In the last few years, medical scientists have had divergent opinions regarding the actual efficiency of common cholesterol-lowering medications. A series of experiments and clinical trials conducted in the past had revealed that commonly prescribed cholesterol medications such as statins were actually unable to effectively prevent the development of coronary disease and other conditions associated with high blood cholesterol levels. By contrast, other research findings suggested that statins were effective in lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease. Judging by the differentiated results obtained in the past, medical scientists have inclined to believe that the potency and the efficiency of statins may be influenced by various factors such as patients? age, gender and even racial provenience.
The findings of most experiments and studies conducted in the past were very confusing. Paradoxically, it seemed that even if commonly prescribed statins were effective in lowering blood cholesterol, these medications didn't actually prevent the occurrence of heart disease. These findings have determined doctors to doubt the overall benefits of commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering medications. Intrigued by the apparent inconstancy of statins and similar cholesterol-lowering drugs, medical researchers have recently conducted more elaborate clinical studies in order to reveal whether such medications actually work or not.
Recent study findings have finally unveiled the mystery regarding the fluctuant efficiency of such drugs. After they have carefully analyzed the results of recently conducted experiments, medical scientists have concluded that statins are most effective when they are administered to patients who benefit from permanent medical monitoring. While most hospitalized patients who receive cholesterol-lowering treatments with statins experience major improvements of their blood cholesterol values, people who receive the drugs outside the hospital appear to be less responsive to such forms of treatment. Thus, in order to maximize the effects of statins, patients who receive the drugs need frequent medical care and evaluation. Although people who receive these cholesterol-lowering drugs don't actually require hospitalization, they should receive medical guidance and frequent examinations over the entire duration of the treatment in order to maximize the effects of statins.
After interpreting the findings of recent clinical studies and experiments, medical scientists have infirmed the suspicions regarding the inefficiency of commonly prescribed statins. Researchers have proved that as long as they are administered in appropriated dosages, statins are indeed effective not only in lowering cholesterol, but also in preventing heart disease and other conditions linked with high blood cholesterol levels. Medical scientists explain that the main reason for the controversial and confusing results obtained by previous research is actually inappropriate usage of statins.
In order to obtain the best results, treatments with cholesterol-lowering drugs need to be individualized and differentiated according to the patients? needs. Thus, people confronted with high blood cholesterol levels should be administered statins in individualized doses and only after elaborate medical examination. In addition to an initial cholesterol test, people who follow cholesterol-lowering treatments should receive frequent lipoprotein profiles over the entire duration of the treatments and a few months after completing the prescribed courses of medications.
Prevent Reverse Heart Disease
Research teams hailing from various countries, such as Switzerland, have concluded that chocolate may aid in the prevention of diseases that are known to attack the heart. Through numerous studies, it has been stated that the best kind of chocolate to ingest for your health is the dark bitter variety. A group of Swiss researchers implied that eating this type of chocolate on an everyday basis is most beneficial.
Conclusions were made regarding the health benefits of chocolate after conducting a series of tests on a group of about 30 volunteers. The test group consisted of people who smoked, but did not appear to have any health ailments to deal with. The test subjects had to abide by a few guidelines in order for researchers to obtain the results they needed.
For starters, the volunteers were not allowed to eat any foods that contained any antioxidants. Some of these edible items included cabbage, onions and apples. This was a requirement to be followed after they were given doses of different kinds of chocolate. About 40 grams of the sweet stuff was given to them.
After two hours passed from the consumption of the chocolate, the findings appeared on an echograph. One of the points that were revealed involved the consumption of dark chocolate, which consist of at least 75% cocoa. The echograph showed that the test subjects enjoyed an improvement with the flow of their blood. Additional tests revealed that a decrease in blood incidents, as well as blockages was seen from the initial observations. The risk for these occurrences had significantly decreased. It was also shown that white chocolate did not possess the same characteristics or results as darker versions.
This is probably because dark chocolate has a high level of antioxidants per one gram of substance. These levels are higher that other popular food items, including green tea, some fruits and red wine.
There is no doubt about the amount of helpful and healthy antioxidants contained within a piece of chocolate. The reason that it is often viewed as an undesirable food item is due to the large amounts of fats that chocolate possesses. The levels of glucose are also seen as an unhealthy characteristic. If this type of sweet is consumed at a high rate, numerous other problems may arise, including obesity and diabetes.
If you are interested in the incorporation of chocolate into your daily diet to accompany your efforts towards a healthier lifestyle, keep in mind that moderation is the key. You should focus on fixing the amount of chocolate you consume to match your weight and how much exercise you complete throughout the day. If you are a person that is constantly on the move, then consuming chocolate shouldn't pose any threat of weight gain. For those who are confined to working in an office all day or spend most of their time in a chair, you may face a brick wall. Without much exercise or participation in sports, you run the risk of adding a few extra pounds to your frame with increased amounts of chocolate consumption.
Both Groshan Fabiola & Gregg Hall are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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