Prior to digital cameras being so popular, I always would buy many disposable cameras so that she was able to capture photos of everything she did and everywhere she went. Even today, in the age of digital photography a disposable underwater camera is a wonderful investment.
We discovered the camp my daughter attended this past summer through her attending a one week program earlier in the year. When she attended the one week program the camp gave the kids their summer camp information. We saved those brochures for the beginning of her camp scrapbook.
As the months progressed, we began getting both postal mail and email from the camp about the summer ahead. We saved all of those communications so they could be copied onto acid free paper.
Each week my daughter was gone, the camp leader sent parents an email update of what the kids had done that week. There were also photos added to the camp website that parents could download. On my end, I was saving all of this for inclusion in the summer camp scrapbook.
Meanwhile my daughter was taking photos of the places she visited and the people she was with. She also kept a small journal so she could answer my countless questions when she returned.
In addition to taking photos of the other kids she was with, my daughter also took photos of the many counselors and other camp staff that supported the program while she was there.
For younger children attending day camp, ask if you can spend a bit of time taking photos. I know one of our local camps has a teen counselor who takes photos daily and uploads them to the camp website so the parents can download them for their personal use.
Camp is a lot of fun for kids. Capture that fun through photos and a camp scrapbook!!
Run A Summer Camp
Commonly, almost all children in most parts of the world experience going to summer camps during their school break. There are instances when the school includes these camps in their curriculum such that the students would attend the camps and get grades for joining. However, most of the time, these summer camps are open for independent camper delegates for a fee. Usually, parents enroll their children to enrich their personality, gain some more knowledge, and be more culturally conscious.
There are lots of available options so selecting a summer camp could seem so tedious. Nevertheless, the first and most important thing to keep in mind and consider is the preference of your camper child. After all, he/she is the one who's going to the camp so it is only logical that he/she would be the one to choose. However, before finally deciding, the parents should give permission and a go signal if the child could go with the summer camp activity that he/she had chosen.
Being the parents of the child selecting a summer camp, they should always bear in mind the security and safety of their child. It is important to know where the camp would be held, for how many days, and what the activities would specifically be. Also, always consider if the camp would fit your child's personality and would not get him/her into trouble. If you are 100 % approving of your child's choice, then he/she is now ready to go!
Now, what exactly are the available choices for your child?
First of all, the academic camps are the first most accessible choice for your children especially if the school gives this as a requirement. There are alternative Mathematics classes for the advanced students and those who are getting behind. Science camps are also a fun thing to attend to because there are so many interesting experiments and things to learn. Recently, technology and computer camps are the most popular choice among students.
Next, if your child is selecting a summer camp based on his/her interests, it is essential to assess what kind of activity he/she would like to engage in to maximize his/her time and effort. It is important that the child would learn new things and meet new people to hone his/her personality.
If your child is into music, there are band camps which teach campers to play various instruments and to develop their singing talent. Furthermore, acting and dancing workshops are also popular among kids.
The arts and crafts summer camp lessons are also one of the children's favorites because here they are able to show their talent in drawing, painting, and making crafty things. They are also given the opportunity to improve on what they believe they are good at.
On the other hand, if your child loves sports, a lot of camps offer lessons in different kinds of sports like football, basketball, swimming, and tennis, among others. Moreover, there are also summer camp classes for beginner martial arts, and also for those who have previously learned the art.
Add to that, there are also adventure camps that the kids would surely enjoy as they would have fun doing activities that they love. It is like play time on over time, and at the same time, the children would learn something from their experience.
Here are some tips on selecting a summer camp for your kids. Hopefully, you have learned something and you would be able to apply this when the time comes that you would be choosing the best camp for your child.
Both Audrey Okaneko & Elaine Shay are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Audrey Okaneko has sinced written about articles on various topics from Ideas for Scrapbooking, Bridal Shower and Ideas for Scrapbooking. Audrey Okaneko has been scrapbooking for several years. She can be reached at or visited at Audrey Okaneko's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Audrey Okaneko to your Favourites.
Elaine Shay has sinced written about articles on various topics from Cure Anxiety, Internet Marketing and Ideas for Scrapbooking. Worried about your child facing separation anxiety at summer camp? We can show you exactly how to fix this at . Elaine Shay's top article generates over 2400 views. Bookmark Elaine Shay to your Favourites.
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