Many folks that are true enthusiasts of model railroads know the importance of having it cleaned periodically. Model railroad track cleaning is essential in the upkeep and maintenance of any structure that you have in collection in order to keep it running smoothly and without error. If you are unable to complete the cleaning yourself, then it's time to find someone that can complete the service for you.
Model railroad track cleaning is a very tedious project. Every nook, cranny, and connective rail needs to be cleaned, aligned, and checked for wear and tear. Dirt and dust seem to be the biggest offenders when it comes to a track that isn't functioning as it should. If you have a brass rail, then the possibility of oxide forming on the track is also a factor where the electrical current is hindered. That is why nickel-brass is recommended due to the oxide being a conductor of electricity and thus not interrupting the functioning at all.
If you are prepared to clean the track yourself, understand that you are in for quite the project. Cleaning the track takes some serious elbow grease, but there are some things you can do to make it easier for you. The first cleaning method is to purchase or make your own cleaning car. These cars can either use a dry abrasive wheel or pad, or a wet pad that removes the dust and dirt. Most hobbyists use both when completing track maintenance. The wet car uses a cloth moistened by track cleaning fluid, while the dry car trails behind. It's an effective method when cleaning and a good way to keep from any further issues happening.
If your track appears to be extremely dirty or hasn't been used for quite some time, then you may have to use an abrasive cleaning block to get it running properly again. You'll have to rub the block along the track paying close attention to the turns, points, frogs, and other tracks in those areas. Do not use sandpaper to clean the track. It is too abrasive and may cause grooves that will later collect more dust and dirt. After you use the block, run a cloth along the track to remove any residue that has accumulated. You may even wish to use a vacuum as well to ensure there are no lingering dust and dirt particles laying on the track.
The key to any model railroad track cleaning is to keep it from becoming dirty in the first place. By isolating your layout from areas where there is a lot of dust or dirt accumulation, it significantly makes the cleaning process all that much easier. Keep windows closed, and insist that smokers refrain from doing so when near your rails. Install ceilings if the setting your layout is in doesn't have one. These simple precautions will keep your train running smoothly, and allow you to enjoy it for years to come.
Model Railway Track Layouts
With model railroading just as with real railroads it all comes down to the tracks on which the trains roll. If they are stable and well designed the trains will safely make their journeys year after year. If not they may not be able to complete even a single trip without problems or derailment " so what goes into the creation of a safe and stable track system?
In the real world deep gravel beds supporting heavy wooden beams are used to anchor and place the tracks. On most prototype systems however the creation of miniature roadbeds is bypassed for a quicker and less work-intensive standardized track system which can be simply glued or nailed down to the table surface.
Most of the standard tracks provide at least some detail to help emulate the look of a real track, in the more exotic cases even simulating the gravel roadbed in various materials including cork or rubber, and these are the most common products that hobbyists utilize.
Just as in real life creating a true roadbed from scratch involves a lot of work and necessitates some upkeep that these standard tracks help the hobbyists to avoid, and there is very little to be gained from creating the roadbed yourself - what it really all comes down to is two things:
- The level of realism you want to achieve
- How much of the work you want to do yourself
If you merely want a functional rail system and want to focus your efforts on dioramas and other aspects of prototyping, or find yourself completely satisfied with the look simulated on standard track systems then it makes sense not to invest the time and costs of creating a roadbed and meticulously laying out track by hand. Its faster, cheaper and almost as effective to just glue down existing track systems after all " but if you are detail conscious and proud of the amount of work you are putting into your prototyping then you may want to go ahead and include your rail system in your hand-crafted techniques.
Either way the end result is bound to be spectacular " its all just a matter of choice.
Both Stuart James Smith & Bill Murphy are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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