Good customer service is indeed hard to find, much more to provide. It is one thing to want to provide good customer service to your customers and yet another thing to do it. Information sharing between the management and frontline staff, budget constraints and equipments needed to do the job makes providing good customer care harder than it seems.
But with these simple and age-old tips, you can boost your customer care program without even shelling out a huge amount of cash. Moreover, these customer care tips are not dependent on extra equipments, software or any other things that will cost a lot of money.
1) It is important to keep your promises. It is always easy to promise something to a customer just to make them stop harping on you on the phone. Moreover, promises do not cost anything so you can give out as many as you like. But making promises and breaking them afterwards will actually cost you more than you realize. For one, customers will be even angrier the second time they call about their concern. Also, breaking your promises to customers gives you a bad press, and this costs your business more than the amount you spend yearly on your advertising and marketing campaigns. Remember that anything bad about your company tends to be retained more in people's heads than good press.
2) Practice K.I.S.S. or keep it short and simple. Nobody wants to go through endless red tapes or levels of support just so they can get their questions answered or their concerns resolved. For one, people will tend to be more demanding and have less patience when they have to wait for a long time to have their concerns entertained. This makes the job of customer service a lot more complicated for your support staff and your customers a lot less satisfied than if your customer service program is a lot simpler. Try your customer service procedures yourself and see if there are any bottlenecks, delays and errors in providing the customer service that you want. Also keep in mind the different kinds of customers your company entertains everyday, will they all understand the procedure or will it be too complicated even for your customer service representative. Keep in mind that your customer's time is important, and you must be able to provide what they need in a short period of time.
3) Never take the human factor out of the equation. With the new technologies available today capable of reducing your overall expenses to just a fraction of its former cost, it is easy to see why many companies are going for these kind of products. Tempting as it may be, never forget that your customers will be the final judge of the effectiveness of these new gadgets that you have installed. That is why your company's website and other electronic customer service tools must be kept as simple as possible. Not all people knows how to deal with these tools so always keep a customer service crew around to help them out.
4) Finally, always make your customers feel appreciated. Take your customers out of the equation and you are out of business. Your customers are indeed the lifeblood of your company, and they are what keep it going. Do not ever forget that it is your customers that provide food on your plate so treat them accordingly. Take the time to make sure that your customer service system is treating your customers fairly. Make sure that those at the front of the line are the ones given service first. Be consistent to all your customers and let them know that they can expect from you and what they have seen you do to others. Lastly, do not forget to thank them. A thank you note or call goes a long way in making your customers feel appreciated and valued. A simple thank you also goes a long way in creating customer loyalty to your business.
Steven Taylor has sinced written about articles on various topics from How to Sell on Ebay, Customer Service and Difficult people. Steven Taylor is a Marketing Consultant to - one of the most innovative and effective suppliers to the electronics & semiconductor industries. Servic. Steven Taylor's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Steven Taylor to your Favourites.
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