Well, there is no doubt that the Internet is back and bigger than ever. Everyone is getting in on the action, from businesses to individuals. If you have something to say or a product to advertise, the World Wide Web is the place to do it. The problem is, most people lack the basic skills required to begin their own web page, something that is necessary if you really want maximum exposure for yourself. There are several ways around your computer illiteracy that will help you to begin the web site you have dreamed of launching as a platform for your ideas.
The easiest way to get your web site under way if you are computer illiterate is to hire someone to do the set up for you. Many computer savvy individuals will scoff at this notion, but that is the point- they are computer savvy, and you are not. Time is money, so the odds are that you will actually save money by hiring someone to set up your site for you by cutting out the tremendous amount of time it takes to get all the bugs ironed out of your site and get it up and running.
If you are an individual who feels you have the time to spare to get your web site up and running, then you may want to try and set up your web site yourself. In order to do this, you will need to master the basic tools of web design- HTML and FTP.
FTP is an abbreviation which stands for File Transfer Protocol. This protocol is commonly used for exchanging files over the Internet, using a server computer and a client computer. The protocol is an open standard, which allows anyone to create FTP server or client software.
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. This language is now considered an Internet standard when it comes to structuring information on a web page- it is the equivalent of the Microsoft Works toolbar, and allows users to italicize or bold their text, link to another page or another article on their own page, create paragraphs, and many other functions. HTML application codes can be found all over the Internet, so don't worry if you have never heard of this before. A simple search will allow you to find a site which you can download the basic HTML formats from.
Another solution for the computer illiterate in order to enable them to design their own site is to take a course or a few courses in web design. Like many other applications, web design can be an easy concept to master once you achieve the right instruction and practice. There are courses available through most community colleges and universities, and there are even cheaper ones available over the Internet. If you have a friend who is familiar with computer systems, they will also be able to assist you with your web design.