OK then why ever would I want to start scrapbooking?
1. Its is an Opportunity to be Creative.
Creativity needs to escape. It can't be bottled up. If it's not allowed its freedom it leaks! And you find little bits all around the place.
Creativeness can be superbly expressed in scrap booking. You have the beautiful photographs you've taken, combine that with a desire to create and you have beautiful scrapbook pages.
Many people like to make scrap books because there's plenty of scope for that creativeness. You don't have to be an originator - someone who can often come up with something from nothing: with a scrapbooking sketch or template - a little input - you have a great springboard into the delights awaiting you.
Some of you do have the creative genius. You'll find huge pleasure and fulfillment through creating scrapbooking layouts that not only show your photos well but show your creativeness too.
2. Scrapbooking is a great Memory Aid
I know it's not just me who forgets. Oh, the busy-ness of life; our memories just don't keep up with it. I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you want to remember something forever, the only way to do it is to write it down.
Why risk not remembering the details behind those wonderful shots from that vacation in Hawaii, or great times spent with old friends, but then we cannot believe we will not remember, until it happens.
Ella was just saying the other day about having lunch at a top class restaurant with her husband for a special anniversary. There were such unusual food combinations and flavors their senses were left stunned! Unfortunately she didn't write down the menu while it was fresh in her mind, despite talking about it for weeks afterwards.
So instead of the details she only has a hint of the memory. Perhaps now that she has done some scrapbooking she won't find herself in that position again.
Write it down and keep the memories safely with the photographs that so particularly evoke the occasion.
3. Reminisce & Relive the Memories through your Scrap books
Is this perhaps an age thing? No, I don't think so. Who doesn't enjoy remembering the good times?
We can't always be doing all the things we want to. Sometimes we have to work and get on with life. But we can escape now and then to relive our memories through our scrapbooks.
And while we don't always want to live in the past, there are many things there for which we can be thankful and enjoy remembering.
So whether it's to be creative, to help you remember or to be able to relive your memories, there are plenty of reasons to get started scrapbooking. Find the one that works for you and have fun with your new hobby.
Genie Balfour has sinced written about articles on various topics from Ideas for Scrapbooking. Which precious memories would you like to relish most over the years? For more inspiring articles, ideas, tips and help to start scrapbooking. Genie Balfour's top article generates over 880 views. Bookmark Genie Balfour to your Favourites.
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