When adding your babies hand or footprint to your scrapbook page it is important to use an acid free ink and make sure the baby safe ink pad is smudge free to avoid ruining your scrapbook pages.
Unlike most craft ink pads a baby safe ink pad will not usually be found in craft stores in a huge variety of colors. Generally you will be limited to basic black and the traditional colours associated with a girl and a boy which are pink and blue
A baby safe ink pad will be 100% non toxic and acid free so it is perfect to use with your scrapbook ideas. It can also be easily removed from your childs hands and feet with just a baby wipe.
When creating scrapbook page layouts of children there is nothing more captivating than a photo of a child decorated by lots of embellishments, especially if the embellishments are created by the child in question. A baby safe ink pad will last a long time so there is no reason why you can not add more and more footprints in your scrapbook ideas as your child grows.
When creating a scrapbook page layout it is important not to overload the page with pictures. It is recommended you only use one or two pictures and accessories the page to suit the theme taking care not to over embellish so the picture becomes lost.
When adding your childs stamped images make sure the ink from the baby safe ink pad is totally dry. The last thing you want is a smudged image and having to re do the whole thing again.
Because a baby safe ink pad is suitable for children it is a great addition to a childs craft box because you will be know that even older children can use the ink safely and most importantly it can easily be removed from your childs skin.
Using the hands and footprints of your child will undoubtedly give your scrapbook pages a real personal touch over and above the normal decorations as quite simply your are adding a record of your child and a reminder of them for years to come.
Making sure you use safe products to avoid skin complaints when using this type of technique is obviously a must and a baby safe ink pad is an essential part of your scrapbook supplies.
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