Sometimes a city's history can be learned also on streets or in other places that are not traditionally considered as touristic sights. This is the case of Poggioreale Cemetery, in Naples, which thanks to its statues and its variety of architectural styles turns out to be an interesting window on the past.
The Poggioreale Cemetery, the most important cemetery in Naples and one of the most famous ones in Europe, stands in the north-eastern part of the city, and includes two parts: the Monumental Cemetery, downhill, and the Cemetery della Piet? and Nuovissimo Cemetery upstream. The Monumental Cemetery, in particular, is particular interesting if we give considerations to the artistic, architectural and historical features that it comprises, and it also hosts the Square of famous people. It was designed in 1812 by Francesco Maresca, but the process of building was slowed down because of Napoleonic wars. It was also thanks to Ferdinando II di Borbone that the building of the Cemetery started again, and the architects Ciro Cuciniello and Luigi Malesi supervised the works of the cemetery, that was inaugurated in 1837. Inside the Cemetery you will find the Chiostro Grande (great cloister), as well as two smaller cloisters, and they are all rectangular-shaped (although they are also well-known as the squares). Between the two smaller cloisters there is the Chiesa Madre, a church devoted to the Piet? and built in a Neoclassical style. The graves, monuments and mausoleums in the cemetery are the result of a sort of competition that arose among the members of the nobility and upper classes of the time, who tried to assert their importance also through the building of graves that were particularly elaborated from an architectural point of view. Therefore the 157 monuments in the cemetery are particularly interesting because they are characterised by different styles and sizes, and can be seen as a little excursus on the 19th and early 20th century's history of architecture, from Neoclassical to neo-Gothic, from liberty to neo-Byzantine, thanks to a number of works realised by important Neapolitan sculptors of the time.
The Poggioreale cemetery is well-known also for some famous people? graves, like Benedetto Croce's, but also for the graves of common people who are part of Naples? history and legends.
For all of these reasons visiting the Poggioreale Cemetery can be a particularly interesting experience, also thanks to the guided tours that are organised by Insolitaguida, an association that is meant to discover the city's most hidden historic sights and cultural heritage. On the 16th, 23rd, and 30th November you will have the opportunity to take part in a guided tour in the cemetery, and in two hours you will have the possibility to admire statues, monuments and mausoleums characterised by different styles, but also to listen to interesting anecdotes and tales about Naples? people. All this will help you to learn the city's history connecting arts, folklore, history and architecture in an unusual way.
Did you know that a cemetery is one of Naples? many beauties? The Poggioreale Cemetery is an open-air museum: come and visit it, but book now your cheap hotel in Naples.
Tickets: 6 euro, reduced (students and over 65) 5 euros
Date: 16th, 23rd, 30th November 2008
Location: Poggioreale Cemetery, Naples, Italy
Ballenberg Open Air Museum
The respiration of a pure air is at all times, and under all circumstances, indispensable to the health of the infant. The nursery therefore should be large, well ventilated, in an elevated part of the house, and so situated as to admit a free supply both of air and light. For the same reasons, the room in which the infant sleeps should be large, and the air frequently renewed; for nothing is so prejudicial to its health as sleeping in an impure and heated atmosphere. The practice, therefore, of drawing thick curtains closely round the bed is highly pernicious; they only answer a useful purpose when they defend the infant from any draught of cold air.
The proper time for taking the infant into the open air must, of course, be determined by the season of the year, and the state of the weather. "A delicate infant born late in the autumn will not generally derive advantage from being carried into the open air, in this climate, till the succeeding spring; and if the rooms in which he is kept are large, often changed, and well ventilated, he will not suffer from the confinement, while he will, most probably, escape catarrhal affections, which are so often the consequence of the injudicious exposure of infants to a cold and humid atmosphere." If, however, the child is strong and healthy, no opportunity should be lost of taking it into the open air at stated periods, experience daily proving that it has the most invigorating and vivifying influence upon the system. Regard, however, must always be had to the state of the weather; and to a damp condition of the atmosphere the infant should never be exposed, as it is one of the most powerful exciting causes of consumptive disease. The nurse-maid, too, should not be allowed to loiter and linger about, thus exposing the infant unnecessarily, and for an undue length of time; this is generally the source of all the evils which accrue from taking the babe into the open air.
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