To detox means to rid the body of the lingering physical metabolites of the drug of abuse, and although the time needed for this can vary with the drug of abuse, between a few days and a week is long enough for most of the symptoms to disperse for most dugs. True detox actually continues for months, as the body slowly adjusts to sobriety and regulates processes damages through addiction; and some symptoms of long term withdrawal and detox can linger throughout these months(Detox symptoms of common drugs).
But detox is not treatment, and in fact during the days of detox very few people are in any real shape to learn the kinds of things that need to be absorbed for any real chance at sobriety.
Why detox is never enough
Detox is a physical process, but the act of treatment is largely mental and spiritual, and for any real hope of continuing abstinence and sobriety recovering addicts need to understand why they abuse drugs, what risks factors lead them to crave drugs or alcohol, and have strategies and tools at the ready to fight these temptations and cravings when they inevitably do emerge.
Detox is a necessary first step to sobriety, and getting through detox without abuse is a great accomplishment, but it's only after detox are recovering addicts then ready to start participation in group peer support meetings, to start to develop a relapse plan with a therapist, and to start to participate in cognitive educational seminars that give addicts the tools to avoid situations likely to cause temptation, and to know what to do when temptation does arise.
Because detox can be dangerous, it always best occurs under direct medical supervision with the prescription of appropriate medications for safety, and since the period of detox is both a time of discomfort, and also a time of intense cravings to use and abuse, the detox has a far greater likelihood of success should it occur in a facility far removed from access to drugs or alcohol.
Alcoholics and drug addicts fear the days of detox and physical pain, and getting past the initial period of physical addiction is an accomplishment, but it is only the beginning of a long road to sobriety, and those people who deny themselves real treatment after detox also deny themselves the best chance at success and sobriety.
Alcohol And Drug Addiction Treatment
The drug addicts due to the clouding of their mind by the feeling of self destruction and self sympathy try to inflict injury to the body by the repeated intake of the intoxicating drug substance. Once they develop tolerance and start depending on these drugs for their survival and they are unable to break free from the shackles and get entangled in the web forever.
Let Us Know a Few Things about HIV
HIV is the deadly virus which has affected millions of individuals all over the world. HIV is a retrovirus which produces AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), a condition where the immunity is affected to such an extent that opportunistic infections are produced which can be life threatening. Infection by HIV can occur by transfer by blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk. The HIV infection complication includes bacterial infection, tuberculosis, malignancies, sexually transmitted disease etc. In drug abusers this infection has become a common entity due to sharing of needles and sexual promiscuity. Transmission of infection from HIV positive mother to fetus has also become a cause of concern to health authorities all over.
About Drug Addiction and HIV
The extent of drug addiction depends on the physical and psychological dependency of the abuser. Once the tolerance to a drug develops, the addict does not feel comfortable unless they go for a higher dose of the drug. Thus an increase in the withdrawal symptoms is produced if the next dose is not taken at the earliest.
As many factors can act as triggers for getting addicted, the psychological impact has a major role to play in every abuser. Marital and family discord, sexual abuse, divorce, death of loved one etc are all causes for an addict to get hooked to the drugs.
Treatment for HIV Affected Drug Abusers
The prevention from infection is important as the spread of infection is taking place at a faster pace.
-Use disposable syringes and maintain hygiene to prevent transmission of infection.
-Use barriers like condoms so as to not contract the infection by sexual closeness.
A provision for drug addiction and HIV treatment is required in the health centre to combat the double menace. The counseling of patient and relatives by psychiatrist, along with awareness of HIV is required to tackle the problem. The HIV infection can be tackled by the innumerable medications available. In all the treatment is not as simple, for both conditions along with the complication are difficult to handle.
Both Christian Shire & Jason Uvios are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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