To make money using the Internet you need to be involved in several different opportunities to be successful – make sure the home business opportunities you choose to pursue have a clear path to success, giving you a definite direction in achieving your home business goals.
Most people fall into one of two categories, those that just think about success and those who have the desire to succeed. Even though every one really wants success in their life, few really take the necessary steps to be successful in life or any type of home business for that matter.
It is so easy to come up with excuse after excuse why you can't be successful. It really is a mystery why we can't take control of our wants and needs. If you just step up to the plate and take control over your life's ambitions you'll see how success is really within reach. If you believe you can achieve, but you must also have the desire to achieve what you believe.
You've been provided great direction; you have the desire, so now it's all downhill, you are going to be successful in your home business and you will make money – right? That may be enough for most, however without determination your chances for success will be far less than someone who has the determination to withstand the hurtles a home business entrepreneur will face.
9 out of 10 home business ventures will fail – why? Many people start a home business with excitement and a desire to be successful – but as soon as the going gets tough, most will lose hope and faith and turn the energy that fueled their home business completely off.
You must go the extra mile, have the passion and determination and success will not be an issue – you will succeed in your home business. Your success should be fueled by your mistakes and failures. Take what you learned from an unsuccessful situation and build on that failure – never give up, never surrender.
A successful person has the endurance to make money with their home business in spite of all the difficulties that will arise. They have no doubt and never wavered no matter what is thrown at them. You must be stubborn and hard willed refusing to cave in when you are at what seems to be the bottom. The power of your determination has most likely never been tapped – we can all be successful at anything, I mean anything if you are stronger than the opposition - failure.
Failure must not be an option – Thomas Edison made 4,999 unsuccessful attempts at creating the perfect light bulb – it was his strong willed determination that finally leads to his successful 5,000th attempt. The list of these types of examples is endless – your determination for success must be endless as well.
You can pursue success and overcome just about any problem, snag, or bump in the road that life has to offer – if you have a strong enough determination. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you waste time wondering “why me” or “why can't get a break” you will be destined to fail and never have a successful home business.
Nothing worth doing will ever be easy, you can overcome the odds and make money in your home business venture if you have Direction, Desire and Determination – nothing can hold you back with when you have these three ingredients deep within you
3 D Geometry Shapes
Although talent does play a part in musical performance,
it's the 3 D's that make the real difference!
Here are some examples of people with talent who applied the 3 D's to achieve excellence:
• Duke Ellington- spent his life performing 6 nights a week while spending part of every day composing and arranging for his band.
• George Shearing- spent one week at home practicing and working on arrangements for every week of performing in jazz clubs around the world
• James Levine- at age 13 started traveling from Cincinnati, Ohio to Vermont, Colorado and New York (Julliard) to study piano with top level teachers. You can guess that they expected him to practice, practice, practice.
• Billy Joel- from a young age liked classical music and reluctantly took piano lessons because his mother insisted. He was teased by the neighborhood bullies and yet persevered. When he began his musical career at age 18, he also had to support his mother and siblings.
Can you guess what the 3 D's are?
Decision – Discipline – Determination
It's practicing these three that will guarantee your piano playing success now and in the future. Let me explain…
Although you can learn how to play many pieces pretty well, eventually you'll want more. The longer you follow this pattern of just practicing and playing songs, the more likely it is that you will become frustrated, bored, lose motivation or worse yet, simply quit.
But there's a better way…
Here's how you can use the 3 D's to get A+ results from your piano playing.
? Decision: Make up your mind to change your approach to practicing the piano.
o Decide to select one song or classical piece that you really want to play.
o Decide on the reason why you want to play this piece (this is a big part of your motivation).
o Decide to set a date for when you will accomplish this goal. (Goals without deadlines are dreams and don't get accomplished).
? Discipline: Every successful person needs to practice discipline if he or she wants to achieve any satisfying results. Just look at Tom Brady, Nicole Kidman, Jay Leno and Oprah Winfrey.
o Discipline yourself to select the one piece that you really want to play.
o Discipline yourself to create a plan for accomplishing this goal, for example:
• Identify the sections which will need the most work.
• Identify the support tools that you will need to help you master the piece such as theory, chord knowledge, exercises, etc.
• Identify the ways that you will practice the piece, for instance:
learn 4 measures at a time, practice the left hand alone, start with the final 4 bars, etc.
o Discipline yourself to make practicing this piece a priority every time you sit down at the piano: do this song first in each session and follow your plan for working on the piece.
? Determination: Resolve to value the decision that you made and maintain the discipline to stay with your program until it becomes your new keyboard success habit.
Action Exercises
Here are three things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, make the decision to follow your new approach to selecting and learning a piece of music.
Take the time to reflect and ask yourself why you want to improve the level of your piano playing.
Second, use discipline to follow your plan every day even when you don't feel like it. If you wait to get inspired and motivated to sit down and practice, you'll never get to the piano.
Third, have the determination to stand by your decision, exercise the daily discipline and stay determined to follow your new success habit for as long as it takes. Sometimes the deadlines you set will prove unrealistic. Simply adjust the dates and stay the course.
If you want to get A+ results from all of the time, money and effort you invest in learning how to play the piano always remember to apply the 3 D's: Decision, Discipline and Determination.
You'll be amazed at how quickly your piano playing will sound super!
Before you know it, other people will start saying, “you sure have talent!”
Both Jivinder Singh Sabherwal & Ed Mascari are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.