Everybody has to start somewhere, and starting somewhere, is better than nowhere. So it is time that we make a deal with ourselves and realize that there is no better time than now, to make the right choices. It is time to change our lifestyles and to adapt to feeling good about our live and our beautiful bodies.
Here are 13 steps to help you feel alive and feel great!
1) Feel great now! If you are going to go your whole life feeling bad about yourself, you just fall to a deeper level of pain. Be happy for what you have right now. Concentrate on what you like about yourself.
2) Make a plan! Have a goal set in your head for what you want to look like and be like.
3) Treat yourself, when you make an achievement. Say, you want to lose 20lbs, when you lose 5lbs, treat yourself. Just remember I said treat, not food, but something you love.
4) Stay motivated! Think about how great you will feel when you reach your goal. Think of all the times you struggled before and know that you are going to pull through because you have to change. There is just no other possible way.
5) Junk food is not a main priority! It is your resolution for food to not be the center of your world. Many people believe that food makes them happy. Well I bet it is satisfying. Once the food is gone though the guilt sets in. Think about it would you rather be happy for 10 minutes or for the rest of your life?
6) Fight cravings! Every time a thought creeps in about food, block it with an image of your ideal self. Hold that in your head for at least 2-3 minutes. Now ask yourself ?would I rather be my ideal weight today or would I rather snack and feel bad afterwards??
7) Boost your confidence! Do something that you would never do. Do something totally outrageous. By doing something out of the ordinary, it will rejuvenate you. You will feel like a brand new you. You will feel amazing.
8) Bring a friend! It is easier to stick to a routine if you have someone for support. You and your friend could even have a friendly competition. Are you going to be the one to win?
9) Exercise! It is essential that you try to walk, run or play a sport for 30 minutes, 3-5 days per week. Personally I like to march while watching television. It makes the time fly by.
10) Weights! To be healthy, it is better to have more muscle than fat obviously. You should work with weights 30 minutes, 3-4 days per week. The weights should be heavy enough that it is an effort during the last set, but not so heavy that your straining yourself.
11) Eat rationally! Do not starve yourself. You want to feel beautiful from the inside and outside. Starving yourself will make you feel unhappy, as well as overeating.
12) Smile! Smile! Smile! When you are happy, share it with your friends and family. Happiness is contagious. Plus when you are happy, you feel and look the best. You shine.
13) Be proud! Your life will begin to transform and good things will come to you. You will feel energized and full of life. There is no time to be depressed anymore.
So are you ready for the beautiful you? Effort and dedication, that's all there is to it. Believe in yourself!
13 Steps To Mentalism
You need a special sales page that has a "slippery slope" sales letter.
Remember that game Chutes & Ladders? If you landed on a space that had a chute on it, you just went down, Baby. No turning back. That's how your sales letter should be - a "slippery slope" that pulls in the reader because it's so compelling and interesting.
Here's a basic outline of the 13 elements you want to include. To see an example of them all in action, visit MY own sales page at www.BoostBizEzine.com.
1. Limit your navigation.
The visitor should not be distracted by links that take her to your bio, other products, etc. The idea is to keep her on this page, reading your copy and leading her to order. So on this page, only have navigation that relates to the product (e.g. FAQs, Order now).
2. Give a powerful headline.
Your headline can make or break your sales. If it's not compelling, your visitor will click away. Here's an easy headline formula: "How to _________ So You Can ____________." Make sure the 2nd part gives a big benefit, for example, "double your business" or "gain peace of mind."
3. Discuss the problem the prospect has, or incorporate your own story.
Marketers call this "pushing the 'ouch' button." First discuss the problem or pain that the reader has, and then lead in to how your product will solve it. Or share your own failure-to-success story that the reader can empathize with.
4. Tell us who you are.
If I'm going to buy your stuff, I'd like to know why you're qualified to write about this topic. Give me the feeling that you've learned a lot about this topic and want to share it with me.
Even add a picture of yourself and an audio greeting, like I did. These help the reader instantly feel like she knows you better, increasing the "trust factor." And people buy from those they feel they know, like, and trust!
5. Use bullets like mini headlines.
Lay out everything I'll get from your product. Don't just list your table of contents verbatim! Turn each point into an exciting secret. For example, suppose your e-book features 5 tips on how to save money on groceries. That bullet could read, "Revealed: 5 ways you can save hundreds of dollars on your monthly grocery bill."
6. List plenty of testimonials.
Show your prospects they won't be the first to buy. It's more effective to weave-in testimonials throughout your sales letter than to have a separate section for them. Give each person's full name and Web address, and for extra power, post their photo and an audio testimonial as well.
7. Tell us why your product is such a great value.
How does the price of your product compare if I hired you one-on-one? For example, your manual is a great value at $49 if an hour consultation with you would run me $250.
8. Throw in a few great bonuses.
Offer special bonuses (preferably created by you) that are so good you could sell them alone if you wanted to. It could be a list of resources, a collection of articles, extra tips on a certain subject, or a free consu1tation.
9. Give an unconditional guarantee.
This puts your prospect at ease, giving her no reason to NOT buy. A few turkeys will take advantage of your generosity, but the amount of sales you GAIN from this strategy dramatically outweighs the risk.
10. Request immediate action by having a limited time offer just click online newsletter service.
Some sales pages use trick scripts to make it seem like the offer always ends on that day at midnight, but I find these insulting. If you really will be raising your price soon (and you always should be), list the exact date and stick to it. Otherwise just say it's an introductory, limited-time offer.
11. Make it ABSURDLY CLEAR what to do next.
Nothing bothers me more than when I'm at a Web site, I have my credit card ready, and I can't find the $%#@& order link! Make your order process idiot-proof. Example: "Cl1ck below to 0rder n0w on our secure server." Also sprinkle in order links throughout your page -- some people will be ready to buy before they get to the bottom.
12. Make one last plea.
In your P.S., right after your signature, emphasize that I should act now. For example, "Don't miss out on this great 0pportunity. Remember, you can buy n0w and change your mind at anytime."
13. Don't forget your contact information!
Readers WILL have questions, so provide an e-mail address on your site that you or someone else will check at least daily. Also, don't you feel better buying from a Web site that lists a real address and phone number?
Want More Detailed Step-by-Step Help, With Examples You Can Model?
See my quick-start audio program, "The Secret, Simple Formula to Writing Web Copy That SELLS".
Both Ashley White & Alexandria Brown are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Alexandria Brown has sinced written about articles on various topics from . Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," publishes the award-winning 'Straight Shooter Marketing' weekly ezine with 20,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small bus. Alexandria Brown's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Alexandria Brown to your Favourites.
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