I used to find loads of reasons why I failed at various things. If a project didn't come to fruition it was because of someone else. If a business failed it was bad luck. Can you relate to this? Are you ready to take responsibility for your failures and and turn failures into success? One of the main reasons for failure is that we are conditioned to it.
People generally mean well when they give you bits of wisdom like money is the root of all evil, or a camel has more chance of passing through the eye of a needle that a rich man has of getting to heaven. All these little sayings, and there are hundreds of them, all play a pat in conditioning us to the fact that failure is ok.
Over time all these negative comments have had an effect on your subconscious making it increasingly harder for you to really believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. However it is still possible for you undo all the damage and start to perform to your full potential. I know this is possible because I've done it. I've managed to turn around my chosen career path and almost treble my income in the past 6 months. The surprising thing about this is that it didn't take me much work. I just sat back placed my headphones on and listened to Procrastination Blaster by Sean le May. Don't let the name put you off the system that Sean has created doesn't only help you if you are prone to procrastination, it will also help you to attain your goals.
The thing I really liked about procrastination blaster is that I just had to put on my headphones and sit back and relax. Yes it's as simple as that. The program is built around scientifically proven methods and activates various types of your brainwaves. Once these brainwaves are active your subconscious can absorb the positive messages that Procrastination Blaster contains. This is very similar to the deep meditation that monks and Yogi's strive for.
Let us take a look at out various different types of brainwave and what they are responsible for. There are 4 basic types and each is active in a specific conscous state.
Beta waves- normal waking consciousness-you are probably in "beta" right now. These are associated with concentrating, arousal, alertness and cognition.
When you are absorbed by a good film, or a great book then it is fair to say that you are in the much slower alpha state. Alpha waves are associated with relaxation, learning and increased concentration.
When you are dreaming you are usually in a theta state. Theta Brainwaves are also responsible for some of those ahhh...thats it! moments and certain kinds of super learning. you'll also have greater memory ability.
The lowest waves that we'll look at are Delta waves. These are the key to your subsconscious and usually are present in dreamless sleep.
This all might sound like science fiction but I assure you it's not, why not check out our review of procrastination blaster and see how it can help you to succeed.
4 Letter K Word
Let's look at 'talk' as an example. If I asked you, you could all talk about almost anything at a moment's notice. In the computer in our brain, we have lots of programs--what we think, what we feel or believe about anything, even things we know absolutely nothing about! And we can go on and on about any topic. That is the good news. However, the bad news is that this is what people call communication--and it's only talk (or chat or blab, etc.).
Poor communication is the most frequently reported single major source of frustration in companies today. What is communication? Simply, communication is threefold. It means that a message was sent, that it was received, and that it was understood.
Experts say that we spend approximately 80% of each day communicating, as follows:
7% words
38% tone of voice and
55% physiology or body language
Since you are not always face to face with customers, the first two are most important. Your inflection and tone of voice are more impactful than the words. The positive and negative impressions of what you say, and how you say what you say, are more exaggerated. Therefore, you need to learn to control your tone, your tempo, and volume.
Make no mistake, body language can be heard over the phone. Suppose you are slouching, I bet your voice is very different than when you are sitting up straight. Also, we all know that a smile can easily be heard over the phone.
The good news is that communication is a learned behavior. If you learned negative patterns, you can release them and replace them with positive ones.
To me communication and listening go hand in hand. We all think we know how to listen, don't we? The fact is that very few people truly know how to listen. In our earnestness to serve we get pulled out of a conversation by preparing for the answer while the other person is still talking. We wait for a pause and when the person takes a breath, we jump in to take them where we think they want to go, to improve or remedy the situation, but the truth is if we are not listening to what they are saying we won't even know the question or request, let alone the answer.
Our intentions are good. We want to give the best response we can, hopefully the right answer. However, if we are not present to the conversation, the other person feels not heard, unimportant, ripped off and the like.
Listening is a respectful act. We have two ears and one mouth. Is this a coincidence? Is there a lesson here? For those of you who do anagrams, Listen = silent.
While it is true you cannot control how the customer (or anyone) speaks to you, you can control your own response to that person, and thereby greatly influence the course and outcome of any conversation.
Both Mjg Urquart & Rosanne Dausilio, Ph.d. are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Mjg Urquart has sinced written about articles on various topics from Online Business. See our our review of Procrastination Blaster. Should you like to know more about Beating Procrastination go to. Mjg Urquart's top article generates over 590 views. Bookmark Mjg Urquart to your Favourites.
Rosanne Dausilio, Ph.d. has sinced written about articles on various topics from Online Business, Surveys and Customer Service. ROSANNE D'AUSILIO, Ph.D., customer service expert, provides needs analyses, customer service training; authors Wake Up Your Call Center,Customer Service & the Human Experience,Lay Your Cards on the Table,How to Kick Your Customer Service Up A Notch; a tip. Rosanne Dausilio, Ph.d.'s top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Rosanne Dausilio, Ph.d. to your Favourites.
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