I am sure that to some consistency is a dirty word...you know the type of person that I am talking about. They are the person that decides they are going to build an MLM business, and immediately puts in 30 hours a week, then next week they put in 9 hours, the week after 4 hours, and by the fourth week it may be 15 minutes, and perhaps they are now looking for another opportunity because obviously this one didnt work out.
This is all too common, and I would be doing YOU a great disservice if I didnt at least bring it up, especially with the type of work we are going to be putting in together. You see, if we look at the topics we have covered so far, systemizing your business, implementing at all costs, and agent triple S marketing, you certainly have a lot to begin working on, and I am here to tell you that the key to success in these areas is committing to a level of work that is realistic and consistent.
I would rather be working with someone that gave me an honest 10 hours a week than someone who works 40 hours one week and than doesnt work for the next three weeks. Everyone I ask, If I could show you how 10 hours a week would ensure your financial future and provide the life of your dreams, would you give me 10 hours a week?, all say absolutely. Then all of a sudden it becomes 7 hours, then 4, then 2, then they are looking for a better opportunity.
Did all of us forget the story we heard as kids of the tortoise and the hare, or the turtle and rabbit, depending on where you heard it? This was the story of a race, and the rabbit would start fast, get distracted, start off fast again, then get distracted, all the while the turtle just kept up his turtle pace and stayed focus and ended up beating the rabbit. Of course the rabbit was furious and couldnt figure out how it happened. Can I speak with you frankly for a moment? Good. How many times have you been to a meeting or a company convention and seen someone making the money you want with the lifestyle you deserve and that little voice in your head says, Im smarter than them, Im better at business, theyve been in it the same amount of time, and I dont see why they are doing better. If you have never said that, youre a better person than I am, because I dont want to admit how many times I have actually said those words.
More often than not, that person simply just committed to making a plan, and then working that plan with consistency. Compared to many people in our industry that work in brief periods and then take time off, get distracted, or some other excuse. The magic is in doing the right things consistently, and if you have built systems around your business, you can build a global MLM dynasty in 10 hours a week, but doing it every week of course :-)
The other sticking point that seems to come up when talking about consistency is commitment. Lets talk about a perspective that has done a tremendous job of keeping me consistent, and I hope it will do the same for you. I think to myself, Jon, if someone had a gun to your head, and was totally prepared to pull the trigger and splatter your brains all over your desk, keyboard, and monitor, would you find the time for 10 hours a week of focused business building? My answer is YES YES YES!!!
But many people never are willing to take it to that place of life or death. I often tell people that they should play this MLM game like their life and future depended on it, BECAUSE IT DOES! For most people, they can find those 10 hours a week in just their tv time, or perhaps it is better organization to free up 2 hours, five days a week. Maybe a better question for you would be, If someone had a gun to the head of your husband/wife and children, and unless you put in 10 hours weekly on your business they would pull the trigger... could you find those 10 hours and apply them consistently every week? I thought you could.
So next time youre thinking about hitting the snooze button one more time, or simply giving in to the warm glow of television, remember youre holding in your hands the key to the business of your dreams, the key to financial abundance, the key to world travel and freedom, and with consistency as your focus, you can make it happen! But if you cant commit to applying the concepts with consistency, no system, no company, and no opportunity can help you.
PS I am using 10 hours a week as an arbitrary example and I recognize that for some you maybe can only find 5 hours a week of focused time, and that is fine. If 5 hours is what you have, than apply it consistently with focus and you will succeed and probably free up more time as the process continues.
30 Rock C Word
So one day she says: "Honey, I think we should get married." Suddenly, he starts stuttering, backstepping and having trouble breathing. He eventually chokes out those dreaded four words that are the killers of progress: "I'm not ready yet!"
What is the problem here?
What is it that you guys are waiting for?
Women get fed up with this wishy-washy stuff! A gal needs to know where she stands with you! She wants to know if it is going to be worth her time to wait for you to get ready or not. She needs to know if you are getting ready to commit, working on getting ready to commit, or if she should just leave you in the dust trying to figure it out ALL BY YOURSELF.
Author Shere Hite, in her book Women and Love reports that most women felt that men were not giving as much as they are getting in their relationships. Guys, you must know you have it good! You talk, you cuddle, you sex it up, bask in the warmth of her love. You enjoy this immensely.
