Scrapbooking is basically a journal in which you keep your records thru out your life. You can capture events that mean the most to you and your family. For instance you can capture birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and family vacations. You can scrap anything that you find special and want to share for years to come.
Scrapbooking Page Layout
Now that you are entertaining the idea of a scrapbook, it is important you make those memories as alive and beautiful as possible. Here are some layout ideas:
1Depending on the occasion, make the page have color coordination. Use themed paper and/or matching colors to accent the photos.
2Pictures, take and record as many as possible, whatever the occasion, and later on you will be glad you did.
3When you get photos back from developing, write a few memories on the back so that you can remember all the little details you want to preserve. Sometimes we forget the smallest things that made the occasion special, writing them down will make it a lot easier when you start the journaling.
4Keep mementos from the occasion to add to the pages. Birthday cards, airline tickets etc. Use these as backdrops for photos or as the title to the page.
5Use accents such as brads, photo clips to add to the layout. A little dimension adds to the character of the pages.
There are several different ways to make a scrapbook layout. These pages are very personal to each of us for different reasons. Chose for yourself what works best, however, there are many ideas and examples available in case you run out of scrapbooking page layout ideas.
Whatever way you choose to record your memories, a scrapbook has to represent you and the ties you what to capture and save, so even if there are many ideas, it is what connects you to the memory that will be the right choice.
Take the time to create a scrapbook, if you don't have one already; it is sometimes better then an album or a standard journal and can become a bit of yourself. Memories created in a scrapbook live beyond you, to be cherished and enjoyed forever, so don't just create a scrapbook, put a bit of love and soul into it. You will be happy that you did when you look back in years and live those times again.
Scrapbooking Page Layout Ideas
There are times when the most creative of croppers, surrounded by the most personal pictures, and the most inspiring implements, simply don't know what to do. While the basics always apply, (you will need a topic, background and decorations), it's not always easy to decide what the specifics will be. If your well has run dry, here are a few scrapbooking page ideas to bring back your muse.
Location, Location, Location
If the event your photos cover is even remotely location specific, (vacation, visiting family, trip to a museum), this offers you an easy theme to utilize in your design scheme. Simply choose a background paper, use a 2 to 3 inch tall rectangular accent the width of the page, and layer an oval over that. By writing the location name in the oval, Grandma's House, Connecticut, or Cherry Street Elementary, you have created a center design for your page. Quotes about the place like, ?Grandma's House is filled with love,? or ?School Daze? written down the side or around a photograph often add a nice touch.
How Cute!
Here are some great ideas for working with children or pets. Leaf through an expressions book for a theme like, ?Puppy Love?, ?Spring fever? or ?Wild Thing!? Use stickers to spell out the expression down one side of the page. Then use circular cutters to round pictures, and to make slight larger paper borders for the photos. You then leave the borders blank, or use them to label the individual shot. This is also a fun place to use bubble quotes to indicate the puppy or child saying some cute expression like, ?Mommy needs a nap!?
Time of Your Life
You have already figured out that having a theme will make creating your page an easier task. Teachers use this method when planning lessons for elementary students because it helps to bring the different elements of a task together.
Focusing your scrapbooking page on a time period, or season, also works well. For instance, your may call your page ?The Wonder Years? with pictures of wide eyed toddlers, ?Before Kids?, or ?Winter Wonderland.?
Borders are a fun technique for these themes. For instance, it would be easy to locate a snowflake themed kit. You could then create a snowflake border, interspersed with small round face cutouts among the falling snowflakes.
When in Doubt Cut It Out
If you are really feeling stuck, remember that simpler is best. Some of the most elegant pages created have little more than background paper, a few lines of meaningful explanation, and a border.
Try this single picture technique. Choose a vertical picture to display. After selecting three papers that compliment your photo, cut one into a circle with the diameter the same as the width of your photo. Use the first sheet as your main background color, the second as a three-inch wide, vertical, rectangular border on the outer edge of your page. Place the circle so that it's sticking out from behind the upper and outer corner of your photograph. Finally, use a marker, or letter stickers to label the event. Again, keep it simple, ?Sunset?, ?Sisters?, or ?Home again.?
When trying to come up with your scrapbooking page ideas, just keep in mind that you will need a theme, a background and the embellishments. Simply trying out some ideas on your page is likely to get the creative juices flowing again.
Both Marcy Larsen & Barbara Kirby are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Barbara Kirby has sinced written about articles on various topics from Ideas for Scrapbooking, Fundraising and Ideas for Scrapbooking. Barbara Kirby is the author of the Free ebook - The Scrapbookers Directory - which gives you instant access to discount scrapbooking supplies, ideas, layouts, freebies and more. For more info check out. Barbara Kirby's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Barbara Kirby to your Favourites.
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