Some kids with CP use wheelchairs and others walk with the help of crutches or braces. In some cases, a kid's speech may be affected or the person might not be able to speak at all.
Cerebral palsy (say: seh-ree-brel pawl-zee) is a condition that affects thousands of babies and children each year. It is not contagious, which means you can't catch it from anyone who has it. The word cerebral means having to do with the brain. The word palsy means a weakness or problem in the way a person moves or positions his or her body.
A kid with CP has trouble controlling the muscles of the body. Normally, the brain tells the rest of the body exactly what to do and when to do it. But because CP affects the brain, depending on what part of the brain is affected, a kid might not be able to walk, talk, eat, or play the way most kids do.
The Types of CP
There are three types of cerebral palsy: spastic (say: spass-tick), athetoid (say: ath-uh-toid), and ataxic (say: ay-tak-sick). The most common type of CP is spastic. A kid with spastic CP can't relax his or her muscles or the muscles may be stiff.
Athetoid CP affects a kid's ability to control the muscles of the body. This means that the arms or legs that are affected by athetoid CP may flutter and move suddenly. A kid with ataxic CP has problems with balance and coordination.
A kid with CP can have a mild case or a more severe case — it really depends on how much of the brain is affected and which parts of the body that section of the brain controls. If both arms and both legs are affected, a kid might need to use a wheelchair. If only the legs are affected, a kid might walk in an unsteady way or have to wear braces or use crutches. If the part of the brain that controls speech is affected, a kid with CP might have trouble talking clearly. Another kid with CP might not be able to speak at all.
No one knows for sure what causes most cases of cerebral palsy. For some babies, injuries to the brain during pregnancy or soon after birth may cause CP. Children most at risk of developing CP are small, premature babies (babies who are born many weeks before they were supposed to be born) and babies who need to be on a ventilator (a machine to help with breathing) for several weeks or longer. But for most kids with CP, the problem in the brain occurs before birth and doctors don't know why.
What Do Doctors Do?
Doctors who specialize in treating kids with problems of the brain, nerves, or muscles are usually involved in diagnosing a kid with cerebral palsy. These specialists could include a pediatric neurologist (say: nuh-rah-luh-jist), a doctor who deals with problems of the nervous system and brain in kids.
Three other kinds of doctors who can help kids with CP include a pediatric orthopedist (say: or-tho-pee-dist), who handles problems with bones or joints, a developmental pediatrician, who looks at how a kid is growing or developing compared with other kids the same age, and a pediatric physiatrist, who helps treat children with disabilities of many kinds.
There is no special test to figure out if a kid has cerebral palsy. Doctors may order X-rays and blood tests to find out if some other disease of the brain and nervous system may be causing the problem. To diagnose CP, doctors usually wait to see how a kid develops to be sure.
A case of cerebral palsy often can be diagnosed by the age of 18 months. For example, if a child does not sit up or walk by the time most kids should be doing these things, the kid might have CP or some other problem that is causing development to go more slowly. Doctors follow infant and child development closely and look for problems with muscle tone and strength, movement, and reflexes.
How Is CP Treated?
For a kid with CP, the problem with the brain will not get any worse as the kid gets older. For example, a kid who has CP that affects only the legs will not develop CP in the arms or problems with speech later on. The effect of CP on the arms or legs can get worse, however, and some kids may develop dislocated hips (when the bones that meet at the hips move out of their normal position) or scoliosis (curvature of the spine).
That is why therapy is so important. Kids with CP usually have physical, occupational, or speech therapy to help them develop skills like walking, sitting, swallowing, and using their hands. There are also medications to treat the seizures that some kids with CP have. Some medications can help relax the muscles in kids with spastic CP. And some kids with CP may have special surgeries to keep their arms or legs straighter and more flexible.
Living With CP
Cerebral palsy usually doesn't stop kids from going to school, making friends, or doing things they enjoy. But they may have to do these things a little differently or they may need some help. With computers to help them communicate and wheelchairs to help them get around, kids with CP often can do a lot of stuff that kids without CP can do.
Kids with cerebral palsy are just like other kids, but with some greater challenges that make it harder to do everyday things. More than anything else, they want to fit in and be liked. Be patient if you know someone or meet someone with CP. If you can't understand what a person with CP is saying or if it takes a person with CP longer to do things, give him or her extra time to speak or move. Being understanding is what being a good friend is all about, and a kid with CP will really appreciate it.
A Child With Cerebral Palsy
Moreover, they also experience involuntarily movements such as twisting and twitching. Others can experience impaired speech and a degree of mental deficiency. They may either keen minds or highly intelligent. They also may experience difficulty in hearing and visual defects. In short they cannot control their motor movement.
Interested in knowing what are the causes of cerebral palsy or why it happened to a baby? How to resolve this kind of abnormality? This could be the result of brain damage that occur during the full development of baby's brain in womb. Brain damage are results of malformations and failure of brain to develop. The brain can be damage during pregnancy or during giving birth. Most probably the part of the brain responsible for motor function is affected or damaged.
Some mothers do not know that they are pregnant, they tend to smoke and drink alcohol in this, they have a greater possibility of having a baby with cerebral difficulty. Inadequate or not enough nutrition during pregnancy can cause abnormality to a brain. It was discover that the full development of baby's brain is during conception. The failure of the mother to nourish fetus brain during conception of the stage of full growth development is a lifetime risk. It only means if brain have a abnormality this will last for a lifetime.
Prolonged labor is some of the causes of cerebral palsy that result to inadequate supply of oxygen to newborn due to restricted blood supply during difficulty in delivery. When the cord is being compressed during prolonged labor can cause the brain traumatized. The infection of brain tissue and extremely premature may also consider as a factor.
Cerebral palsy is not a disease nor illness, it is not be contagious to others. Doctors and researchers still studying how to cure cerebral palsy but the only remedy as of now is to lessen the burden of cerebral palsy victim but it cannot heal totally. Physical therapy is necessary to improve joint mobility. Therapy help them to aid their abnormalities and develop their walking, sitting using their hands and talking.
Some training program center for cerebral palsy victim offers to provide the instructions on various techniques and their implementation. Doctors may provide medications for relaxation of the muscles so that their legs and arms become flexible. Thus training and other technology can lessen the burden of the victim.
Both Wilbert Brians & Anne-lie Karlsson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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