Cells in the arterial walls need collagen to help them expand and contract with the beats of the heart; it is also needed in the capillaries, which are more fragile. Another major role of Vitamin C is as an antioxidant. Cells are also held together by collagen. So Vitamin C works like a super glue-keeping it all together!
Collagen forms a protective barrier and promotes healing of wounds, fractures and bruises. Collagen is also an important element in the health of the connective tissue throughout your body. Because vitamin C can enhance the production of collagen, bringing this nutrient into your diet and skin care can help you look and feel better, reduce the look of wrinkles and improve your skin's quality.
Studies are published in the media and in scientific journals which allege to prove that vitamins and anti-oxidants are potentially harmful. Those studies are structured to show harm or lack of benefit from vitamins and anti-oxidants by ignoring proven scientific principals.
Studies show promise for the use of Vitamin C in protecting against a number of conditions. These conditions include heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, common cold, osteoarthritis, obesity and weight loss, cataract, age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.
Vitamin C is found in a wide spectrum of popular foods, but occurs most commonly in citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and grapefruits, as well as tomatoes. The sugar-like vitamin easily oxidizes in air and is sensitive to both light and heat. Vitamin C is the cheapest, safest, and best antioxidant in town.
If you can raise the amount of Vitamin C in cells, you may soak up enough O2- to make a long-term difference. Vitamin C is involved in the regulation of iron metabolism. Dietary vitamin C enhances the absorption of nonheme iron, but can also interact with iron to promote oxidative damage.
Vitamin C is perhaps the most famous and most controversial vitamin. Its proponents say it can "cure" cancer and the common cold. Vitamin C is important in the development and maintenance of the connective tissues of the body. Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant . Vitamin C is also critical during the first phase of the body's detoxification process. This process occurs in many types of tissue, but it is especially active in the liver.
Vitamin C is one of fifty essential nutrients, we must obtain from food or supplements. In many cases we need more Vitamin C than our food can supply! Vitamin C is a very important nutrient. Vitamin C may work against high blood pressure (hypertension), by protecting levels of nitric oxide, a natural chemical in the body that helps relax blood vessels.
Vitamin C is also said to prevent tumors from spreading, help the body heal after cancer surgery, enhance the effects of certain anti-cancer drugs, and reduce the toxic effects of other drugs used in chemotherapy. These claims are being studied.
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