People have become aware of this, that is why most overweight people have started on their quest on counting calories everyday. One of the diets they use is the 1200 calorie diets which is a form of a calorie restrictive weight loss plan than can be used as an initial way for you to lose weight.
Unfortunately, 1200 calorie diets and other calorie restrictive diets are only advisable to be used to jump start a weight loss program and not to be used for a long term basis. If you use this type of diet for the long term, you will soon feel the weight of losing the needed energy and the effectiveness of the diet will diminish.
Calorie restrictive diets works only for short term weight loss. The idea is you will deprive yourself from calories and your body in response to the food restriction will use up the fat you have to transform it to the needed energy you use up everyday.
These types of diets actually do more harm than good because in the long term this will teach your body to store some small amount of food as "fat" for energy that it needs in the "future". You will then soon gain back the weight you have lost in the initial phase.
I am sure that if you only knew that losing weight and putting it on again posts a greater danger to your body than actually being overweight. You would do everything to keep the fat off as hard as you can. Unfortunately, not everybody knows this fact and some are just unmindful of the dangers while getting on the "lose weight-gain weight" ride.
Using 1200 calorie diets are ideal only during the initial phase of a weight loss plan. You should never forget to add modifications to this diet plan once you see the benefits of the program. Once you start losing weight, you should also start looking for a diet plan that will make you lose the pounds for the long term.
Try to look for a weight loss program that you can stick to. Weigh the benefits you will get for the long term and not for a short term basis only. I am sure that you will be able to find a diet plan that will fit your lifestyle so you will be able to stick with it and keep the fat off for life.
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