engraving is a method of etching intricate designs into almost any surface. As the technology has advanced new possibilities have emerged such as transferring a photographic image onto the surface or even beneath the surface of an object. This has created a new industry that allows the creation of individual, customized souvenirs for a low production cost.
The early laser engravers were large, used huge amounts of power, and costs staggering amounts of money. They were used only by large companies and were out of the reach of the average consumer.
A new generation of laser engravers has brought this application into the hands of nearly anyone. Tabletop units cost a fraction of what their giant industrial ancestors did and yet are capable of a level of detail unimaginable a few years ago.
A Business of Limitless Potential
A skilled painter can paint anything on any surface: a portrait on a canvas, a logo on a wooden sign, or a landscape on a stone plaque. An artist can make a decent living creating personalized gifts. However not all of us have the creative talent nor can we spend the years honing our skill.
Laser engravers can be used by anyone. Fire up the software, select or import an image, put the material in the machine, and away you go. A $10 cutting board becomes a $50 personalized gourmet kitchen accessory. A $20 piece of acrylic becomes a $100 award plaque.
Operating costs are very low, product ideas are inexhaustible, and your customer base consists of pretty much anybody. This low-startup cost business can provide a part-time supplemental income or provide a self-sufficient and independent career.
Both Tom Nissley & Christine Harrell are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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