For a lay person who is new to the world of martial arts, the terms and arguments used by martial arts experts can be very confusing. Most likely, you will end up wondering which of all the styles known, is truly the deadliest style of martial arts?
Let me first assure you that anyone who claims to know the deadliest style of martial arts is a big brag. If you use your common sense, you would realize that if indeed there was a style which was the deadliest of all, most people would die out on the streets and the field. Not only that, there would also be combative techniques developed to counter such 'deadly' attacks by another group of innovative researchers-cum-fighters.
The truth of the matter is that while certain martial arts moves can injure and kill, there is no style in existence today which can be termed as 'deadly'. If there was, the world would not be a safe place to live in. if you are keen to know which of the many martial arts style was the most effective in a combat situation, you could study the history of this art and find out which of these styles were used in street fights and battle field which can be extrapolated to modern times.
Of course, all forms of martial arts began as a combat technique but how many of them remain as effective today as they were centuries ago? All these arts today are 'diluted' or 'civilized' forms which are governed by various safety rules and principles.
Take the example of karate which was originally created to kill or disable the opponent, can you imagine such a form of art being taught in karate schools in the country today? Most of the potentially hazardous moves have been ruled out to prevent injury or harm to the opponent. While karate might have been created with deadly combat in mind, it may not remain so today.
The 'deadly' image of martial arts which rest in our minds is mainly created by dream merchants of Hollywood and filmmakers of other Asian countries. 'Deadly' martial arts specialists like Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee might have displayed some 'killing' moves on camera, but remember they were movies where the more important aspect was to create a 'dramatic' effect in the minds of the audience.
In cinema, everything is larger than life, to create an impact and increase its box office returns. Display of martial arts skills is no exception. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a memorable movie in this genre but if you get yourself down to earth, trust me, no one can catch a flying bullet or defy all laws of physics and gravity to fly into air.
Another impossibility often shown in movies is an old Asian man killing or maiming an opponent using a technique called 'death touch' or 'dim mak'. Though the movies will want to make you believe that such a death touch is possible, where you simply touch someone at a particular spot and he drops dead, it is a pretty absurd idea.
Think about it. If it was really possible, would everyone not learn and use it? If it was true, many people would learn this and start building defense against it too. Just for the records, you can check out the police records of our country to find how many people died of dim mak!
While there is no 'deadliest style of martial arts' in existence in modern times, there are many extremely effective lessons that can be learnt from schools which teach martial arts so that you could develop your self defense skills in the event you are touched ever by 'dim mak'!
Deadliest Style Of Martial Arts
It seems you can't get into a discussion about martial arts without someone claiming that the style they practice is the best. Of course this isn't possible, because at least someone else in the group either practices the best martial arts style or knows someone who does. If you go online you will find thousands of opinions on the subject. Each person claims they can prove that their style is the best. Like religion, martial arts practitioners defend their style vehemently and aggressively. This can be pretty confusing especially if you don't know anything about the martial arts. But no matter what your level of experience, it always comes down to one question: Which martial arts style is the deadliest?
Well, that is actually a trick question and it is often asked by people who are uneducated about martial arts. Anyone saying they teach or know the most deadly style of martial arts is a liar or they're very much mistaken. The truth is there isn't one martial arts style that is the most deadly and if there was don't you think everyone would be studying it? Nothing can be kept secret for very long so don't believe the hype when it comes to martial arts. There are a lot of clich?'s when it comes to martial arts and self defense.
If you want a style of martial arts that is effective in combat you have to look back in history and find out what style worked in street fights and on the field of battle applicable to modern times. All martial arts claim a combat heritage, but not all styles remain combat effective. They become either out dated or become "civilized". It doesn't happen overnight, but over time a style can become sanitized with rules and restrictions. Take karate for example, which started out as a practical martial art where the primary goal was killing or disabling your enemy. Sounds pretty brutal, but that isn't what's being taught in strip mall schools around the United States. The martial art being practiced is a sport or ?nice' watered down version of karate. All the potentially deadly moves and strikes have been removed to prevent injury or death in competition. Remember just because something was created for combat doesn't mean it is still effective; the yo-yo started off as a weapon, but when was the last time you heard of someone killing somebody with one?
Films and TV add to this misconception and are largely responsible for misinforming people about martial arts, and can't be used as your guide. Many great martial artists like Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee have made martial arts films, but even they needed to change their styles so it would have more of a theatrical impact. On screen, conventional martial arts aren't "flashy enough," so like anything theatrical in nature they have been made bigger and louder. In real life, if a smart and well trained martial artist is surrounded by armed thugs they're going to try to fight their way out so they can run to safety NOT fight them all at the same time. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was nice to watch, but nobody can catch bullets, fly threw the air and break the laws of physics no matter how hard they train. The Hollywood scriptwriter, not a fighter's martial arts knowledge, dictates how a fight goes and anybody's style can be made to look cool on camera. Enjoy martial arts films as entertainment, but remember it isn't real not by a long shot.
Another over exaggeration of a martial artist's capability is the image of an elderly Asian martial artist killing or disabling an attacker with a single touch known as the death touch or "dim mak". Now while it is possible to kill with one strike. The idea of "tapping someone and watching them pass out is ludicrous. I know there are a lot of martial arts videos on the market and on you-tube that show martial artists claiming to have this ability, but you should seriously think about it. If there really was a "death touch," don't you think everyone would be using it? With all the money people invest in professional fighting and sports and all the contact that happens, don't you think more people would be dropping dead in the ring or on the field by accidentally hitting these areas? If the "death touch" truly existed, people would abandon what they were practicing and learn it or spend their time building defenses against it, because why would you bother with anything else. Remember, there's no documentation or police report that exists that has the cause of death as "dim mak"!
Even some of the best martial artists in the world have admitted that in a real fight to resorting to grabbing an attacker's testicles or gouge an eye or even biting to survive a deadly encounter (Read Gichin Funakoshi's Karate-Do). In reality, most people die from being strangled, blunt force trauma, and serious blood loss not magic or secret moves. If there is a "deadliest style" or system of martial arts is one that teaches you to do the above quickly, ruthlessly and without regard for human life.
Both Kelvin Ho & Matthew Mckernan are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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