So I thought I’d write an article to explain the benefits.
A common misconception made by people is that they need some level of fitness to be able to start using a personal trainer. This is very bad thinking. If you have no fitness whatsoever a personal trainer will be able to show you how to quickly get fit, and stop you picking up any bad habits along the way. They will also teach you a whole host of exercises and routines and gradually build on your knowledge of health and fitness.
I get a lot of people who come to me who are very fit too, but their level of fitness is not where they want it to be. In such cases a personal trainer can show you the steps that you need to take to achieve your goals.
People who are new to fitness often need as much encouragement and motivation as possible to get them started because they are making changes in their lives which need to stick, or they will slip back into there old unhealthy ways and bad habits. Using a personal trainer to motivate you is the best way to make these changes stick, when you have a booking with a trainer you have to go, unlike the gym when you go when you feel like it. Even if your feeling crappy when you get to the session a good personal trainer will encourage you to finish the session with lots of motivation, and you’ll feel great at the end.
Having a regular session with a personal trainer also makes sure you stay on track to achieving your health and fitness goals. Most people start exercise with the best intentions to get their goals, but often after a few months they have made little progress towards obtaining them and are doing the same thing over and over. Regular sessions with a fitness trainer will ensure you stay on track, and that you steadily progress towards you goal by constantly challenging you each session and getting you fitter and fitter.
Choose a personal trainer who is fit themselves, this will act as an inspiration to you to better yourself and be more like them. You can model a personal trainer so you can be like them, also working out with someone who is fit will highlight to you the areas of your fitness that you need to work on.
An important factor in achieving you fitness goals is sorting out what you eat. Get your personal trainer to sort out your diet and show you where to make the necessary improvements or changes. Once you have you diet sorted out you will be amazed how much easier it is to achieve your fitness goals.
Lastly find yourself a personal trainer that you get along with, this is often overlooked. You may be spending a lot of time with your fitness trainer so it is important that they are friendly and that there is a good vibe between you. A good trainer will have your interests as there number one priority when you are with them, so that you stay focused on achieving you goals throughout the session.
More articles of mines can be found at my personal training site Personal Trainer London
To book a session with a personal trainer please visit
How Do I Become A Personal Trainer
Did you know that dieting actually lowers your resting metabolic rate so it's more difficult to keep the weight off? Sounds crazy huh! It's not hard to see why dies aren't successful most of the time. This personal trainer tells you the truth.
Your resting metabolism drops from 2 to 10 calories a day for each pound you lose. You loose a higher percentage of muscle when you go on a crash diet. Increasing your aerobic and resistance exercises and decreasing your calories. This way you can loose the fat but build up the muscles in your body. If every day you ate 200 fewer calories and worked off 200 calories you could maintain or add muscle while you are losing body fat. Did you know that you can burn more calories by drinking the correct amount of water?
Drinking 8 to 12 8oz glasses of water a day offers a higher metabolic rate to people than those who only drink half that. Your body's metabolism depends on water so if you get dehydrated, you may be burning up to 2% fewer calories. The personal trainer says this is one more reason to keep drinking water throughout the day.
Will hot foods will raise your metabolism?
If you eat about 1 tablespoon of chopped red or green chile pepper it can temporarily raise your metabolism by 23%. Better get out the salsa, which is made with tomatoes. You can raise your metabolism and eat a heart healthy food that's an excellent source of lycopene.
Did you realize that lifting weights raises your metabolism more than a cardio workout will?
Your personal trainer teaches you the best way to gain muscle mass is by doing resistance training.
When you've trained enough to add 3 pounds of muscle to your body, you can burn about 100 extra calories every day. Your body's lean muscle mass is not significantly increased by aerobic exercise. That's why this personal trainer tells you that lifting weights is a key factor when you are getting your body into shape. Squats, push ups and any exercise that utilizes both lower and uppper body are the best exercises. These types of exercises work the largest muscles and use two-part movements and they will help you build more lean mass.
How can you experience the metabolic afterburn?
The harder your workout, the bigger the payoff. You can look forward to burning at least 10 % of the total calories used during the workout in the hour or so after you stopped exercising.
If you follow your personal trainer's advice and walk for 4 miles, which uses about 400 calories, you may burn an extra 40 calories in the next few hours if you add some jogging to your routine.
Both Pete Griggs & Zach Hunt are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Zach Hunt has sinced written about articles on various topics from Fitness, Gym and Personal Trainer. Zach Hunt is a Post Falls, Metabolic secrets expert, personal trainer and owner of. Zach Hunt's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Zach Hunt to your Favourites.
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