Votive candles are known as the easiest kind of candles to make. Aside from this fact, it can be used in any type of surrounding in order to add charm and sometimes, aroma, to the ambience. Your usual votive candle can stay lighted for about 15 hours or until it uses up all its candle wax. Body: As we all know, candles are made to provide light. Another reason would be its ability as a good source of heat. This would be since it consists of fuel that has a solid block form and a wick.
During the 19th century, the material used for making candles is called tallow. It is a derivative of beef-fat. At present, candles are made from wax. The usual material used now is paraffin, but some candles can also be made from soy, beeswax, or gel.
Candle manufacturers are called chandlers. Different types of equipments have been created in order to put candles in place. This is from your plain tabletop holders to exquisite chandeliers. By using a match or any fire source, its heat would melt the candle then it would vaporize a very minute quantity of fuel.
When the fuel is already vaporized, it then mixes with oxygen from the atmosphere which will result to the formation of flame. With the heat produced by this flame, it helps maintain the candle by burning throughout the last wax component of the candle stick.
The mechanism for this is that once the flame heats the candle wax, it then melts the solid fuel, after which, the fuel that is already in liquid form would move upward the wick. Then the fuel would vaporize in order to burn and produce flame.
In the early ages, electricity was not available. Candles as well as oil were utilized as light sources. This was common in Europe and the Mediterranean. Nowadays, candles are utilized for decorative purposes or to set an ambience of relaxation or romance. In addition, it is also used today as an emergency source of light during an event of power failures. As for therapy, candles are mixed with scents and essential oils in order to promote a soothing, relaxing and curative effect. This is called aromatherapy.
The downside of using a candle is that it is a fire hazard. Moreover, due to the fact that the melted wax is very hot, it can cause burns when accidentally placed on your skin. In order to prevent such things to happen, one should practice precautionary measures while using candles. It should not be placed within reach of small children as well near curtains or any fabrics which can burn easily.
In order to prevent skin burns when using candles, especially in putting it off, it is best to make use of a candle snuffer. It is a tiny metal cup with a long handle. In addition, if one has source oxygen, like an oxygen tank, one should not use a candle. This is due to the fact that when the lighted candle is exposed to this oxygen, it can cause combustion.
Thus, Votive candles are known as the easiest kind of candles to make. Aside from this fact, it can be used in any type of surrounding in order to add charm and sometimes, aroma, to the ambience. Your usual votive candle can stay lighted for about 15 hours or until it uses up all its candle wax.
A nicely created votive candle has a standard burning degree. This is in order to attain the right volume of scent. Furthermore, a votive candle should be placed in a candle holder because it is not made to stand on its own.
The things that you would need in making a votive candle are the following:
Wax additives
Wax which are suitable in making votives
Fragrance oil (this is optional)
Dye (this is optional)
Pre-tabbed wicks that are suitable for making votives (usually 36-24-24 zinc core)
Metal votive molds
Mold release spray (this is optional)
Pouring pot
The first step would be to make mixture of metal wax. For this process, you would need a double boiler. The temperature should be around 175? F in order to melt the wax. After melting the wax, you can place additives such as stearic acid or vybar, fragrance oil, and dye into the mixture.
Subsequent to this, you need to mix them all thoroughly. Always remember not to introduce air in your mixture. Furthermore, before you pour the wax mixture, you can put a small amount of coat mold-release agent on the mold. This is in order for you to easily remove the candle wax.
The next step is to place your votive mold onto a surface line, along with newspapers. This is in order to catch spills. Then, fill the mold with melted wax up to the mold's lip without letting it over flow. Remember not to have it less than the lip's underneath portion. This is due to the fat that it may seam lines on your already finished candle.
Another thing to take note of is that you cannot introduce air bubbles while pouring in the wax mixture. You also need to save about 20% of the wax mixture for the re-pour step. Thus, do not place the saved wax mixture under any type of heat.
The third step would be to place a pre-tabbed wick inside your candle. Wait for the wax to cool down before you insert the wick. This is due to the fact that when the wick is inserted while the wax is hot, it will interfere with the wick's firmness. It is better to place the wick when the wax is just beginning to congeal in order to maintain its firmness. Moreover, try to put the wick inside center and to keep it straight as much as possible.
The fourth step would be to re-pour the wax. Once the wax has totally cooled down, it can shrink in some levels and cause the candle to have a sink hole. With the saved wax, you can pour it onto the whole. The trick would be to melt the saved wax in a temperature of 190 F so as to have the two waxes to stick together. Wait for the wax to cool down.
The last step would be to take out the votive from the mold. Once the wax is already completely cool, you can now remove it from the candle mold. If the wax has completely cooled down, it can easily be removed. This is because it will just slide out from the mold. If you experience difficulty in taking out the candle from the mold, place the mold for 5 minutes inside the freezer then try to remove it again. If it is still hard to remove, you can try to press the mold sides in an inward fashion. Do this as gently as possible while rolling it between your palms, so as to facilitate the candle's release.
