If you're like a lot of couples, choosing the song for your first dance may be a lot harder than you ever thought. You and your fianc? may have completely different tastes in music, or maybe every song one of you likes the other hates and now you don't know what to do. If your difficulty in choosing a song has gotten around the rumor mill, you've probably also had family and friends constantly suggesting songs to you until you just don't want to hear about it anymore. But the DJ keeps calling and you know you can't put it off much longer. So let's get started.
The first thing you and your fianc? should do is work separately. Each of you should make a list of 20 first dance songs that you like. You can easily find many lists of wedding first dance songs by doing a web search. Many of these websites also have short sound clips to jog your memory if you don't remember the song. Don't be surprised if songs you had completely forgotten about will catch your ear.
When you come together to compare your lists, start by making an "X" next to the songs that the other doesn't like, an "O" next the to the songs that the other is open to, and a star next to the ones that the other does like. Even if you and your fianc? have had a difficult time choosing a song, with each of you having a list of your own to start with, you may be surprised that you have a few songs that you both like. If so, it will be easy to pick a song at this point.
If you have no starred songs on your lists, you'll have to take it to the next level. First, you both need to get in the mindset of compromise. You should each make a new list with just the songs that the other is open to. Then exchange lists. Number your fiance's song list in order of your preference, #1 being the song you dislike the least, and on up. Don't rush through this. It may take you both a day or so to do this. Once you have your lists numbered, take the top two from each list and choose a song from those four.
There is also a much more direct, and fun, way to choose the song for your first dance, if you're up for it. The Contest. Winner takes all. That means the winner gets to pick whatever song they want. Oh yes. This is serious. You'll need to pick a contest ? It can be anything from Rock, Paper, Scissors to Scrabble to a Tennis match. Be sure to bring your "A" Game. You know you can win this.
Natalie Beck has sinced written about articles on various topics from Dancing, Parenting and Dancing. Learning to dance is the same as learning any new skill. It takes patience and practice. Unlike other skills though, dancing is fun at every stage. Beginners in my lessons start having fun right away.. Natalie Beck's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Natalie Beck to your Favourites.
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