The way women see it though, you want to enjoy the benefits of a committed relationship without the responsibility and obligations. That ain't cool. When a woman feels used and taken for granted, bad things happen. (Remember Angela Basset's Porsche and Armani suit flambe in the movie "Waiting to Exhale?")
Ladies have to take responsibility early on for finding out where your man's head is. Do not be afraid to be direct and state your desires for more. Sit down with your guy and calmly ask him "what does commitment mean to you?" "When a woman tells you that she wants a commitment, what is it that you start thinking about?" "Why do you get scared?" You also need to ask "where do you see this relationship going?"
He should have some really good answers to those questions. You both need to discuss what you want from life and a relationship to determine if continuing the relationship makes sense.
One word of warning however... do not ask these questions prematurely, i.e. after dating only a few weeks. He barely knows you, so pressing him for a long-term commitment under those circumstances would be inappropriate, make you appear to be desperate, and pretty much guarantee he will bolt and run.
One study I read concluded that a man knows within 5 minutes of meeting a woman if he wants to get to know her better. My own opinion is that a man knows within six months of dating if he could marry you or not. If the answer after a few months is YOU ARE NOT THE ONE, why keep messing around with each other for months and even years?!
Should you ask him where he sees the relationship going, and he tells you to your face that he doesn't want a commitment or isn't thinking about getting married now or ever, BELIEVE HIM and move on!
If you know that you need a commitment from him and he starts to hem and haw, gives you weak tired excuses, mentions feeling "trapped," or starts telling you about his other women, then you know it is time to go girlfriend!
Why He Avoids Committing to You
Some guys won't commit because in actuality, they are looking for Ms. Perfect, not Ms. Real. Real women have a tendency to disappoint, frustrate and sometimes hurt feelings by doing or saying things they are not "supposed" to say or do.
So when a guy meets a beautiful woman he may initially decide she is Ms. Perfect. Later when she shows her human flaws he deems her to be "unworthy." He may begin to constantly nag and complain about things that you need to "work on" before he will consider you as good enough to marry. In this case it probably means that he does want to give a commitment, BUT NOT TO YOU. Again, it is time to hit the road girl!
Likewise, a man that is married to or living with someone else is not available for a commitment. A man that considers himself a "player" and has lots of different women "in rotation" is another high risk for heartbreak. This guy is still playing the field and hasn't yet met the woman that he feels he can commit to or wants to settle down with. Bad news for a future in both cases.
Another scenario to consider is a couple that have been dating happily for years and years. However, you wake up one morning and realize that he is no closer to marriage now than he was 2 years after you started dating! You should move on to find someone that wants what you want sooner rather than later or never.
Valid excuses are generally those that have a timeframe around them. These might be a man that wants to wait "for a year until I finish this training/school and get a good job," or "wait two years until I get my degree and get a full time job making at least $65K."
Slightly older men might want to feel that they are positioned to properly support a wife and children, and will want to put marriage off until they have "something to offer," maybe a promotion, or a beautiful home in the suburbs to put you and his future children in, or until his children from an early marriage are over 18 and he is through with child support payments.
If you love him, then wait patiently and don't bug him. This guy is coming around and wants to give you the commitment you seek. He just needs time to accomplish his goals so he feels like a man with something to offer his woman.
With a true understanding of exactly where your man is coming from you'll know whether he is Mr. Right or just Mr. Right Now. You can then determine your next move with confidence and in your own best interest.
Both Ben Needles & Deborrah Cooper are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Ben Needles has sinced written about articles on various topics from Business Credit Cards, Anger Control and Business Credit Cards. About the Author (text)Jonathan Cronstedt, The MLM Millionaire Maker, is a serial entrepreneur, MLM Mega Success, and expert coach. His company, Making Millionaires International, provides cutting edge tools, training, and mentoring. M. Ben Needles's top article generates over 550000 views. Bookmark Ben Needles to your Favourites.
Deborrah Cooper has sinced written about articles on various topics from Dating and Romance, Flirting Tips and Dating and Romance. (c) 2008 Deborrah Cooper. Deborrah has authored dozens of relationship articles and advice columns on Ask HeartBeat!, which focuses on modern relationships for teens an. Deborrah Cooper's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Deborrah Cooper to your Favourites.
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