Wondering what that rash, welt, or bump on your child's skin is? Infection, allergies, and temperature extremes are often behind the skin conditions seen in babies and children -- and many are minor and easily treated. You can learn to recognize some of the most common conditions -- but remember: always consult a doctor for proper diagnoses and treatment.
A bacterial infection of the skin that is very common in children. It gains access through damaged skin, such as cuts, grazes or insect bites. If there is direct skin-to-skin contact with others, or if bedding, clothing or towels are shared, it can spread rapidly through families and communities.This rash can occur anywhere on the body, but most frequently on the head and neck.
Worms don't cause ringworm. Instead, this skin infection is caused by a fungus living off dead skin, hair, and nail tissue. Starting as a red, scaly patch or bump, it develops into itchy red ring(s) with raised, blistery, or scaly borders. Ringworm is passed on by skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal, and by sharing items like towels or sports gear. Most ringworm infections can be treated with antifungal creams
A child who was born with a usually fatal genetic skin disease, recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, has been treated and is living a much better life now thanks to University of Minnesota Medical School researchers and cord blood and bone marrow stem cell transplants. The disease causes the skin tissue to be extremely fragile, and also makes the whole intestinal tract very thin as well, so they usually get all sorts of infections and don't last long.
Hives, also called urticaria, are an allergic reaction. Unfortunately, the reaction can be to almost anything, including cold, heat, and even emotional tension. Unless you already have a good idea what is causing the hives or you have just taken a new drug, the doctor is unlikely to be able to determine the cause. Most often, searching for a cause is fruitless.
Eczema is an unpleasant and restricting condition for any child. It is also distressing for their parents who find there is very little they can do to take away the irritation and pain, except to use a prescription steroid cream. Such creams can seem like a miracle, as they can vastly improve the painful and unsightly eruptions. However, they suppress rather than cure.
Cradle Cap
Cradle cap (also called seborrheic dermatitis) is a rash that begins as scaling and redness on a baby's scalp. This condition is a non-infectious skin condition and is a form of eczema. Seborrheic dermatitis is common in infants, usually beginning in the first weeks of life and slowly disappearing over a period of weeks or months. The condition rarely is uncomfortable or itchy.
Skin Problems For Dogs
Everyone faces some kind of skin problem or the other which makes skin conditions one of the most common issues that people seek treatment for. Many such skin problems that are commonly faced by people include acne, rosacea, scar formation, hyperpigmentation, cold sores, eczema, etc. In order to counter many of the skin problems commonly faced by people, Zenmed has come out with revolutionary products that address these issues and have successfully helped millions of people get effective relief from their skin problems. Apart from these skin products, Zenmed also has some products that are helpful in treating conditions associated with the digestive tract in general and hemorrhoids in particular.
Now, let us look at some of these products offered by Zenmed.
Zenmed Derma Cleanse System – Acne
Acne is one of the most common types of skin problems faced by people generally of the younger age group. Most of the products that are available for acne are topically applied while some of them are taken in the pill form. While these products are not totally effective in providing the desired results, the Zenmed derma cleanse system is a complete system that includes treating the acne both from inside as well as from the outside. The system comes with a three phase program with the first phase involving taking capsules made out of natural ingredients to help fight the cause for the acne.
The next step is to apply a topical gel that owing to its transdermal delivery abilities fights the bacteria within the lesions and reduces the acne. The next phase is a maintenance therapy using the cleanser that is provided with the system that helps in keeping the skin free of new lesions of acne.
Zenmed Skin Support System - Rosacea Treatment
Rosacea is a skin condition that occurs mainly in very fair people and occurs in any age group of people. People with this condition suffer from blotches on the skin accompanied by redness and increased sensitivity. Many different treatment modalities have been recommended and include prescription medication and treatment such as laser therapy.
Zenmed skin support system is a new and unique formulation that is created depending on the skin type and is of two types, one for oily skin and the other for dry skin. These products have the endorsement of medical professionals and have been effective in the treatment of rosacea in many individuals.
Zenmed Scar & Hyperpigmentation Treatment Kit
Many people are bothered about skin imperfections such as scars, hyperpigmented areas, freckles, skin darkness, etc and seek expensive treatment methods such as dermabrasion or peels at a spa. Most of these expensive methods will not provide permanent results and need to be repeated. The Zenmed Scar & hyperpigmentation treatment kit is formulated in a similar manner to a peel at the spa although the costs of the kit will be almost a third of what you would be spending at a salon or spa.
The kit contains the Zenmed microdermabrasion complex (for skin exfoliation) and the zenmed skin eraser which contains natural ingredients such as green tea, aloe vera and cucumber that is applied on areas that need extra attention.
Zenmed Dermcare – Eczema
Eczema and dermatitis are another few examples of common skin conditions for which people search for remedies. Although many steroidal applications are available, many prefer not to use them due to the possibilities of causing side effects. Zenmed Dermcare is an all natural ingredient topical application that has been formulated by medical professionals and has been helping people suffering from skin problems like eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis get effective relief without any side effects.
Zenmed Avacare- Cold sores/Immunity
Cold sores are caused due to viral infections of herpes simplex. Zenmed Avacare system works against the occurrence of cold sores by not only treating the present lesions but also works on the source of infection by improving the immune levels of the body and helping in establishing good health and wellbeing. It not only helps in the treatment of cold sores but also helps in reducing pain and in the purification of the circulatory system.
The Zenmed Avacare system is made of two parts, the Zenmed Avacare and the Zenmed Zenhance sytems of which the former helps in the treatment of lesions while the latter is responsible for the improvement of immune status of the individual thereby preventing future incidents of cold sores.
Zenmed Ensa/Zenmed Ziro – Hemorrhoids/digestion
Hemorrhoids are a painful problem for which people try out various methods ranging from over-the-counter products to surgery. Although there are many treatments attempted, none of them provide good remedy to the problem as it has a high tendency to recur.
Zenemed hemorrhoid system is a two part system that is made of Zenmed Ziro that works in reducing symptoms of pain as well as uneasiness caused by the condition and also helps in the repair of the inflamed tissues while Zenmed Ensa is mainly helpful in softening the stools and reduces constipation. Together these products are helpful in relieving symptoms of hemorrhoids and also help in reducing the recurrence of the condition.
In this manner, Zenmed provides a complete solution to different types of skin problems as well as problems like hemorrhoids. All the products are mainly made up of natural ingredients that eliminate the possibility of side effects and are formulated by medical professionals and come with the benefit of a 60 day money back guarantee that ensures the quality of the products.
Both samnickel6 & Joanna Joyner are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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