Thus, candles remain an essential part of our world's history. Traditions also play a huge role on the implementation of a candle's significance in society. We use candles during special moments, parties and certain celebrations. Birthday cakes, weddings, and Halloween are not the same without candles.
Throughout the years, candles have changed and modernized already. They now come in different shapes, sizes, styles and fragrances. Their fragrances are now derived from natural resources such as bayberry, Bees wax and soybeans among others. Popular fragrances would include lavender, blue berry, gardenia, lemon pie as well as Grandma's cookies.
In the older years, you can only purchase candles from specialty shops and stores. Now, with practicality as a very important trait, you can make your own scented candle at home already.
Candle Making How To
This is a story about My Wife. She loves candles. All candles, particularly smelly candles.
For a long time she was buying the cheap candles from the discount stores. Eventually,
the thought came about that #1 the candles being bought were low quality and #2 they rarely had a strong scent while burning #3 Lots of people make their own candles.
The adventure begins.
With lots of determination and a computer connected to the internet, she began her trek.
Have you ever searched for 'Candles' in Google? Over 60 million hits. Surely there is information about MAKING candles.
Bingo, 17 million hits. Well, undaunted she kept closing in. Searching for that bit of information that would allow the creation of the best candle ever made. Eventually she finds several sites that are easy to navigate and seem to have some good information.
After printing almost a ream of pages we start to gather the needed materials. Not really that simple. We have to decide what kind of candle we want. Pillar, container, votive, tea light, soy, bees wax or whatever.
A decision was made. Container candles, paraffin base. Jelly Jars...Cool. Buy the jars at Wal-Mart and we are set! So far, so good, we have 4 dozen 8 oz jelly jars. Now for the wax, Doh! Only 50 different kinds to choose from!
Each distributor had a different recommendation and different name for the wax....After some research and finding a site with LIVE online help we came up with a vague idea what we needed. (Wicks, tabs, additives, color, scents, thermometer, etc.)
About $100.00 and 5 days later we get the stuff. Now we have another dilemma. What do we melt it in? Well, digging in the garage and the attic produced a 'double boiler'. Having big Ideas and all, we figured this was too small to mass produce our newly discovered gold mine product but decided to give it a try for a while hoping we could keep up with the demand.
Our Business Begins!
Did I mention anything about trial and error? Well seems that the solid weight of wax doesn't produce the same amount of liquid.
In other words, you melt 1 pound of wax and it doesn't fill 2 "8 ounce" jars. If you remember, these are scented and colored.
The scent and color adds volume to the solid wax that has to be calculated when you start the melting process or you end up with half filled candles or not enough containers. Oh another thing you have to figure, different waxes melt at different temperatures.
Also if you get them 'TOO hot' they have a tendency to burst into flame. Depending on the type of color you use also determines the temp you bring the wax to. The color has to blend as does the scent, at the right temp.
Well, we follow direction for adding the stuff and mixing it at the temperatures needed.
Another GOTCHA! The wax has to be a certain temp to pour correctly. It has a trait that makes it cool (for some chemical reason) so this has a small window. Too hot and it shrinks too fast, too cold and it has bubbles, just right, well, this can happen with practice. We did a few and had some success.
We pour our first candle and after constantly checking it for a couple hours, we finally have a candle that is cooled enough to burn.
At the same time we notice that the wick has moved to one side. Great! Now the test, we strike the match and light the wick. Ok, so far so good. It burns. A bit big at first but it soon quiets down. After a couple minutes of waiting for the room to fill with our fantastic fragrance, we notice that it is only around the candle. The scent isn't very strong. Oh no! An expensive cheap candle! Just like the ones from the dollar discount stores.
Well back to the drawing board. Re-figure the wax for a new batch, because we had TOO much left over but not enough to fill a jar. Re-Calculate the scent to wax ratio, and add more color. The first one wasn't the color we wanted. Eventually, we came up with the right formula; a good blend of wax and an excellent brand of scents. And as for the additives, they are not needed if you get the right wax, but nobody tells you that. The coloring is still a science that needs improvement but we are getting better. As far as the scent goes, we finally figure the absolute MAXIMUM ratio we can use. This is ONLY with the liquid scents we use. Other brands are all different concentrations.
Jelly jars are cute if you decorate them right, which brings me to another story. Labeling and marketing.
Both David H. Urmann & Mike Eggert are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Mike Eggert has sinced written about articles on various topics from Archery, Barbeque and Atkins. The candle making saga continues at http://www.417candles.com. Mike Eggert's top article generates over 74000 views. Bookmark Mike Eggert to your Favourites.
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