Well, if you are in the type of situation described above, you have probably tried too much too soon. Unfortunately, in this kind of situation, hard work and persistence doesn't necessary equal to success. You still need to have a very good plan. Perhaps, the first step of your plan is to try to understand the principle as described below.
As we all know, men women relationship is one of the most complicated subject in the world. It often leaves a lot of men and women confused. Unlike other things in life, sometimes, the harder you try, the worse result you get.
Perhaps, by understanding this principle, it will help you understand why what you have been doing doesn't work. The principle is, "People want what they cannot have."
This principle is very true in different areas of our life. Perhaps, money is one of the best examples to illustrate this point. When you do not have enough money, your desire for money will be very high. However, once you have more than enough money, you may still love money but your desire for money is now lower. You may start to chase after something that you do not currently have.
This is also the same in your relationship. The more you try to push yourself towards your ex, he more your ex wants to run away from you, simply because you are making yourself easy to get
So, maybe you have tried too hard to get your boyfriend or girlfriend back. This approach is obviously not going to work simply because it violates the principle, "People want what they cannot have."
When you try very hard, your lover knows he/she can get you very easily. So, this will instantly makes you less attractive. If you are really serious about getting your ex back, you need to understand this principle and apply it whenever possible. It is definitely possible to get back with your ex if you apply this principle to your life. Make yourself more attractive and attract your ex back instead.
Back With Your Ex
Thinking about a failed relationship is never easy. There are so many things that you would have done and said differently when you stop to think about your what went wrong. It is important, however, to realise that it is possible to move on from the failures of the past and to maximise the possibilty of getting back with your ex (if you are sure that it is indeed what you want to do).
In my humble opinion the best way to attempt a reconciliation is to make sure that your initial steps are the right ones and not just based on panic or the latest fads. So what are the recommended intitial step(s)? Well, if I may misquote Socrates: The unexamined relationship is not worth reviving! If you are in a position where a relationship broke up it is obvious that something went seriously wrong. It may seem obvious that the first step in putting things right should be to make a honest assessment of what exactly went wrong and how a repeat performance can be avoided, sadly many people neglect this very basic step and merely concentrate on finding a kind of 'magic bullet' solution that will make things better in the future.
I would like to encourage you, in light of the above, to do the following exercise before you take another step:
1) Clear a morning or an afternoon in your diary
2) Find a quiet place where you are certain that you will not be disturbed.
3) Sit down with a piece of paper and write down the answers to the following questions:
* What attracted me to my ex? (This can also be phrased as: "Why exactly do I want him/her back")
* What factors caused our relationship when to work well? (When it did)
* What factors caused tension in our relationship?
* What caused the second set of factors to carry more weight than the first?
* Was the eventual breakdown a drawn out process or was it caused by a sudden crisis?
* What were the exact dynamics of the breakdown and were there specific instances where a different approach may have prevented it?
I can appreciate that this is not an easy, or even uplifting, exercise. It can however, equip you with the necessary insight to approach the 'project' of getting back together with your ex in a measured, informed and well prepared way. If you have done this you can set off down the road to recovery with the sure knowledge that you will are much better placed to 'start over' with solid insight of where things went wrong in the past.
Both Allan Lim & Arthur Turner are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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