Because of today's society we see more and more people concerned and worried about their weight and physical appearance. For some, this worries tend to get out of hand and develop into obsessions, in a way coping with the other problems of life. Eating disorders have proven to be very serious and in some cases have even become life threats.
Anorexia is said to be present in a person when that particular person has lost at least 15% of their indicated body weight. This disorder mostly appears in older children, especially young women. In the case of very young children, in order to determine is anorexia is the cause, doctors analyze the growth curb. The most common time for the onset of anorexia is at the beginning of adolescence. Because of the family's high value on conformity, achievement and appearance children may to often try to deal with this be imposing on them selves a strict particular diet.
If any signs of anorexia start becoming more and more alarming in a teenager action must be taken. The most common signs would be the lose of more than 20 to 25% of their normal body weight. Excessive dieting and constant complain about body weight may also indicate the appearance of the illness. Too much preoccupation with food and calories is a clear sign that anorexia is present, closely followed by extreme exercising. Denial of hunger and constant weighing should also indicate that something is wrong with that particular person. Facts like complaints when a normal amount of food has been eaten should also be kept in mind. Finally in the latest stages of the disorder loss of hair and menstrual periods in women will most certainly appear. Intolerance to cold temperature is again a clear sing of anorexia.
Bulimia again is a very serious eating disorder. This disorder has two phases: one characterized by binge eating and another phase of purging. The second part is usually done using diuretics, laxatives and exercises. Although not as serious when it comes to weight loss, problems can still occur. Most often patients suffering from bulimia develop dental, digestive and of course heart problems. As in the case of anorexia, bulimic women tend to focus to much of their attention on food and body weight in order to cope with other, more sever, emotional issues. The two episodes of the disease occur more frequently when the patient is under a lot of stress or is feeling depressed, angry or very frustrated.
About Anorexia And Bulimia
Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are not the same illnesses but they can be very similar in both cause and effect. Treatment for each disorder also overlaps. Anorexia is a growing eating disorder among young women where they starve themselves to become thin. Bulimia is also a popular eating disorder that commonly affects women who have an extreme fear of gaining weight. Instead of starving, they choose to stuff themselves with food and then purge it by forcing themselves to vomit. Both disorders have risen dramatically in the last few years, with one in three women below the age of 20 suffering from either one.
Anorexics and bulimics grow to become very good at hiding their conduct. Eventually they reveal themselves by manifesting some of the common warning signs like: irregular menstrual cycle, excessive exercising, sour breath and sore throat from vomiting, rushing to the bathroom to throw up after meals, brown tooth enamel damaged by stomach acids, extreme obsession with food and a general physical weakness. Other more dangerous signs of bulimia and anorexia nervosa are low blood pressure, depression, irregular heart beats, muscle spasms, severe dehydration and broken blood vessels in the face.
Anorexia and the bulimia are primarily psychological disorders that stem from a distorted understanding of a wide range of social influences that demand women to be thin and look like supermodels. Sometimes, women inflict these disorders on themselves as a way of refusing to enter puberty. Other experts attribute low self-esteem, loneliness, a history of abuse, peer pressure, inferiority complex and perfectionism as other triggers. Biologically, a chemical imbalance in the body such as the lack of zinc can attribute to an eating disorder.
It is important to understand that it is difficult to overcome an eating disorder alone. There are many forms of treatment for these disorders and they are readily available. There are psychotherapists, telephone hotlines, web sites and support groups that help both the sufferer and her family.
It is also important that both physical and psychological aspects of anorexia and bulimia be treated at same time. If you suspect that you or a loved one has these eating disorders, the best way to begin is to see a trained counselor who specializes in these fields. In addition to seeking professional help, starting a light diet of small fruits and vegetables with a steadily increasing amount of protein can help. Foods high in zinc can help stimulate the appetite, so you may start by eating small portions of rice, oats, chicken, eggs and beef.
Historically, a tablespoon of royal jelly taken twice a day has been used to cure anorexia. Royal jelly contains all the B vitamins, essential amino acids and many important minerals like iron and calcium. Patients who the eating disorders can also benefit from modern tablets containing 30 mg of zinc and 100 mg of vitamin B complex.
It is easier to prevent eating disorders than to cure them. As a parent, you can prevent your children from being anorexic or bulimic by strongly keeping a healthy attitude to war your own body. Make meal times a positive experience by cooking or ordering good and nutritious food. If your child really needs to lose excess weight, advocate healthy options for her and do not pressure her into dieting. It has been found that children who were bullied into dieting or exercise are 20 times more likely to develop an eating disorder. Children are also at risk if they see you or their relatives trying to lose weight in an unhealthy way (taking laxatives, exercising too much, etc.). Instead of dieting, show your children that you can eat sensibly and still lose weight. Remember, actions will always speak louder than words.
Both Groshan Fabiola & Cailyn Drewon are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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