1. Scrapbooking websites. Keep a folder in your favorites file and bookmark the websites of all of your favorite print scrapbooking magazines. Subscribe to their free email newsletters, and if your favorite scrapbooking designers or manufacturers have a blog, make sure to subscribe to the RSS feed. The creativity and free ideas that come from these sites is really amazing.
Some of the best scrapbooking freebies are simply designs, sketches, and layouts. The websites of Creating Keepsakes and PaperCrafts are particularly useful for free scrapbooking ideas and step-by-step project instructions.
Some of the other popular scrapbooking websites (twopeasinabucket.com and scrapjazz.com for example) feature a variety of ideas for numerous paper projects, from 12x12 albums to altered art, as well as quotes and sayings. Many of these websites offer free tutorials in both basic and advanced techniques, as well.
2. Free fonts and graphics. A simple Internet search for "free fonts" will turn up thousands of different choices that you can easily download into your computer for your scrapbooking use. With graphics and fonts that you find online, make sure that the files are royalty free and that you have permission to download them for your personal use.
3. Free photo prints. Many of the photo processing websites will reward your continuing loyalty to them with deeply discounted prints or free prints. Shop around for special coupons or loyalty offers before ordering.
4. Printable Scrapbooking Stuff. Do another Internet search for "free printable scrapbooking." You'll find lots of different patterns, images, and designs that you can simply print on the paper of your choice and use in your books and other papercrafting projects.
5. Digital Scrapbooking Freebies. ComputerScrapbook.com has a nice collection of free digital samplers. Go to the main page of the website and click "free stuff" for today's selection.
6. Free Poems and Quotes. The Internet is filled with wise snippets that you can use in your scrapbooks, mini albums, and card making projects. Keep a small notebook handy for jotting down great scrapbooking quotes that you come across. I also have a special folder for quotes in my email software, as well as on my desktop. Someday, my quote book will be like a scrapbook in itself.
There really is a wealth of free information online for scrapbookers. When you find something you like, make sure to share it with your scrapbooking friends and ask them to do the same.
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